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oblivion over skyrim


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The TES games have been going down hill since Morrowind. Fewer skills in each game, and now, attributes are gone...... And Skyrim is supposed to be an RPG? Really? Each game in the series has become more and more simplistic, features have been removed, but, nothing really new has been added. Minigames? Oh please...... Player skill has supplanted character skill, in the interests of..... something. Not sure exactly what.


Morrowind was an RPG. Oblivion was an adventure game with a heavy RPG influence. Skyrim is an adventure game with some RPG elements. If this trend continues, TESVI will have no attributes, and two skills. Combat, and Magic........


I don't particularly care for skyrim. Sure, it's a fun game, for awhile....... maybe once the mod scene has matured some, I will get back into it..... Oblivion started out the same way for me though... I played vanilla for about 45 minutes, and the level-scaling just killed it for me. I stopped playing for a couple years. I got back into it when the major overhauls were becoming more popular, and FCOM saved the game for me. I am far more likely to be playing oblivion, or FO:NV than I am skyrim.


Skyrim has some features that I like.... Dual wielding, crafting... but, the removal of spellmaking, and the oversimplification of enchanting really turned me off.

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The richness of TES lore and roleplaying really peaked at Morrowind for me as well.

Oblivion spoiled the gamers and devs silly with mods.

Spoiled devs now spit out a consolitis infected game named Skyrim banking on the modding scene to finish and polish it. Consoles are where the money's at after all.


Pardon my french. I can't really appreciate Skyrim just yet.


On lore, imagination, role-playing & gameplay

Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim


On animation & graphics

Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind


I like the music of all three games though.

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Previous posts clearly stated everything about what's wrong, or what's better in Skyrim, no need further details on which game is better technically.


But which game is enjoyable?


First of all, I need to say Beth did a fatal mistake when chosen Skyrim for TES5. A simple thing, why Oblivion is more enjoyable than its successor : Cyrodiil is a beautiful world, even in its vanilla state, even with its simpler graphics (I speak about vanilla game). Skyrim will never give back those beautiful unforgettable places and scenery like the greeny Niben Bay, Colovia's golden fields, or warm forests of Blackwood etc. Skyrim just a dull, cold, grayish wasteland with disgusting cities (except Solitude, which is a nice city), ruined forts, everywhere...it has a so depressive feeling like Fallout or Stalker for example.

As I said before, Skyrim was a wrong place for TES5. I now imagined a game like TES5: Summerset Isles, or Oblivion, whatever... Well, TES5 would be the most beautiful game in the ES series.

At least in my opinion.

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First of all, I need to say Beth did a fatal mistake when chosen Skyrim for TES5...As I said before, Skyrim was a wrong place for TES5. I now imagined a game like TES5


I had said something just like this in the Skyrim forum earlier. I completely agree. Skyrim was not the best choice of locales for a TES game. Not only is it a bit bland and pretty much all snow and mountains, but we already had Solstheim in Morrowind, and Skyrim to me just feels like a bigger version of that. Before Beth announced that Skyrim was the locale for the newest game, I had hoped they'd make the location one which we'd not seen before, such as Summerset or Akavir. I already feel like I've seen Skyrim, just on a smaller scale in TES3, and how much snow and mountains do you really need to see before it's no longer interesting?

Edited by Karasuman
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Noticing a common theme here, i was also incredibly hooked on Skyrim at first. Made it to level 52 and just kinda drifted away...


Oblivion was the opposite for me though, at first i wasn't sure i liked it. I played it vanilla for a few weeks, then slowly started adding mods to address my specific dislikes. I think the very first one was Persuasion Overhaul. Pretty quickly i was playing a game i could really get into, and i still love it.


The only things Skyrim does better graphically are actors and post-processing. Don't believe me? Make an interior in the CK with the same uniform grey background lighting that OB used, and no shadow-casting lights. The two games look almost exactly the same (vanilla vs. vanilla), except that OB generally has more detail. If it had the same real-time shadow processing as Skyrim, it would absolutely destroy the newer game graphically (and probably also my graphics card).


I'm a bit torn on the subject of landscapes. While Skyrim is rather bleak and depressing, it's also incredibly dramatic. Cyrodiil was supposed to be a rainforest-like paradise but didn't feel like it... until i came back after a few months in Skyrim. Everything just seems so alive now. But without the Unique Landscapes mods the terrain gets boring.


I strongly dislike Skyrim's levelling system. Not being able to increase attributes like speed and strength is so very un-Elder Scrolls.


And Skyrim's rigid trees... They move in the CK, why not in-game?


As most posters have already said, the actual gameplay of OB was so much better than Skyrim. But both fall far short of Morrowind in this respect. I played MW more than any game before or since, at least 6 characters past level 60, thousands of hours, and all on an xbox. Never even knew that mods existed. If you never played it on xbox, let me tell you this, it froze constantly forcing a reload (hope you saved recently), and took a full 5 minutes to load up again. But i dealt with it because it was such an amazing game. For me, the biggest thing that kept me coming back were the mutually exclusive factions. I wanted to play thru every storyline in the game. I think the only ones i never got to were the vampire quests.


One other pet-peeve of mine with Skyrim is the lack of functionality in the ini. You could squeeze a lot of performance out of OB with ini tweaks, not so with Skyrim.


I could keep on with this for a while, but i'm suddenly feeling a urge to dust off my old xbox and take a stroll thru Balmora.

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I will not live down how they removed spellmaking. Bad move, Bethesda! >:(


If I'm going to play a fantasy-themed fashion simulator, I'd at least like the option to make my own spells.


There was also no reason to trim down skill again. We gamers are not stupid. We can learn more complex skill sets if they'd let us. Stop holding our hands and give us back the skills we had in Morrowind!

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