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DONT DELETE THIS THREAD mods fail after nexus update


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It's not just me, it's not just Fallout 4. Speaking with friends and people I work with, mods for 7 out of 10 people seem to have stopped working. Nearly all mods. Simple mods even like Sim Settlements ( which I was a mod for until recently so no, this is not an idiot user problem ). I've posted this thread before and it was taken down so hopefully this time it stays in one place and an answer can be given to me. I've downloaded some of the FAILED nexus versions from Bethnet and surprise, they work just fine. None of these issues were happening until the Nexus switched to the new version we see now, so I doubt it's a coincidence. I dont know the software behind what could be causing the issues, Im using the most recent version of Fallout 4 with all DLC's. Ive uninstalled the game twice, Ive uninstalled NMM and reinstalled it. Ive uninstalled all mods from Beth.net Some mods do work, dont get me wrong. Like scrap everything from the Nexus site works, as do a few other weapon mods but the massive majority do not. It's not a load order issue, it's not a texture issue. THEY JUST DO NOT FUNCTION. Anyone else have a similar story or a potential answer?

Edited by RhinoL3
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I don't think Ethreon was trying to be insulting; it's just that what you request in your topic is expressed in a way that's unappropriated for a forum, since it gives the impression of a total chaos in the mod functionality, when is not, misleading everyone. Maybe you should consider editing it and changing it so it's more realistic and clear; that way it would be easier to help you. I insist, no one's trying to be mean.


With that said, I'm very sorry but I never experienced this issue and don't know of anybody who has. However, I navigate often in modding-threads of every kind, so I'll be aware; if I know anything, I'll make sure I let you know.


Good luck.

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If this was an actual Nexus issue related to the redesign, we'd be seeing widespread forum posts complaining about it, but that hasn't happened.

No issues myself, and have only heard the usual 'Bethesda broke F4SE, why Why WHY????' stuff that some users seem to get really vexed about whenever there's an update for the game... like recently*

The problem with your post is that you've omitted important information that might help to identify exactly what is causing the problem. Were mods working for you fine beforehand? What version of NMM were/are you using? Did you recently update NMM? Did they stop working after you installed a particular mod? Are you under the load order limit etc? Did you allow Fallout to update to the latest version? Have you checked your .ini settings etc?

You get the idea...

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There is some kind of issue with the CDN (Content delivery network) nexus uses. I dont know its the CDN or nexus that screws the things up. But sometimes the unique IDs are messed up. For example Sim Settlements wont be flagged as patchable, because it gets a new ID every time. But if you download the new one, the old one suddenly "remembers" that there was something, and tadaaaaa its flagged as patchable... (all in Nexus Mod Manager)


2 weeks ago, the CDN delivered some mods as wrong files (downloading 2 mods, getting 2x the exact file...) or downloads are corrupt.


But thats going on for some weeks now. Yes, maybe the release of the new Design made some things worse, but this is not the primal cause.


The most likely cause would be, the CDN has some file-distribution error. Someone is uploading a file, and in the process of spreading that file to other servers all over the world, something messes up.

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