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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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Sheriff Lucas Sims, of the settlement of Megaton, held a handtorch so that its bright beam lit up the end of a tunnel where Professor Mortum Brown was busy. The very tough elderly man exposed metal as he dug away an area of rock wall but it was not metal wall but a door.


Lucas frowned. "I should call one of my deputies as back up. Strange that we had something hidden so deep beneath Megaton. This is more surprising than you showing me that the nuclear bomb is a fake that the Children of Atom smuggled into the crater even before the settlement was truly begun."


Deputy Rusty, a protectron robot, stood observing what was going on as did Blinko the tough police dog who looked half mutthound so big was he.


Mortum kept digging away with surprising speed, strength and efficiency except that the sheriff knew he was an aspect of the Wander and was not at all surprised. Lucas had much respect for Mortum, especially since the day that the professor had knocked Colin Moriarty down because Colin had begun to hassle Moira Brown into marrying him. Colin had gotten it into his head to get hold of Moira's property of the Emporium but instead had gotten Mortum's fist into his head. Most Megatonfolk had been surprised by the elderly professor's strength but not Lucas, not even before he knew the professor was an aspect of the Wanderer.


Truth was Mortum was more concerned that Moira Brown would accidentally kill Colin if she got upset for she was in truth an experimental survival combat android. The mercenary protecting her was another combat-survival infiltrator, but not an experimental one, who was named Tephen. Mortum had did many upgrades and finer adjustments to both of them along with some augmentations.


After completing some important work in Mexico, Mortum decided he would stay with Moira, Tephen and others in Megaton. He had not expected to find any secrets there. The real weapon, that had created the crater, was a Dbomb of disintegration type. It had wiped out a smallish, but important, command bunker.


There had been no indication of anything important being below it until Mortum was given some bits, by some scavenging kids of a poor family, that were parts of a cable-teleport cubicle. From there the boys had showed him an abandoned thieves' chamber, in the mess of Megaton's tunnels and chambers, where other such hitech was concealed. Clearly the thieves had not known what to do with it and had just given up on it. Where had the teleport cable led to?




The door was exposed as a security hatch. He ushered the sheriff back and then carefully open the hatch. There stood one that was almost a radghoul but with odd spiky blonde hair and wearing a colourful set of overalls. He grinned his ugly face and spoke. "I am Tangleit. Got anything good to eat? Welcome to TechVault607 where every radghoul is nice and blonde thanks to Sabbie, Sebbie, Sibbie, Sobbie and Subbie. Please come this way, and bring any good things, to eat, that you have with you."


Mortum pulled something small, lumpy, and brown out of a big pocket. There were rhoulmans, and rhouls, in Megaton thanks to Mortum knowing rhouls in Megaton. He had been treating captured radghouls and happy to be changed ghoulmans. Even Gob, at Moriarty's GirlsNGames Saloon had gotten treated and the tough prostitute Nova, for the first time, had led the gentle one into her bed because he was too shy to even suggest the idea.


The tunnel led to a junction of four tunnels and Tangleit turned left along another tunnel into a fair sized chamber. This was more TechVault like. Half melded into one wall was a soldier in power armour or at least what remained of him projecting out from that wall. Tangleit clearly did not like looking there but he spoke about it. "Some kind of superweapon, maybe, effected parts of the base. I can't remember much except victims like that one died at once. He has not decayed. He was Henry and he was my military security comrade. This was a top classified TechVault but was partly like a standard military complex because it was built in a big hurry. The base above it was a working decoy, a cover story, that might have been destroyed."


Mortum nodded. "Totally by a Dbomb and now there is a settlement based around the smooth crater left by the Dbomb."


Tangleit spoke with a tone of amazement. "Sabbie, Sebbie, Sibbie, Sobbie and Subbie saw visions showing that place called Megaton but feared any of us going up there thanks to the experiments and other things done to us survivors. Except, that is, those in the statuscapsules, the androids and the robots. Come to think of it, the brainbots also."


Mortum smiled at Tangleit. Then he spoke to Lucas with an odd expression on his face. "Return to Megaton with Blinko and Deputy Rusty. Guard the hatch, from the other side. If I do not come out in one hour, get Moira and Tephen to bury it. Now I know why the names Sabbie, Sebbie, Sibbie, Sobbie and Subbie have meant something to me and how that soldier died along with how Tangleit became a special kind of ghoul."


Sensing the normally calm professor's light agitation, Sims departed smartly and the nervous dog was happy to go with him though he was normally over brave. The robot followed oblivious to any subtly sensed danger.

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Sabbie, Sebbie, Sibbie, Sobbie and Subbie attacked Mortum from different directions at once. The black robed girl figures moved with amazing ferocity, speed and agility, albino like faces showing blood red eyes and long translucent fangs. These were more than just biovires of the kind that had encountered in the GrandMall Central Museum. These were far more deadly.


Tangleit was crouched up in a corner, playing with a wonderful toy that Mortum had given him. Mortum had quickly picked up that Tangleit was not a normal ghoulified kind or free willed but a puppet. The spiky blonde hair was a cruel, mocking, addition by the savage quintuplets.


He dropped, rolled, with amazing abilities of his own and fired one very big pistol at Sabbie, killing her at once. The body disintegrated as natural age caught up the monster. He kept moving, bringing around his combat longknife in time to slice open Sibbie's throat and then stab her in the solar plexus.


The survivors were disoriented, weakened and rage made them too reckless. Very soon all five of his daughters were dead. They had not even begun to recognise him but they had not even been human any more, not anyway near the cute adorable munchkins he had read stories to at bedtime.


TechVault607 did not officially exist but back in PreDD times Professor Brown had heard it was a very heavily secured dumping ground for extremely dangerous experiments. Clearly, as Sabbie, Sebbie, Sibbie, Sobbie and Subbie had become increasingly distorted, they must have been sent to the TechVault607. By that time Mortum was considered a treacherous rogue by the government, having publicly exposed some very shady experimental projects, and did not even know where that vault was. Then Doomsday had come and he ended up in a rebel statuscapsule.


He had tried to play god in not only healing his daughter's terminal illness but in approving them.


A happier, now mentally free, Tangleit led him through tunnels to where others like him were all huddled together in fear. Like Tangleit they had been created by the Savage5 as ghouls, not radghouls. For the five had been real vampires or as real as anybody could come to being such.


That sealed off subvault had been dedicated to his daughters but all of its security network-systems, robots and power armoured guards had in the end failed against the Savage5's deadly powers. Or was that the whole story? He explored the subvault and found evidence that the Savage5 had transformed a handful of others into vampires and yet more into biovires. The Savage5 had tricked their twisted creations into taking the brunt of the fighting and then had treacherously murdered them, feeding off them.




When the DocTARDIS materialised in a large chamber, he was busy examining a heap of the long dead including betrayed vampires and biovires.


In that big chamber were five sets of special, armoured, heavy secured, statuscapsules. Each set of five had cloned toddler versions of Sabbie, Sebbie, Sibbie, Sobbie and Subbie. The professor was not sure whether to laugh or cry at the stupidity of cloning his daughters but perhaps there was hope in what had happened.


Across one big superconcrete wall was the blood-painted symbol of Diablota, antinatural god of the Great Devil, the Great Hungering and the Ultimate Evil that was sometimes known as the Ultimate Enemy. Most NewEarthers did not know that the cult had once flourished on the OldEarth though not amongst the vast majority of OldEarthers.


Below that was some writing that had been clues left behind by somebody.


One was 'weep for the lost souls of Sleepership #1 betrayed by those hungry for that which they could never have with out terrible cost, if at all'.


Another was 'free the Great Enemy that is not the true enemy that the Ultimate Enemy is.'


The third was. 'free the Great Balancing and return all to as it was and to fine balances'.


The fourth, and last, was 'beware the Savage5, the Jabberwocky, the ZeroMan and the Existing Non Existing Ones that haunt this damned damnation of TechVault607'.


Below that, in simple brown fading paint, was 'Tangleit would like some snacks if you have any to spare; for more information, see Tangleit'.

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Sarah Lyon, Lyons Pride and her shazeman allies moved carefully into a truly massive domechamber. There was nothing museum like about it but it was like a bizarre temple chamber with a great, grotesque, statue at its center. The thing was like a massive Tazefolk like thing as a twisted mass of tentacles ending in round eyes, clumped feelers, multiple digit hands, long sharp, hollow tube opening endings and many other variations. Then it became clear that it was no statue as some of the tentacles moved slightly.


Around the base of it lay thousands upon thousands of desiccated corpses of doppelgangers, humans, shaze, dogs, radroaches, radghouls and multiple other kinds of entities. The thing shuddered and then it spoke.


"Do not blame me for the terrible crime that you observe the remains of. I am the Great Enemy, yes, but was partly absorbed and used by the Ultimate Enemy that caused me to be a great feederway for it. Then I managed to drive it off along with many more lifeforms that would have become victims. There are eight evenly spaced organic crystal mechanisms locking me here in this state and this location. Break them and let me be free thus damaging the Ultimate Enemy."


Sarah laughed ironically. "You are the Ultimate Enemy. The Great Enemy does not have the capacity to be a feederway even if it wanted to be. Nor would the destruction of those eight mechanisms release you even if they did exist, which I doubt."


The voice changed, becoming more twisted and far less natural in nature. "Yes, I am the Ultimate Enemy just having fun with you but you do not even begin to know what I am. The Great Enemy has eluded me since it escaped from my grip. It failed to be of any use to me so let it escape back to the core of the sun. You do not know what I am..."


Then the voice was gone! Seconds later the great black statue vanished with a sparkling shimmering effect as did the rest of the solid delusion of all of the dead.




What stood exposed was a great big, horizontal, VaultTech wheeldoor elevator combination with a control pod to one side of it with its own built in ramp and a window facing the actual TechVaultMT entrance. Sarah was the one who pressed the red button to activate the elevator and then the wheeldoor wheeled out of sight to one side, the cylinder shaped elevator rose up so its roof was well above the domechamber floor and the elevator floor was flush with it. The cylinder elevator chamber's door slid to one side, circling around to show an opening and then closed by sliding around the other way once the first group was inside.


Sarah Lyons was in the first group that went downwards, humming softly, along with about a third of the large force that she had been leading.


The elevator halted after quite a long trip downwards. Feeling that something both terrible, and amazing, was going to confront them, Sarah led the first group out into a truly vast chamber stretching out from them. They came out into a very big enclosed viewing deck and both the floor and ceiling of that great chamber were a good distance away.


It was a massive, partly broken, partly melted, largely scorched, partly twisted vessel and only part of its identification was still identifiable. It was something like the even more massive six sleeperships that had come from OldEarth to NewEarth but it about a fourth of the size and had bizarre fin formations sticking out in all directions. Otherwise it was designed like a sleepership.


Sarah spoke to the others through 2way. "Sleepership #8! That is what the identification of that vessel is. If that is sleepership #8 is there also a Sleepership #7 out there or even others or even yet others? We must not go into that chamber."


A big hint at the good sense of this was the large number of high danger warning signs to be seen such as blood red coloured skull-bones symbols. The other was the large number of very big, very nasty, plasma and laser cannon turrets on the walls, the weapons all being aimed squarely at the sleepership. Then there were the LibertyPrime giant battle robots, of which only eight could be seen, standing sentry like with their backs to the very big walls as if even they did not want to get too close to the sleepership. Sarah had a strong sense of there being unseen robots, turrets and other devices.


She had a strong, subtle, sense that despite all the precautions in that chamber, and probably close to it, that the exotic sleepership was still extremely dangerous or was it something inside it that was so or even both?

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Sarah Lyons' expeditionary group discovered more chambers, corridors along with other TechVault features that were standard to any TechVault. Yet there were many others that were not. Strange laboratories, workshops, testing chambers and ones that were so exotic as to have no obvious description or purpose. There were plenty of robots, all of them semiactive in bays or inactive in storage. Over half of the robots were heavy security types or even combat types. Securatrons, sentrybots, assaultrons and MrGutsys were the main ones.


With some difficulty, the group hacked into databanks. TechVaultMT was officially one CoreVault, two LifeVaults, three ServoVaults and five RDVaults (research development vaults). Except that the one that they were in was one of three extra ones that officially did not exist.


Sarah frowned softly as she sat at a big meeting table. "RDVaultMT #1 was focused on the testing, upgrading and other factors of TechVault infrastructure. RDVaultMT #2 was focused on the research development of new TechVault components. RDVaultMT #3 dealt with the physiological, and psychological, side of living in vaults in the long term. RDVaultMT #4 dealt with nutritional quality and food quality issues of vault life. RDVaultMT #5 dealt with miscellaneous concerns."


She frowned. "Officially non existing RDVaultMT #6 dealt with the Sleepership #7 Program. Just as non existent RDVaultMT #7 dealt with something called the OldEarth Reentry Program. RDVault #8 dealt with the Solar Probe 707 Program. There is lots of data here but it appears that, despite a great deal of intensive effort, the three programs had little success in what ever they were trying to achieve."


"Sleepership #7 was found in a very deep cavern just three years before Doomsday. Considered to be extremely dangerous, it was brought to a well prepared RDVaultMT with great difficulty and the deaths of 105 people who died of a mysterious cause that left behind desiccated corpses. Despite intensive security upgrades, and heavier security protocols, the number of dying only abated by about half."


Sarah: "One dying victim, in an apparently delusional state, spoke of the Ultimate Enemy and a seemingly impossible collision between Sleepership #1 and Sleepership #7 in what he described as the very edges of hyperspace and the NullVoid. This allowed something to come out of the greater depths of the NullVoid that was beyond mortal comprehension let alone understanding. It was the Ultimate Enemy that intruded into Sleepership #1 and less so into Sleepership #8. The supposed accident, of a collision, was not one for some kind of compact had been made by members of a criminally insane conspiracy and the Ultimate Enemy."


Sarah: "The aftermath of the event was to somehow draw the Great Balancing away from its alternate selves, that make up the Greater God of the deities of the sun that are not really gods at all. They are all powerful, rogue, Eternals who escaped from the Greater Void, not to be confused with the NullVoid, but who became trapped inside this pocket dimensional existence."


Sarah: "A side effect, of the event, was the creation of the early AlphaOmega from a mortal individual known as one Jack Harkness though he had many other names and was to have multiple others along with shapeforms for he could not longer die or even be confined for very long. Oddly enough there were also other causes for him becoming AlphaOmega and yet none of the 'alternate causes' cancelled each other out but more likely helped to lead to an incredible result."


Then she looked to the others in the large meeting room. "The dying man, one Professor Cambridge, stated last of all that everything in this pocket existence is part of a 'celestial quarantine security effort' by what he called 'celestial entities'."


Understandably none of the others had anything to say, at least not for the time being.

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ProfWho had lied to DocWho. It had been her version of the Timelords who had been the 'evil ones', who had seeded superdoppelgangers across their universe, except for a minority of Timelords who fought them. Except the Timelords were called the traditional Timemasters or the Timerebels who resisted them.


She had marked large numbers of doppelgangers-superdoppelgangers, had captured them with refined Timerebel technologies and they were being processed into positive entities. While she had a few Timedroids to serve her, she had many more positive doppelfolk that did the same.


In her home universe that positive doppelgangers had captured many of the negative kind, then had helped their positive conversion. Except that so angry were the peoples, of that universe, that after the war was won they went looking for scapegoats. ProfWho was one who saved multiple positive doppelgangers, or doppelkin, though there were many others.


ProfWho had come to that world part by accident, part by planning, in hope of finding a new home but not just for the doppelkin.


When the last of the Timefolk, of her universe, were being hunted down and destroyed, she saved as many Timefolk as she could and had others, not all of them former Timemasters. For in her universe Skaro had been the home world of the war brutalised Timemasters and Savrod had been an insane maniac of a Timesage and artificer along with being a scientist. Ironically daleks, cybermen and splinterclones had been amongst the better peoples of her universe while their opposites had combined to become the first Timemasters.


Savrod had escaped to the pocket existence, along with other criminal geniuses of the Timemasters, bringing with them a small fleet of RazorTARDISes to the pocket dimension. They had arrived centuries before she did and she suspected that somehow they had become involved with the Ultimate Enemy. It had been the Ultimate Enemy that had reached out to her home universe to seduce the arrogantly aggressive Timemasters into trying to conquer their universe when they could not possibly win.


Now she had confessed the truth to DocWho and others but was far from surprised when the Timelord turned out to be not at all surprised by her words.




ProfWho studied the crumbling wall of the heavily damaged bunker complex. Timemasters, and their followers-minions, had been there over 100 years ago but had left decades ago. The message, scrawled in Timemaster blood across the wall was in a Timemaster language that she of course understood, having spent most of her existence as a Timemaster.


'The Ultimate Enemy is of ultimate treachery and has led us to our almost doom. No longer will we be Timemasters. We, those of us who survived the slaughtering insanity of Savrod, Ntalis and Litleh, curse them for all timespace, will will try to make amends for our past crimes."


There had been a big battle there and it had involved more than Timemasters and their follower-minions. Shadotaze had been fighting there along with also along with savage doppelfolk. The remains of Ntalis were still there, surrounded as he was by a few destroyed Timedroids. It was genuine and one of the evil three supergeniuses had perished. What had happened to Savrod, and Litleh, and their follower-minions along with the others involved in that terrible conflict?


She began to look around and soon met up with Professor Mortum Brown for she was deep beneath the settlement of Megaton where the Wanderer aspect was still exploring-investigating.

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Though I have begun to write, as a new topic story, Real Unreal Gameworlds Contestment, I will continue with this topic story until I feel that some kind of solid resolution has been reached.

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MadMax studied the find with great bemusement. The huge metallic organic structure was a central monolith with eight smaller, but still very big, ones surrounding it as a ring. Painted, in blood, over one wall was the following: 'destroy this and bring more hope to this poor world'.


MadMax was in the amazing vehicle with the others. He spoke to the others being Ragger the cattledog, MadMaxie the ghost soldier, Furiosa who once helped run a big Gunbug Gang and MadMod the not so annoying claptrap robot along with the MaxPursuer herself being the autorobotic, rough drive special police pursuit car. Except that the vehicle was longer now and a good willed, tough, ghoulman man named Struthe was with them now along with a really feisty radmolerat named Radratty. With Struthe had come Radratty, his long term friend.


"Stay here and activate all of the defences. As an aspect, of the Wanderer, one has to do this alone. On the other hand be prepared to follow orders, with out question, at once."


Then he stepped out of the MaxPursuer, the car closing the door behind him and securing it. As he strode towards the great anchor-lock mechanism he noted the dark splashes of antinatural growth up its sides and knew it to be under the control of the Ultimate Enemy. Repellent energy fields attempted to push him back but he walked through them as if they were not there.


He stopped and studied the monstrous artefact. Then he spoke out. "Yes, I can sense you there, so called Ultimate Enemy. We, the Wanderer as we now call oneself, we helped to create the organic metallic mechanisms to keep you trapped in the Coreworld but we never expected them to last. Instead, with the assistance of grand celestial entities, we trapped you here in this real-unreal pocket dimensional realm. It is time for you to return to what you really are, to combine your timespace alternates scattered elements. Multiple ironies present themselves to oneself. This has been impossible, is impossible, and will stay impossible until resolved. Let the Great Enemy go so it can return to the other Sun Gods. You have gained nothing, of any real value, from having it as a captive."


The great monument began to tremble, to break apart, to fall in bits to the ground. The MaxPursuer needed no instructions but screeched to a halt next to him and he jumped into the front passenger seat with his wife being at the wheel.


By the time they got out of the chamber, the great monolithic structure was exploding savagely and the Great Enemy was already in space rushing back to NewSol.

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A humble suggestion most humbly suggested!

:hurr: :dance: :yes:

Please consider using :thumbsup: :yes: to indicate 'enjoying so far, please continue'.

One humbly thanks you for considering the above suggestion.

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