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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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All I hear about the new design is how buggy it is. Nothings been improved. Personally, I don't really care, as I exclusively only use the old links. Every time I land on the new design by accident...I just cringe. So I'm ok with the new design as long as it doesn't slow down performance on the old site links.


I do hope there isn't a plan to eventually get rid of the old site links. I will have nothing to do with the nexus if I am forced to use the new design. Oh, you can also get rid of the annoying bar at the top trying to get me to use the new layout. It's just in my way, and being ignored.

Edited by Ruhadre
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Just throwing my dislike of the new layout into the thread.


From a usability standpoint the site hasn't changed that much, it just feels too busy. I think that is because the site is now spread out on the screen to a greater degree rather than keeping the content more in the centre, which is where after all people tend to put the majority of their focus when looking at things. It's kind of a shame that the old layout can't be kept around for those who prefer it but I can understand why it is going to go away, maintaining what would essentially be two sites with the same content would just be redundant work.


In the end though we have little choice but to accept how the site is going to look. Unless you're into adult mods there really is no alternative to NexusMods and the wealth of content that it offers.

This is true. But Dark0ne does listen to us (even if some of those changes do take time...like the amount of time it takes glaciers to form lol) so we can be encouraging to the admins so it's not such a soul-sucking experience to pore over these threads while looking for new bugs/issues that people want addressed and they feel more inclined to be "nice" to us and maybe get some of the changes done a little faster. Either way, right now, it's the holiday season so that adds a bit of lag.


SirSalami, maybe you should just sticky your previous post about the why so that it's at the top of every page on this thread? Then people will be able to see the facts that are unlikely to change and be able to post more intelligently?

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http://img297.imagevenue.com/loc170/th_346949345_capture_20171215_151030_122_170lo.jpg http://img134.imagevenue.com/loc112/th_346933439_capture_20171215_150547_122_112lo.jpg


For what? I'm no child who needs big poppy pics to understand. But I guess keepin' people busy with scrollin' up to down, left to right and all the way back seems also a way to make their day more exciting. But that's just my two cts. ;)


What really freaks me out are the results of the search function. Dunno if you changed something or something went missing through the transformation process. This is only one example (remarking my only blocked content are Saved Games and this whole Anime s... stuff). I had to click the turkish translation to get pointed to the original.


http://img283.imagevenue.com/loc108/th_343616479_capture_20171215_134345_122_108lo.jpg http://img261.imagevenue.com/loc225/th_343628539_capture_20171215_135830_122_225lo.jpg


Aah, there is this function of "Most Endorsed". Tryin' to find it there. But, dear team, you know what? I haven't got all day. This surely is everything but not a "list". Perhaps in the future I should view Nexus on my tablet. ;D




Not everything is worse than before but all in all the site became less PC user-friendly.


Edited by EMS60
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In response to post #55996416. #56001046 is also a reply to the same post.

CrossShot4 wrote: Why not have both? Just give the option under "Preferences"
sopmac45 wrote: This has been addressed by Dark0ne already and backed up by several members in this thread. Read and find out. To make it short for you :

- We are not going back to the old site. Period.
- We will not have the option to have two sites. Period.

Why do you continue asking something that has been already addressed and it is a done deal ? Because you have the right to ask ? Yes, you do ... but asking again for something that cannot be done is a waste of time on your end.

I mean, it's Dark0ne's site, and if he wants to shoot his own site in the foot, then that's his business. Been using this site without complaint for years until this entire "new design" came up. I'm doing my best to be polite by even referring to it as a "new design". It's completely unusable by most.

I agree with CrossShot4. Have both, or else you'll alienate a lot of users and modders. Being rude and pushy to people isn't helping your cause either. Don't act like Comcast when you hardly have a monopoly ;P

The site is ALREADY set up for both currently. It's fine the way it is now! Leaving you all free to do whatever you want with the new version side, while people can continue to enjoy the nexus experience they've enjoyed for years. Clearly, your intentions aren't geared toward the community, but more toward some weird form of pride in this new layout.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Nexus. I go out of my way to make mods to help others, and I do my best to help others with problems, and I never asked once for a donation from others. But to force me to use a layout I hate, when they could give me the option to keep using the old site is just a slap in the face. Why should I go out of my way to make mods to make others happy when I'm just going to host them on a website that no longer shares my same interest in the community? Defeats the purpose. Also, I didn't see Dark0ne say anything specific in the original post about the destruction of the old site. He is allowed to change his mind. So I guess I should ask, are you speaking for him? Edited by Ruhadre
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In response to post #55996416. #56001046, #56004111 are all replies on the same post.

CrossShot4 wrote: Why not have both? Just give the option under "Preferences"
sopmac45 wrote: This has been addressed by Dark0ne already and backed up by several members in this thread. Read and find out. To make it short for you :

- We are not going back to the old site. Period.
- We will not have the option to have two sites. Period.

Why do you continue asking something that has been already addressed and it is a done deal ? Because you have the right to ask ? Yes, you do ... but asking again for something that cannot be done is a waste of time on your end.
Ruhadre wrote: I mean, it's Dark0ne's site, and if he wants to shoot his own site in the foot, then that's his business. Been using this site without complaint for years until this entire "new design" came up. I'm doing my best to be polite by even referring to it as a "new design". It's completely unusable by most.

I agree with CrossShot4. Have both, or else you'll alienate a lot of users and modders. Being rude and pushy to people isn't helping your cause either. Don't act like Comcast when you hardly have a monopoly ;P

The site is ALREADY set up for both currently. It's fine the way it is now! Leaving you all free to do whatever you want with the new version side, while people can continue to enjoy the nexus experience they've enjoyed for years. Clearly, your intentions aren't geared toward the community, but more toward some weird form of pride in this new layout.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Nexus. I go out of my way to make mods to help others, and I do my best to help others with problems, and I never asked once for a donation from others. But to force me to use a layout I hate, when they could give me the option to keep using the old site is just a slap in the face. Why should I go out of my way to make mods to make others happy when I'm just going to host them on a website that no longer shares my same interest in the community? Defeats the purpose. Also, I didn't see Dark0ne say anything specific in the original post about the destruction of the old site. He is allowed to change his mind. So I guess I should ask, are you speaking for him?

@Ruhadre, you are not alone.
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Just throwing my dislike of the new layout into the thread.


From a usability standpoint the site hasn't changed that much, it just feels too busy. I think that is because the site is now spread out on the screen to a greater degree rather than keeping the content more in the centre, which is where after all people tend to put the majority of their focus when looking at things. It's kind of a shame that the old layout can't be kept around for those who prefer it but I can understand why it is going to go away, maintaining what would essentially be two sites with the same content would just be redundant work.


In the end though we have little choice but to accept how the site is going to look. Unless you're into adult mods there really is no alternative to NexusMods and the wealth of content that it offers.

This is true. But Dark0ne does listen to us (even if some of those changes do take time...like the amount of time it takes glaciers to form lol) so we can be encouraging to the admins so it's not such a soul-sucking experience to pore over these threads while looking for new bugs/issues that people want addressed and they feel more inclined to be "nice" to us and maybe get some of the changes done a little faster. Either way, right now, it's the holiday season so that adds a bit of lag.


SirSalami, maybe you should just sticky your previous post about the why so that it's at the top of every page on this thread? Then people will be able to see the facts that are unlikely to change and be able to post more intelligently?



Yet in the end as I said, we have no choice but to put up with the new site design. The people in charge don't have to listen to a thing we say because nexusmods pretty much has a monopoly on non adult content.It's hard to be encouraging when you see the direction they are heading is is something you don't agree with.


It's also hard to see that the people in charge are listening when the overwhelming opinion on the new design is that it is worse than the old, yet they continue with its implementation because to them they've gone too far with it to turn back and to do so would be an admission that they made a mistake.

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In response to post #56006891.

danielmueller wrote: How do I go to the categories menu? I can't find categories and everything is weird. This design is giving me a headache. What was wrong with the old design? This is a mess!!

Select your game, move your mouse to the "Mods" tab at the top of the screen, and select "Mod Categories" from the displayed list. This is really no different from the old site except for the fact that the new site has "Mods" and the old site has "Files."
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In response to post #55978456. #55978716 is also a reply to the same post.




chickenjoe208 wrote: I really like the redesign.

The shitstorm below is just hilarious. Honestly, some people need to seriously calm down a bit.


In my opinion, they did a great job with the new layout and I am SO glad they finally made the site responsive, so even if you have an older and tiny smartphone (like I have) the page looks good.

So thank you for that! :smile:

sopmac45 wrote: I do like it also. It does look awesome in my two computers ( apple and windows ) and my phone. I can see now that it is faster than before, much faster and I agree, they did a great job.


And some will continue expressing their disagreement in different ways. C'mon, we are 7 thousand million people on the planet and every single one of us is a different world. We should not expect that everyone accept and love the new site and that is fine and completely understandable.


The thing is that it is what it is and we are not going back, so we have a lot of people happy with it ( and I represent myself ) and some that will continue very unhappy. Perhaps 6 months from now, they will turn to accept it and finally love it.

It's perfectly fine to dislike the new look, and to express it. But when you express your dislike bring in some ideas too, otherwise it's just useless noise.



That's a very fine point, but there are some things that has been proposed along with both constructive critique and "useless noise" while no feedback on changes regarding some of these things are returned. I understand they are busy. But of what I've seen the most critique on, there is no solution except to just do it. That is Scaling. Why? Because the overall size is stressful to some, and I'm willing to bet that it is for a lot of people who just don't want to add feedback. The utterly absurd idea of page zooming or global settings IS NOT an alternative, because it changes the text too. That will never be propitious nor favorable for those who have poor eyesight.

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In response to post #55996416. #56001046 is also a reply to the same post.




CrossShot4 wrote: Why not have both? Just give the option under "Preferences"
sopmac45 wrote: This has been addressed by Dark0ne already and backed up by several members in this thread. Read and find out. To make it short for you :


- We are not going back to the old site. Period.

- We will not have the option to have two sites. Period.


Why do you continue asking something that has been already addressed and it is a done deal ? Because you have the right to ask ? Yes, you do ... but asking again for something that cannot be done is a waste of time on your end.

I mean, it's Dark0ne's site, and if he wants to shoot his own site in the foot, then that's his business. Been using this site without complaint for years until this entire "new design" came up. I'm doing my best to be polite by even referring to it as a "new design". It's completely unusable by most.


I agree with CrossShot4. Have both, or else you'll alienate a lot of users and modders. Being rude and pushy to people isn't helping your cause either. Don't act like Comcast when you hardly have a monopoly ;P


The site is ALREADY set up for both currently. It's fine the way it is now! Leaving you all free to do whatever you want with the new version side, while people can continue to enjoy the nexus experience they've enjoyed for years. Clearly, your intentions aren't geared toward the community, but more toward some weird form of pride in this new layout.


Don't get me wrong, I love the Nexus. I go out of my way to make mods to help others, and I do my best to help others with problems, and I never asked once for a donation from others. But to force me to use a layout I hate, when they could give me the option to keep using the old site is just a slap in the face. Why should I go out of my way to make mods to make others happy when I'm just going to host them on a website that no longer shares my same interest in the community? Defeats the purpose. Also, I didn't see Dark0ne say anything specific in the original post about the destruction of the old site. He is allowed to change his mind. So I guess I should ask, are you speaking for him?


Dark0ne has already said, in this thread, that to maintain two distinct websites would cost twice as much, cause the mod authors to have to do twice the work in setting up their mod pages (because each site is different in terms of functionality, I imagine, much the same way it is between Fallout 4 and Skyrim), and would take twice as long. Therefore, it ain't gonna happen.


I don't have to speak for Dark0ne. He is more than capable of speaking for himself. In fact, here he is now! From about 40 or so pages back!



In response to post #55588629.




yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote:

I did mention in the private section that there is a way of having a site work on mobile phones without it looking like it was made specifically for mobile phones, which was my only issue. It still looks like it was made specifically for mobile phones and I haven't received a reply from you or any of your team in that regard. I can't assume that that you will act on my recommendation without any information replying to what I and a number of other mod authors posted. To clarify. I'm not opposed to change, but as a person who doesn't use cell phones and that avoids sites that are made primarily for cell phone users, knowing there is an effort to make it less obvious that it is cell phone centric would do a great deal to raise the moral and perhaps keep some of the modders who are leaving. I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service. Internet website rating services are great I'm sure, but I would think that the opinion of the people that made your site a success would have more weight. I'm not suggesting that you and your people didn't go through a great deal of time and effort, but I am not interested in using a cell phone mod site for PC games. A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply? I have a premium account, it would be pretty nice if I was permitted to keep the site I offered $50.00 for. Why not allow supporters to keep the legacy version if they want, they have supported you and your site for years.

They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

Sigh, how shameful, that's a straight up lie. We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback.



And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?


Just food for thought. :smile:

They're the same. I get both and other variants and I don't place value one over the other. One person who went out of their way to try to hurt my feelings made a 20 minute video attacking my mod. I used that as a tool to make my mod better. There have also been some super nice mod authors like Tamira who was very kind and helpful to me. I appreciate both perspectives. When the person tried to profit off of making fun of my mod I put an end to it though. It's one thing to have strong opinions and another to try and profit from being butthurt.

I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service.

I think you're getting confused. The reference to an external rating was for the font readability. Nothing more.


The site is made with desktop and mobile in mind, not one or the other. That's the responsive nature of the site, where when you reduce the browser width it changes accordingly. When viewing at a width of 1200px or more, it's made for desktop and only desktop. When viewing below 1200px it's made to work better for tablets and mobile. That's modern web dev, and it's the cheapest and most efficient method moving forward for small development teams to be able to accommodate as many users on their various mediums and browsers as possible.


We'll certainly be reviewing how the site looks and functions based on the constructive feedback provided over the coming weeks and months, which is what we've been saying we'll do through this entire process. Frankly, the people saying we aren't listening or won't listen to feedback, and won't make changes where valid concerns are raised can really bite me. Some of the responses here and in other threads have been truly pathetic and I won't pander to the silliness being shown. If that makes it look like I'm "not listening" then I'll get over it and let the actions we take over the next few months do the speaking. Why waste my time?


A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply?

This was already answered in one of the news posts, so once again, this isn't a "they're not listening/they're ignoring us" issue. That's actually a "people aren't reading the news posts" issue!


It's not possible for two reasons. One, it would require double development time on our end when we change any functionality or add new functionality in the future, which just isn't feasible to do. And two, it would require mod authors to maintain two separate versions of their mod pages that work for the different site designs. Obviously that's not feasible either.


[emphasis added]


Sounds pretty clear and concise to me.


And here's the Robin to Dark0ne's Batman:


SirSalami, on 13 Dec 2017 - 12:43 PM, said:snapback.png

We appreciate the strong feelings that many seem to be have here, but please try to refrain from argument. Apologies if we don't answer each post but I assure you the team is reading through these comments and taking note of what can be done. All of us are aware of the implications that come along with a website redesign, so you're not hurting our feelings by expressing your opinions about the new sites aesthetics, but we also do not need to be defended to the point of anger or misunderstanding. Please keep your posts civil, and most importantly, constructive.


Our intention for this redesign is certainly (and I think obviously), not to intentionally drive anyone away. While we felt that the site was long overdue for a visual overhaul, the most important work that's happened during this effort has been to ensure that our infrastructure can scale and provide consistent service now and in the future. That sort of restructuring would require significant effort to either recreate the old design to coincide with these new systems, or that same effort could be spent creating a new design, which we felt was more prudent.


Yes there have been many bumps in the road so-far. What's important to us now is ensuring that all site functionality that existed on the old site, works as intended on the new. Please continue to report bugs using the tab found at the bottom right of the site and the team will continue to fix them. Hundreds have been addressed already, so thank you to those that have submitted! After we feel confident that the new infrastructure is solid, we will revisit all that we can regarding user-experience, to hopefully address many of the concerns that are being raised in this thread.


I hope this alleviates at least some concern and allows you all to continue to give us your opinions in a reasonable fashion. Thank you for your support!

Edited by twowolves80
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