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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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Suzanne, now positively merged with her ultradoppelganger side, had gained crazy loads of information from her time as a subtly controlled puppet of the Great Enemy. She had learned that there was a distinctiveness between AlphaOmega and what was known as the Great Shadow; they were aspects of the Great Enemy but were in some kind of conflict with each other. The Great Shadow had arisen, somehow, from AlphaOmega, and only the Great Shadow was trapped in the Coreworld which was itself an amazing transdimensional realm.


If AlphaOmega is not 'inside' the Coreworld, then where is it? Is it with the so called Gods inside the sun? Is it hidden elsewhere, on-in one of the 3,000+ worlds of this amazing solar system?




The last of the metallic cubes were long dematerialised, helping the DocTARDIS to further transform, but there were the 13 exotic gifts given over by the true Warden God. Each was amazing, was very individual, but one was golden, three were silvery and nine were copperish in nature.


Suzanne was viewing solid holographic projections of the 13 devices.




She started with the golden Timeglobe like mechanism being as three Timeglobes merged just a little into each other as a vertical triangular pattern. It was nine metres high and as it hovered Timeglobes could fly through it but out the other side of the gap would be the original, permanent, Timeglobe along with two temporary ones. The temporary Timeglobes would last, on average, five days and while they could be exact duplicates, they could also be altered ones. Very soon multiple duplicated Timeglobes were assisting permanent Timeglobes in refining the finishing touches on the changes to the DocTARDIS.




The first silvery gift, being Gift #2, was a humanoid figure with many amazing power-abilities. It was the Silver Servitor, designed to help with the direction, coordination, supervision of the DocTARDIS. Gift #3, the Silver Worker, assisted the Timeglobes with very special work. Gift #4, the Silver Soldier, was there to help defend the DocTARDIS if it had to do so but for now it assisted the Silver Worker. They worked only in certain areas under tight supervision but so far there had been no problems.




Gift #5 was a very large binoculars like mechanism but with out any lens. Instead it ended in a big copperish sphere. What is observed was transdimensionally 'inside' its own sphere. The spherescope revealed a extensively rich, but incomplete, solidly projected constructed globe of the NewEarth that one could 'zoom' in on in varied ways; it included the Overworld, Midworld and Underworld but not the Coreworld. The real gift was being used, carefully, in the central control chamber.




Gift #6 was a great six sided dice suspended inside a sphere on a disk shaped base. Except when spun only one side showed a result, being clearly seen on a vertical face, and the choices appeared to be vastly greater than six. Indeed, so far, none of the results had looked anything like each other. The copperish dice device had spun just three times before freezing; clearly it had allowed just a demonstration of what it did for every time it spun something materialised. Each time it was 100 3Dimage fronted plates that were perfect copies of what had appeared on the only illustrated dice face. Their function was yet to be discovered. The real thing was in the DocTARDIScore where very few could go.




Gift #7 was a large triple cube that could produce small numbers of K9bots except for copies of the original. That was the K9As, K9Bs, K9Cs and K9Ds. The K9ator could do originals or add a limited number of special modifications. It was already in use as the K9bots joined others already carrying out work. They were in the same area as the Silver Humanoids and also under tight supervision; they had shown no trouble so far.




Gift #8 was a great copperish, old fashioned, pendulum clock in appearance complete with two opposite clock faces, the pendulum, birds that sang, clowns that capered, dancers that danced, dragons that spat flames, a steam locomotive that circled midway the clock, going safely away from the ever moving pendulum, and a few other such features. Parameters of the game could be altered such as the completion time. It was like a clock but the clock faces were exotic and on one side the hands went clockwise while on the other side they went anticlockwise. This mysterious mechanism was placed in the DocTARDIScore as a matter of security and safety.




Gift #9 was a big 4Dchess game mechanism with randomisation factors, a 1,000 pieces per player, solid holographic projected pieces and backdrops, outsider attackers-neutrals-helpers and much else. It had a large choice of known worlds, to play on, or new ones could be made. Lasanna had played one game with Suzanne, who had barely lost to her bemusement.




Gift #10 was a copperish cube device to do with Timelordic fertility and was not spoken of by Timelords accept to a chosen few such as Timelordites. The real QuasiTARDIS like device was in the heavily restricted space of the DocTARDIScore.




Gift #11 was a copperish cylinder, sloping gently on-in its holding mechanism base. It was for assisting Timelord regenerations and the real thing was also in the DocTARDIScore.




Gift #12 was a set of partly merged cubes, cylinders and capsules being a Timecloner mechanism that could create just one Timeclone at a time. The real mechanism was in the DocTARDIScore.




Gift #13 was the mystery. It was a copperish cube, being 9x9x9 metres in dimensions, with one vertical non reversed mirror like screen showing white mice running a great 3D maze or running in exercise wheels or doing other mousy things. What was its purpose except to keep a whole lot of mouse cared for, well exercised and apparently happy? It was also in the DocTARDIScore.




Something was perturbing her about the 13 exotic gifts but she had no real idea what it was. Was it one of them, more than one of them or was it all of them? Was it a good, neutral, bad or mixed fortune possibility? Was it linked with the true Warden God that had been under the powerful-subtle influence of what it now named as AlphaOmega?


The Warden God was now certain it was free of AlphaOmega and somehow it was to do with the influence of the Wanderer though it did not quite know who this was so. A big mystery was that the Warden God could not remember giving the 13 exotic gifts.


Where the 13 gifts were what they seemed to be but were also, somehow, important clues to what was really going on? Were some of them also ways to further discover the truth?

Edited by Maharg67
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AlphaOmega awoke fully for the first time in an extremely long time as one, the prime, of 13 humanoids. Semiconsciousness, AlphaOmega's type of sleeping, meant only the nine foundational aspects were fully awake and the three secondary aspects had been resting but not sleeping, while observing what was going on in the TARDIS like AlphaOmegaBase. Now the Three became fully active to serve directly AlphaOmegaPrime.


The glorious golden, winged, naked male humanoid of AlphaOmegaPrime floated in the air as the three female, wing folded, naked female humanoids bowed before him. Even as AlphaOmeSeconds they had to take care with AlphaOmegaPrime. He was clearly agitated from being woken early and wanted to know why he had been taken out of his dream realm.


AlphaOmegaPrime: "Who did this?"


AlphaOmegaSecretary spoke. "Oh glorious one, none of us three did so and none of the nine could do so. Yet alerts have sounded that the Great Shadow is in the process of escaping from the NewEarth Coreworld. There is also a growing rebellion amongst the Sol Gods to overthrow your control over them."


AlphaOmegaPrime: "One purified oneself by rejecting-ejecting one's dark side into the NullVoid but it transformed to become the Great Shadow. One's attempt to destroy it, in the NullVoid, became the EverDoomWar. A lost opportunity to destroy the Great Shadow! The war was ended by foolish forces unable, unwilling, to see the Great Shadow destroyed. They should have sacrificed themselves to see the destruction of the Great Shadow! Then it escaped into the universe and once more one unleashed the EverDoomWar so as to destroy the Great Shadow. Again it came to nothing as deluded, rogue, gods imprisoned it in the Coreworld. Yes, that is how it must have happened for it pleases one that it happened that way."


AlphaOmegaMarshal : "Oh great one, at least one faction has been deactivating the anchor-wards that keep the Great Shadow in the NewEarth Coreworld."


AlphaOmegaPrime: "One purified oneself by rejecting-ejecting one's dark side into the NullVoid but it transformed to become the Great Shadow. One's attempt to destroy it, in the NullVoid, became the EverDoomWar. A second EverDoomWar failed also to destroy the Great Shadow but perhaps a third EverDoomWar would do the trick. This time it will be focused on-in NewEarth."


AlphaOmegaTechmage: "Oh great one, how would one unleash such a war?"


AlphaOmegaPrime: "One purified oneself by rejecting-ejecting one's dark side into the NullVoid but it transformed to become the Great Shadow. One's attempt to destroy it, in the NullVoid, became the EverDoomWar. There are the Tazefolk in the NullVoid!"


AlphaOmegaMarshal: "Oh great one, they are now greatly alert to how you tricked them in the past, how you destroyed multiple Shadospheres to unleash swarms of Shadotaze in the NewWashington GrandMall. Now they are one of the factions deactivating the anchor-wards."


AlphaOmegaPrime: "One purified oneself by rejecting-ejecting one's dark side into the NullVoid but it transformed to become the Great Shadow. One's attempt to destroy it, in the NullVoid, became the EverDoomWar. One could send you but, altogether, you number only 12! Also one needs you to serve one here, in the AlphaOmegaBase."


AlphaOmegaSecretary: "Oh great one, you are forever wise and we are forever humbled to serve you."


AlphaOmegaPrime: "That goes with out saying but you are wise to say it anyway though not as wise as one is. One will start to make plans on what to do next as of now or even yesteryear. One purified oneself by rejecting-ejecting one's dark side into the NullVoid but it transformed to become the Great Shadow that forsakes the forever beautiful one. Go now to continue your duties to the glorious one that is oneself."


The three AlphaOmegaSeconds moved gracefully but quickly away, glad to have not been punished or just struck at for mysterious reasons. AlphaOmegaPrime was going increasingly, criminally, insane and the three feared it was starting to effect them.

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The Great Shadow came increasingly to remember, to know itself, to know that it was just an important aspect of AlphaOmega and that it needed to return to that one; that is not just AlphaOmegaPrime, the centering of its increasing insanity but to the 13 that were truly it. The Great Shadow swirled-whirled and coalesced but did not think too deeply about matters. Its nightmares chased each other in a crazy dance as it started to rise out of the NewEarth Coreworld. Then it was quietly leaving the NewEarth, escaping into space, into the NewSol System.


Then it was shooting through space towards where the AlphaOmegaBase was well hidden but not from the Great Shadow.


Seconds later the Great Shadow merged with AlphaOmega.


AlphaOmega screamed out in anguish, in shock, as thirteen but abruptly became extremely calm and very much saner.


AlphaOmegaBase was hidden deep inside NewLuna but in more than one way. The Great Shadow was gone!


It should have meant everything was better and the crisis was over! It should have meant that the Great Enemy was defeated! It should have meant that the work of many was over for they had won! Unfortunately this was not true as the renewed AlphaOmega remembered, realised, that it was not the Great Enemy but had been tricked into ejecting what had become the Great Shadow, by the real Great Enemy.




AlphaOmega pondered possibilities, probabilities, actualities and relativities which meant that it was not really coming up with anything really helpful. Something remained missing in itself, a hole that had not been refilled with the return of the Great Shadow. No, that had been another hole in itself.


AlphaOmega realised that it was still increasingly insane and though matters were much improved, that it had to identify, discover the location of, and reclaim what ever else had been ejected from itself.


Then suddenly knew what it was and, wisely, it knew fear but not because of the Great Enemy but because of another far too powerful entity called the Great Friend.


The Great Enemy had convinced AlphaOmega to eject its dark side so that the Great Enemy could consume the Great Shadow that emerged. Something had gone wrong, the plan had failed, and though trapped the Great Shadow had survived in the Coreworld. So where was the 'Great Friend'. The answer was, somehow, not a surprise for it was deep inside the star known as NewSol.


The Great Friend had convinced the impossibly undying AlphaOmega to give up its 'good positive' aspect to itself and in return the Great Friend would help AlphaOmega to finally die as it had wanted to do for an incredibly long time. Only in growing frustration, exhaustion, desperation had it listened to the Great Friend that had turned out to be no friend at all, far from it. Deceived, abandoned, AlphaOmega had easily fallen prey to the Great Enemy.


Now AlphaOmegaPrime rested, overcome by exhaustive thinking as done by all of the AlphaOmega13 that it had centered and focused.

Edited by Maharg67
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Observed from the Central Control Chamber, of the DocTARDIS, the faces of the ClockCounterClock moved speedily as there ran strange shimmering, shivering, sparkling effects through the whole Museum of Technology. The mice were moving supermice speed in the strange cube device. Other events were being observed from the CCC.


The Wonder5 sat in a circle, facing outwards, in a semiconscious meditative state, while around them whirled the Wonderglobes of the five Wonder10s, 10 Wonder30s and 50 Wonder100s. The altered Timeglobes were now 50 golden, 300 silvery, 5,000 copperish ones with odd spikes that extended out of them. Energies crackled, sounds were crazy mixed and sometimes jagged while there were also other odd sensations there. Except nobody else was too close to the Wonder5 there in the activated QuasiTARDIS #9.


MissFortune sat there, along with Tannin and Hattie along with Juber, the big packdog that had sometimes gone with the early Wonder5 as Rank Street Scavengers. He had always been closest to Hattie and had never been of the Wonder5. With them were also a large number, and mixture, of K9bots including even the humanoid ones. Last of all was the Timeclone DocWhy and a number of servoglobes.


None seemed to know what the Wonder5 were doing or why, perhaps not even the Wonder5 itself.


All the elaborate, special, changes to the DocTARDIS were now making sense in that they gave protection, stability, and security against what was happening; the last was because something extreme power, and dark, had tried to invade the DocTARDIS and had been driven off though not easily so. Changes were taking place through out the NewEarth but just how obvious were they?




A radroach scuttled over a bottle full of chilled HealthCola but ignored it until running into a shallow bowl full of the same substance that was in the bottle. It began drinking while, oddly enough, not thinking about the deep ramifications of why the bottle, and bowl, were there. Anyway it was as if the two objects had always been there.


Wild crops of muttnuts, muttatoes, muttmelons, muttvegies, muttshooms and muttnanas grew across Wastelands across the world, along with muttfruit. It was almost as if they had always been there along with the increased fertility-health of soil, water, flora-fauna and varieties of people.


The mysterious robots, that had been fixing up parts of the NewEarth including NewWashington, departed into hiding as they went back to the secret places that they had first arisen from.


The EagleEnclaven began to return to its EagleEnclave, now heading north as all plans to turn NewWashington into a second EagleEnclave were given up at least for the present.


The mysterious, deadly, Packraiders ceased to move away from a few fortified 'beachhead settlements' on the coast. Instead they fortified themselves more.


In NewNewYork a radghoul admired itself wearing a slightly stained tophat, in the semiruins of a NewBroadway theatre, but this had nothing to to with the changes; or was that true?


There were other changes! The changes were growing more frequent, intense and obvious.

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Knight Sentinel Sarah Lyons sat at a table facing Marshal K1K1Kogo of the divisionary first force of shazemans, fewer shazedogs and other shaze hybrids. Even with out his power armour he was about the size of a standard supermutant but otherwise quite different looking. He was hairless with softly glistening black-grey flesh that appeared slightly translucent on the surface.


Sarah: "If you surrender we offer you good wages."


K1K1Kogo: "What are wages?"


Sarah: "What you get paid for when you are soldiering or doing other work for those you serve."


K1K1Kogo: "We were enslaved to the Great Shadow and had no such thing. Wages, this is a strange but pleasant idea. We know of Wastelands currencies such prizecaps, redeemable vouchers, pristine PreDD cash and Emergency Dollar cards-coins. I suppose a few of those would do in currency value."


Sarah: "You would be paid, each, a basic wage of 100 in credit each along with extras for higher ranks and allowances so that the minimum could be as high as 200 per week."


K1K1Kogo: "You are playing games with me. That could not be possible."


Sarah: "No, it is normal. I get far more than 200 because I am of special rank but I also have far greater obligations than most. Medical care is, of course free, as is accommodation, meals, and much else."


K1K1Kogo: "What is medical care?"


Sarah: "The medical attention, healing, of wounded-sick in service. If anyone is too damaged to continue to serve in one way, they are given other tasks to carry out or go into retirement but still get paid."


K1K1Kogo: "If any of us became too damaged to do our duties were terminated and our bodies were recycled. What is retirement?"


Sarah Lyons sighed very softly. It was going to be a long day and yet an interesting one.

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Thousands of doppelgangers arose from well concealed pods in the GrandMall but also in other spots around the world. Soon battle was raging once more in the GrandMall. Supposedly normal creatures, robots and even mannequins showed themselves to be superdoppelgangers that was more dangerous than doppelgangers. Yet both quickly had a very interesting problem; they could not easily 'feed' upon the ghoulified-raddified while those difficult prey could damage or even destroy them.


Hordes of radghouls soon found the doppelgangers, and superdoppelgangers, to be quite tasty. Fewer radghoulers tore into the enemy with their weapons. Radscorpions, radspiders, radwasps and others struck with venom that caused the doppelfolk agony, even death, for they did not have the odd, built up, in built resistance to such of Wastelands fauna including people.


Steeltroopers blasted away at them as did Guardsmen of the newly rising DC Commonwealth of Settlements, the DCCS along with many other allies. Supermutants, and allies, fought them back from the Underworld. The Talon Mercenaries soon found themselves battling hard. Gangs joined together in wary alliances.


The doppelfolk kept coming, the flood increasing, and began to slowly-steadily drive back their foes, to overcome others by sheer numbers though great numbers of them perished.




Ironically, on the same day that a big battle raged outside of the Museum of Culture, RivetCity officially joined the DCCS. Megaton had already done so as had the rescued Grayditch, Rivertown, Canterbury Commons, Dashgone, Bridgetown, Arefu, Sarrismuta, Bigtown,along with others including newer Subway Settlements based on subway stations.


Other settlements were considering their options but seemed likely to join given the pros and cons of the situation.


TenpennyTown was dominated by the five Tenpenny Towers and the infamous Tenpenny Family and so there was no hope there for inclusion and, of course, the same was true of Paradise Falls. Andale, a former abode of almost human cannibals, had been utterly destroyed and would remain uninhabited.




"All the preparations, made against some kind of mass attack, have saved multiple lives including even such as wild radcattle that were moved on." PrimeElder Owen Lyons was speaking to FieldMarshal FleetAdmiral Grandieus who was up and about but in a quarantine chamber. "So far we have found here, in the New Pentagon, a large amount of classified files, experimental prototypes including a very early working model of a LibertyPrime."


Grandieus laughed, being taller and broader than even Owen Lyons who was quite tall and broad of shoulders. "LibertyPrime superrobots were never meant as actual weapons but more for propaganda such as being seen in 3D or marching in patriotic parades. After a LibertyPrime accidentally crushed to death some civilians, during a poorly organised public event, they were only used in large areas such as sporting arenas; the robot fell over and it was only luck that more did not die. Desperation drove the USNE into sending them into battle against the real enemy."


The PrimeElder frowned softly. "So there was no war between humans."


Grandieus frowned. "I do not know the whole situation even now that I am awakened fully as an aspect of the Wanderer, the Wonder5 gaining their own status as linked to the Wanderer. The Great Enemy made enslaved puppets of millions of humans. A few died in the process or were so damaged by it that the Great Enemy abandoned them or they fought free to become from then on immune to its influence."


Lyons nodded. "My daughter, Sarah, is an aspect of the Wanderer but of course you know this. Amongst discovered classified datafiles, and prototypes, we have found ways to discover puppetyne infiltrators, to weaken puppetyne soldiers or even to kill them. You helped with that work as a brilliant scientist or so datafiles speak of you."


Grandieus snorted. "Genius, I am not so sure. You have searched all of the A Levels of the NewPentagon and have come up against the first horizontal obstacle of BarrierAB. You have not attempted to get past the barrier since your very first attempts."


Owen responded. "The technologies, of BarrierAB, quickly proved to be beyond our capacity to deal with it. We have considered options such as that the real way was to go around it, physically, but that failed. Terry Lyons, triplet sister to Alice and Sarah, has come up with the hypothesis of it being perhaps a teleport or phase way through the barrier."


Grandieus: "The BarrierAB leads nowhere but to a large area of solid rock, with a few caves, but below that is Area B. To get into Area B you need to do so from somewhere outside of the NewPentagon altogether. The ancient caves should be of great interest to you. You need to bring in the Orderhood, to assist you in your future efforts, along with others."


Lyons sighed. "That will be a tall ask for the hierarchy of the DCBoS but the argument of benefits, as out weighing risks, should do it. We found specialised attack vertibirds, bizarre vertitanks, LibertyMains being half the size of LibertyPrimes, rocket power armour, improved regenerative medical treatments, solidstate computers and other gear. There have been multiple ideas, some quite 'interesting' and over half of them were at least partly linked to you. Three have been hinted at but never fully found."


Grandieus sighed. "I feared you would find out about the Antibomb, the Doomcomb and the Epiccentrus. The names mean nothing, are decoys from the true nature of the projects, but unfortunately the relevant information has been wiped from my mind. I will give you a list of people you must find and send here, if they have survived, if you can find them and if they go along with your request. If you need to, drag them here. As for my first big confession, I helped to create the superdoppelgangers as a way to fight infiltrators serving the Great Enemy. Along with far too many others, I was seduced by the Great Enemy."


Lyons nodded. "So was one of my PreDD ancestors. We have much to discuss."

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