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yea the witcher 3 will make this mod pointless even if you can finish it . if you cant finish a mod in a year just give up . odds are this is just a troll thread showing some guys work in maya and its not even nifs



If I were you I would immediately stop writing here...forever.


People don't make mods to satisfy your every whim. just because a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT third person game that also happens to be an open world rpg is coming out doesn't mean people will stop playing skyrim by any stretch of the imagination.. thousands of people still play morrowind for example.. your comment is extremely narrow minded and if you think people who make FREE mods should have a release scheduled that suits your needs then you need to stop using mods completely.


People make FREE mods to practice game development and to show off their work to the community, they aren't game publishing companies. The audacity of your comment amazes me even on the internet where I have read such terrible things. honestly just forget about this mod if that's your attitude.. clearly you have no regard for the creativity or hard work of mod developers so you wouldn't likely appreciate the mod anyway. You can't put a time constraint on the creation of any medium, be it story, painting, music or game among others. Doing so only cheapens the experience and forces the creator to limit what they can do.


Skyrim took 5 years to develop with a team of hundreds, if a small team had tried to make it within a year time constraint it would be just Riverwood and two quests THAT'S IT. It takes time, passion and drive to make a mod of this caliber. From your comment one could discern that honestly it seems like you lack any sense of what a creative endeavor involves.


Gamers who blasts through every game as fast as possible so they can brag to a friend that they beat it first shouldn't play Skyrim.. They refuse to take any time to step back and appreciate ANY of the craftsmanship of the game, never mind getting immersed in it. People with that mindset should put games like Skyrim and The Witcher aside and just stick to annual frag fests like call of duty. Those developers are perfect for these gamers because they lack creativity and passion from the get go. They make a game based on what will sell and put hardly any creativity into the project. Games like Skyrim or The Witcher are best left to those who are willing to put 1000+ hours into them without even reaching the end, or play them for years to come because they revel in the creators hard work. They take their time and don't just sprint from city to city skipping all the side quests so they can beat it and pop in the next game.


If you truly like games like Skyrim or The Witcher than maybe you could try playing them the way they are meant to be experienced, not every game has to be a race to the finish and in fact those that are tend to be mediocre at best. I still play Morrowind and the mod Tamriel Rebuilt has been in development for it, releasing parts slowly for almost 12 years. THOUSANDS OF GAMERS still play morrowind and support Tamriel rebuilt. ISSGARD taking a few years is a pittance of time in comparison. Have some PATIENCE! Hard work takes time and that fact will NEVER change.

Edited by Dameon2
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  • 3 weeks later...


Well it seems that Imageshack has frigged up my images :sad: ...



totally agree with zuppon but I guess a trollface on palpatine's head with an imageshack sign wich is marked with an arrow to said troll face would fit much better :tongue:

Edited by Witcher5688
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