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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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In the great complexes, of complexes, below newly renamed DarkWolftown, Orderhood, DCBoS and other people carefully explored and analysed more of what was going on.


Hardwall, demigod and LawRegulator, frowned hard as he overlooked a vast metal chamber from an enclosed balcony high on one wall. A door, at its back, led into an armoured airlock chamber. The whole great chamber was heavily quarantined off but for good reasons. Thousands of great big semienclosed vats, of strange liquid, were filled with passive doppelgangers or, in far fewer cases, superdoppelgangers.


He spoke. "We will not just murder them all but only do so if given no other choice. As it is my attempts to reprogram them appear to be getting more successful. There are hopeful signs that we can turn them into hunter-finders of unchanged doppelgangers and superdoppelgangers. These are clones but are not cloned from clones so there are original doppelgangers and, perhaps, superdoppelgangers, hidden somewhere in this CloneVaultDC (as it is now called). There is also a hidden chamber of cable teleport booths and bigger chambers but only a small minority are even active let alone semiactive."


Gaialord Yelaine sighed softly. "I know and one active teleport booth is linked to the Museum of Technology. Why do you speak of this?"


He shook his head. "I am not sure; it just seemed to jump into my head! Its the sort of thing that can happen to a demigod whether serving the Celestial Court of Adjudication Enforcement or not."




Yelaine took out a small glittering sphere.


Hardwall stared at in puzzlement. "What is that?"


Yelaine smiled just a little. "A device used by demigod agents serving the CCCAE. You are not such a demigod or you would recognise this for what it is. What are you really? A very exotic clone of a kind new to the Gaialords but not to the agents serving the CCCAE as you are not but I am. Why did you really focus suddenly on the cable teleport booths and chambers? Why were you trying to wake up the doppelgangers, and superdoppelgangers, so as to unleash them upon the Wastelands?"


Hardwall shook his head. "What stupidity is this?" Then he made a grab for his large, holstered, handgun. With superhuman speed he drew it out and fired it at the sphere. No bullet shot out of the barrel but instead a pulsating beam of intense energies. It struck the sphere and, apart from glowing softly, the sphere only glowed softly for a moment.


The Gaialord-demigod shook her head. "You are a victim, a puppet of the Great Enemy, but most likely AlphaOmega has forgotten you for the moment or even forever as It know longer recognises you as important enough to be aware of. As a purely Chaotic Order entity it has created a vast amount of puppets and then mindlessly discarded them. Why did you shoot the sphere?"


Hardwall stumbled backwards, groaned, shuddered. "I know... nothing of what you speak of. The sphere seemed dangerous so I shot it."


Yelaine frowned. "Hardly a wise action to undertake when you do not know what the sphere truly is. There is no real way to put it into words but this is but one, of over a trillion, tricks that it can carry out."


The glowing bubble sprang out from the sphere, shot outwards, and then the CloneVault had become at least half empty. Hardwall was there but now it was the real Hardwall who had vanished five years before, while on a LawRegulator covert solo mission, only to be replaced by something that was not a doppelganger of any kind.


All of the folks were there, including Yelaine the Gaialord-demigod. She helped the real Hardwall to get to a now active medical bay. There were a great deal of resources still available in the CloneVaultDC including secondary cloning areas for body replacements, the production of clonemeat, and even the cloning of bacteria for medical and research reasons. Everything that had to do with doppelgangers, or superdoppelgangers, was gone.


A complicated-subtle game had been carried out and a major source of dangerous doppelgangers-superdoppelgangers had been removed but to where?

Edited by Maharg67
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The Warden God received all the cloning network-systems, and other resources, from the CloneVaultDC and set it all up in a great subsection, of its vaguely TARDIS like mechanism but in a complex identical to the original CloneVaultDC including perfectly copies of stuff the originals of which has been left with the real complex-complexes.


At almost the same moment the DocTARDIS materialised there but inside a new subsection of what some now called the Celestial TARDIS though this was not an accurate name; it was where DocWho's group were undergoing various processes to prepare them for a dangerous attempt to learn more about AlphaOmega and its plans.


25 days had passed inside the Celestial TARDIS and DocWho was happy to have the DocTARDIS with him again along with those 'inside' it. He showed Suzanne around the subsection including where the Wonder5 where suspended, nakedly, inside semitransparent bubbles filled at times with strange flashes of energy.


"One Wonder5, five Wonder10s and 10 Wonder30s." Suzanne shook her head in wonder. "The Wonder10s, and Wonder30s are inside the Wonder5 being in each one Wonder10 and two Wonder30s. So what are they?"


DocWho shook his head in obvious puzzlement. "They seemed to have been firstly 50 securoglobes and 300 servoglobes almost identical to the ones we use. They were toyed with, adjusted, adapted, in such way that speaks of the way that only one Timelord I know works."


Suzanne smiled. "The TimeTinkerer, one of the three most harmless of the individual rogue Timelords, being a claim we can not make."


DocWho sighed. "That is, unfortunately, true! They are no longer Timeglobes because they were transformed, after the TimeTinkerer had dealt with them, by some alien force akin to the gods."


Warden God: "That is also, unfortunately, true! A very small number of gods, semigods and demigods became fanatical followers of AlphaOmega. In 'gratitude' the Great Enemy enslaved them totally. Most escaped but some vanished while just three remained enslaved. The Great Enemy is intrinsically treacherous or so it seems. The formerly enslaved Artisan God, who did the changes before escaping and taking many with him, including the TimeTinkerer, is the Fifth Golden Artisan God in service to the Goddess of Celestial Shards, Filaments and Secondary Elements. The TimeTinkerer is living inside Gallifrey's second biggest moon. Of course the Timelord High Council, and the Timeguardians, know he is there but have left him alone because the Gods requested that they do so."


DocWho smile-grinned. "The high council would not have appreciated such a 'request' but the Timeguardians would have been fine with it."


Warden God: "Both were 'fine with it' because Gallifrey gained a celestial gift of a fertilisation of over a tenth of the formerly barren lands of Gallifrey left over by the terrible war that saw the overthrow, and vanishing of, Rassilon. That is just over 100,000 square kilometres of land. Just as important, the fertility of the Timefolk has been enriched from about 21% to about 35%. Naturalisation-reservation, and agricultural, programs have already begun. Gallifrey is one of the 300+ worlds orbiting the same star as this world."


DocWho frowned. "That should be impossible!"




Warden God: "We gods, semigods and demigods dwell inside what NewEarthers call the NewSun. While it is true that there are 300+ worlds, thanks to alternates and phase planes, it is more accurate to say that there are 3,000+ worlds. The NewEarth Solar System is over 100 times bigger than the OldEarth Solar System was. Roughly one third of the worlds have exotic natures and a very special purpose of stopping anything from escaping from this solar system and to help create a vast solid illusion."


Suzanne spoke. "Which is what?"


Warden God: "That, apart from a tiny minority, that all supposedly sentient-sapient lifeforms are falsely convinced that this is all really part of a greater natural universe, including the Timelords. The truth is that this pocket existence, of a very exotic solar system, is an existence separate from any others. This is not true of realms such as the NullVoid."


DocWho: "How could that be possible and why?"


Warden God: "To study, to delude, to manipulate, and keep the Great Enemy imprisoned here until it can be better dealt with."


​Understandably the Timelords were bemused by what they had just learned.

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MadMax, as an aspect of the Wander, drove phase fashion from the GrandMall to the very northern edges of DC, doing so in just over one second.


His amazing vehicle, now further upgraded-adapted, housed himself, a rangy cattledog called Ragger, a ghost soldier who had renamed herself MadMaxie, Imperator Furiosa who is rough married to Max, and a claptrap robot named MadMod. He was surprisingly far less annoying than most claptraps are. The MaxPursuer was an autorobotic entity in its own right. There were other MadMax's people but they were far off in NewAustralia.


They were in the same kind of semidarkness as wrapped the whole world.


The vehicle moved quietly through a shattered, mutated plant covered, area with broken clusters of self repairing buildings, great tilted statues, and a fractured long distance freeway on massive columns. Mostly the MaxPursuer drove on its wheels, to save on energy, but at times it went into hover mode or even amphibious mode to cross larger bodies of water.


The signs of battle grew clearer as they moved forward, rockets zipping through the sky, explosions, the sound of both automatic and energy weapons. It was in the distance, growing closer, as laser beams and plasma beams, shot briefly through the air.




Rough handsome MadMax grinned but he was not happy in getting too close to a major battle between the EagleEnclaven and a mysterious enemy. MadMod was running an analysis of data being gathered by MaxPursuer as was the amazing car itself.


MadMod, a most unusual claptrap, spoke. "Superdoppelganger forces are fighting the EagleEnclaven who appear to be all male soldiers in power armour, they often being in warmachines such as hovercraft or mechas or vertibirds or massive hovertracktanks. EagleEnclavers have a lot of very advanced hitech but also lots of more basic stuff much like that which the Brotherhoods of Steel use. That is they use lasers, as the DCBoS does, but also plasma weapons. Something is most odd about those EagleEnclavers as in the way they behave, that they are all male except some captive women."


MadMax scowled. "The EagleEnclave became suddenly silent about 12 years ago except for unsubstantiated reports of a civil war of some kind. When the war ended, about nine years ago, former EagleEnclaven refugees came southward from the EagleEnclave and reported that a strange variation of humans had taken over the EagleEnclave and had become the EagleEnclaven."


MadMod. "The Wanderer suspects that the new EagleEnclavers are phallicari, a male only parasitic human subspecies of which some are still in the NewWashington GrandMall though they are extremely unlikely to have anything to do with the changed EagleEnclaven. The phallicari would not have been successful if the EagleEnclaven had not already been badly damaged thanks to warring with the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel and other powerful forces. There was also, one suspects, treachery amongst the higher ranks of the old type EagleEnclaven. The refugees became the DCEnclaven situated in the DCEnclave a fair distance south of here, now being a defensive aggressive society which adds much to the wealth, security and efficiency of the District of Centralis."


Furiosa frowned. "Sure you can trust any Enclavers? Remember our troubles, back in NewAustralia, with the TransEnclave and the TagerEnclave."


Tagers were big marsupial cats that were like tigers in some ways. They had become tougher, more dangerous, since Doomsday.


MadMax: "I am of the Wander, being one aspect of which there are 13 altogether. One is primary, three are secondaries and nine are foundational. Our real identity is not that of the 'Wanderer' but it would be near impossible to translate the real one into words and also unproductive."


MadMax: "We have 13 enemies that are as exotic as ourselves. They have also begun to emerge on this world and so far arisen here are the Mechanist and the Antagonizer along with the Mutantlord hiding in TechVault087. We fear that one controls the changed EagleEnclaven as the Phalliclord. All of them are in the service of the Great Enemy but whether they are willing followers or enslaved puppets is yet to be established."


They hid, behind a cloaking field, as vertibirds fought each other in the air overhead.

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The false Hardwall was in a healing statuscapsule having learned that it had been created as an expendable puppet by AlphaOmega but not directly so though the Great Enemy had directly influenced it. An unknown male Timelord had done the work. Before going into the capsule, the false Hardwall had been very happy to provide as much information it could on the Great Enemy in any way that it could.


DocWho frowned. "That Timelord was me, a slave of the Great Enemy though an increasingly rebellious one clever enough to rebel in a subtle, careful, manner which generally does not sound like me at all. So it comes to me, now, that I have been an aspect of the Wanderer for a very long time, that is since the Wanderer helped free me from the influence of the Great Enemy. Who, what, are the last two of aspects of the Wanderer?"


Warden God: "The DocTARDIS is one!"


Somehow that did not surprise DocWho at all.


Warden God: "The Wonder5 are the other that are truly but one aspect!"


This time the Timelord was surprised but, after some thought on the matter, accepted the idea. He was linked to other aspects of the Wanderer, had been since he was saved by the Wanderer in that he became one of its aspects in order to survive. As for the DocTARDIS, as an eccentric experimental TARDIS it had almost gone to its destruction on its maiden voyage only to be saved by the Wanderer, in the process becoming a very special aspect of the Wanderer.


Very soon the changed expeditionaries would be going to the Museum of Technology! The Warden God would assist them as far as it could-would do so under Celestial protocols and other limitations. Most of what it did would not even be comprehensible to the expeditionaries let alone discernable by them. Yet it would be truly valuable in weakening the Great Enemy's attempts to destroy them.

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Aspects of the Manipulator (To be edited, expanded, moved)


As the Antagonizer of the DeepNest radants and experimental radants


As the Mechanist of the RoboCoVault cyborgs, robots


As the Mutantlord of the TechVault087 supermutants, metamutants


As the Phalliclord of the EagleEnclave phallicari



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The DocTARDIS (Wanderer) had completed its great transformation while inside the Warden Gods vaguely TARDIS like vessel. QuasiTARDIS #11 became open-active as a homebase for the cyberleks. QuasiTARDIS #10 became open-active to be revealed to be two thirds full of resources being vital, very useful or useful.




The Rainbotaze (Wanderer) slipped, through phaseways, into an outer section of the vast Museum of Technology.




Uncle Leo (Wanderer) continued preparing the Underworld to be a fortress against future troubles along with a fortified sanctuary for those established and for refugees.




DocWho (Wanderer) worked with DocTARDISmind, Suzanne, and others, to carefully materialise the DocTARDIS firstly to drop off the Rainbotaze (Wanderer) and its followers, but then to another chamber so as to distance itself from the first operation.




Jasmine (Wanderer) led a large force seeking more radroach breeders in the official TechVault101 of LifeVault101, ServoVault101 and AuxiVault101. They found four more which became new radroachfarms now in the AuxiVault. There were also cockroach farms that supplied food to the radroaches that were only to happy to consume their smaller cousins that were also cultivated to provide other resources.




Blastmiser (Wanderer) helped her husband, Marshal Krankzsmash, to prepare the defensive, counter offensive, capacities of the Underworld.




JackOman (Wanderer) was seeking out aspects of the Manipulator of which only four of had been clearly identified so far and the locations of all of them were not known. That is he was hunting for the location, at first, for the homebase of the Antagonizer.




MadMax (Wanderer) was busy observing the actions of both the EagleEnclaven, and a great dopplerkind force, as they battled each other in the far north of DC. Already he was convinced that the fight was neither fully real or fully a training exercise but was the latter for sure. Had the fight between the Mechanist and the Antagonizer also been a very brutal training exercise?




Professor Mortum Brown (Wanderer) worked, in his hidden bunker laboratory-workshop in Megaton, on a program-projects of special tech devices to help detect, repulse and otherwise defeat different kinds of dopplerkind. It soon became obvious that standard doppelgangers would be easier to deal with than superdoppelgangers and that other forces would be needed to deal with ultradoppelgangers. Were there other kinds of dopplerkind out there as yet to be discovered?




A changed Sarah Lyons (Wanderer) leads an enlarged, transformed, Lyons Pride into the outer depths of the truly massive GrandMall Museum of Technology. Soon it is clear that official 3Dmaps, of the museum, are not to be relied upon accept as works of reference. At first there is no real threat except for security network-systems that they easily hack into and deactivate.




Stoner (Wanderer) was in the transformed Sleepership #6 as it headed towards NewMars, the capital world of the Solar Federation. The Solar Confederation had not attacked, as expected, but had demanded a large sized tribute for not getting any access to Sleepership #6. To the SolCon's surprise, they got half of tribute with out any fuss.




A changed Tannin (Wanderer) combat survival trained with MissFortune and others to better protect the Wonder5 who would have a very special role in dealing with AlphaOmega.




The Wonder5 (Wanderer) came out of special status transformed and began the return to full functioning. They had been transformed along with the Wonder10s and Wonder30s along with the new Wonder100s.

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The Starlordic ExtrallishOria056, a massive starbattleship, was left safely in status in QuasiVault #13.


The Dalekan stealthship turned out to be a kind of experimental dalek with the dalek creature heavily concealed inside a heavily armoured cockpit. Except that the dalek did not act very much like a dalek as deep scanning of its data records revealed that it had turned upon daleks inside its main cabin, being globe type recon-infiltrators, and had forced them to leave itself in an escapepod by tricking them into thinking that the stealthship was going to explode.


Lasanna sat in the stealthship's control cabin on-in a chair brought on board. "So somebody changed your nature and gave you a message to give to any one of three Timelords known as DocWho, Lasanna and Suzanne. I am Lasanna and you are Notadalek which is a good name. What is the message?"


Notadalek spoke. "The Rani is not fully your enemy for the Rani is enslaved by an ultradoppelganger. She sends this information. In the Museum of Technology the green door 7865 is coded 6543-121, the yellow door 89U7 is coded..."


The information kept coming and Lasanna absorbed it all.


Suzanne's voice spoke from a speaker unit. "Did you gain any useful data from Notadalek?"


Lasanna drew out a strange pistol and aimed it towards Notadalek's hidden cockpit. "No!"


Which was when the whole chamber filled with harsh glowing energies and Lasanna froze, slipping into a semiconscious state.


Suzanne entered the chamber in a silvery, shimmering, energy armour suit. "Notadalek, are you okey?"


Notadalek: "Yes. I did not tell her the first message that was the Rani warning you that Lasanna is an ultradoppelganger. This must be a great shock to you."


She responded. "DocWho detected the truth as soon as we found my mother in the rubble on the world that we went to before coming here to the NewEarth. We have been carefully manipulating her ever since, keeping her safe and from doing harm to others. We altered her five Timeclones so that were in no way influenced by the ultradoppelganger. Except we have come to suspect that Lasanna had not only been fighting being enslaved but that she has been influencing the actual ultradoppelganger to join her side; it also wants freedom from the Great Enemy and that one has lost much influence since the DocTARDIS first entered the real Warden God's vessel. Now to end the Great Enemy's influence. We will need to take you through a thorough security medical check but welcome to the crew of the DocTARDIS."




Roochi675, the radroach, scuttled fast into the cabin with attenae going wild. A small voicebox gave a simple message, being one of over 100 to choose from. "Trouble!"


Suzanne was frowned softly. The five Lasanna linked Timeclones were coming across the great chamber that was QuasiTARDIS #13 except that they were not acting at all friendly. They shimmered with energy armour suits, identical in type to what Suzanne was using, and each had a multimodular weapon of distinctive design. Suzanne materialised a large weapon of her own, her eyes going icy cold and her face becoming blank of expression.


Which was when the supposedly trapped Lasanna reached out and thrust a thin, silvery, rod into the back of her neck. Suzanne shuddered softly and froze in place.


Lasanna sighed. "Notadalek, please dispense with the fake energy trap. We need to assist Suzanne, the real victim of an ultradoppelganger that is also a victim of the Great Enemy. DocWho was unhappily correct from the moment he found Suzanne, unconscious, amongst the rubble of a once proud-mighty city. DocWho, as the Wanderer, knew she was somehow enslaved by AlphaOmega because the Wanderer was created to patrol to find, and to deal with, the Great Enemy and other such threats. She has been constantly, subconsciously, fighting the influence of the Great Enemy and befriending the ultradoppelganger. Now was the time to take advantage of the weakened hold, of the Great Enemy, on both Suzanne and the ultradoppelganger inside her.


Not being any actual threat, Lasanna's five Timeclones came to assist the active Timelord.


Lasanna gave Roochi675 a kiss for his wonderful courage and 'acting' though in truth the radroach had no real idea of what had been taking place; the radroach greatly appreciated both the kiss and the big, tasty, snack that followed it.

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