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Characters from Fallout 3 (to be edited-expanded)


Have started adding original characters from Fallout 3 and will be continuing to do so.


So far:

Ahzrukhal (briefly mentioned and now dead)


Mysterious Stranger

Owen Lyons

Reilly, Ashlie of the Reilly Rangers (mentioned)

Sarah Lyons (mentioned)

Uncle Leo the megamoth supermutant


To Come:



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While the supermutants dug into a large area of trenches, ditches, small trench dug outs, bunkers and other features, they moved old warmachines, reworked old bulwarks, repaired-upgraded defences and then more resources came. Standard turrets were set up along with fewer big turrets with 20mm autocannons, heavy laser-plasma batteries, pipecannons, rocket launchers and even heavy flamers.


Then came metamutants, supermutants not much bigger than humans but in fitted power armour. More supermutants came also being metamoths, massamoths, hulkamoths and behemoths along with mutthounds, massamoths and zyclops. Yet there were also bigger than standard superzyclops.


Marshal Krankzsmash was an intelligent hulkamoth and the Marshal of the supermutant forces who was enraged-frustrated how his command had been taken away by a secretive alien type intelligence and technology. He, and his forces, had come from TechVault087 where supermutants were still in large numbers. The newcomers, though, were not like his supermutants including those that were much like the 87ers. As if to back this up, the two groups kept noticeably separate from each other.




The metamutant Captain stood in power armour with his helmet removed. His features were like smoothed out ones of a supermutant. "We will be attacked, by the Shadotaze, but this time they may have allies and-or puppets. They will come at night. Our task is now to decoy the enemy away from a smaller, sneakier, attempt to get to where we were supposed to be going to loot some alien artefacts. That is all I know. It was too dangerous for me to ask for more information than that. The one who sent us is not one to challenge or even be seen to challenge."


Krankzsmash scowled. "I would rip his guts out and make him eat them."


"Except he is not a 'he' and is a very powerful alien entity that has no guts to speak of." The metamutant shrugged. "We are vatclones created in what appeared to be some kind of TechVault but not one with any identification that was shown. We were grown there, program-conditioned, decanted, further developed, trained and equipped before being cable teleported from there to a hidden base complex only a few kilometres from here."


The Marshal shrugged, loudly passed wind, and grinned. "We 87ers knew you were different from us, even those of you who are the same looking on the outside. Now we know it will be better between us for we supermutants hate sneakiness and secrets."


Captain Sashenal nodded. "Good for we will need each other badly for the Shadotaze have been tricked into thinking that we have valuable, stolen, artefacts that they want back. TaurusVieWa, the PaleHighOne that I spoke of, caused this to happen. He is truly a rogue criminal of the PaleMassFolk. But it was a Timelord rogue criminal known as the Rani who helped to develop the vatcloning processes."


The supermutant grinned. "Tell me more about these PaleMassFolk and these Timelords."


The other shrugged. "I do not know much but I will tell you what do I know."

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Supermutants and Those With Them (to be expanded-edited)


Size-names from largest to smallest







massamoths, four legged carrier beast not normally used for fighting

mutthounds, massive mutated hound dog

zyclops, distorted tentacled version of supermutant

superzyclops, much bigger version of the standard zyclops


metamutants being more human sized than even metamoths and generally much smarter than supermutants. Unlike supermutants they normally wear power armour.

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They were in a meeting-briefing chamber of the DocTARDIS.


DocWho, the PaleOneMan, Sarah Lyons, Suzanne and Dazanne were examining the data on the strangely killed bodies, and destroyed robots, from the chamber of the metallic organic mechanism. The findings were rather startling.


Doctor Who spoke. "So the zetans, humans, and palepawns were all very sophisticated biosynthetic copies as were the robots making all of them products of very advanced-exotic science-technologies. Mattercation was such a process tech being put into prototype stage in the decade before Doomsday as were others such as cable teleportation, phase teleportation, enhanced rejuvenation-regeneration, transgravity fields, true AI, and a few others, most of them just hinted at in the data that we have been able to obtain."


Further searches, of BadWolf Subway Station, had revealed hidden databanks. It was becoming increasingly clear that, in the decades before Doomsday, the world had been one of confusion, war, plague, pestilence, civil strife, disruption, displacement, and despair. While it was commonly known big trouble was coming, most had not predicted Doomsday and those that had done so had prepared for it in a very desperate, patchwork, fashion. Or so it seemed! The Enclavens, the TechCorps, and others may have made more organised efforts while other factions had arisen efficiently since DD such as the Orders of Steel, the Church of Atom, the Orderhood and the TriInstitute.


Suzanne spoke. "Seems that all those seeking important PreDD data, that we know of, have run into the same situation including DCSyndicate data traders that we recently discovered in action."


Such data traders were evil because they dealt with stolen information and only sold it to the highest bidder, not caring if it could otherwise save lives or that sold data caused more evil to be carried out. The Timelords had tapped into a very well hidden data cable, by local standards, and taken much information of use.


The PaleOneMan spoke. "We know that there was an early experimental mattercator unit placed in heavy security display in the NewWashington GrandMall Museum of Technologies. There is also an early prototype TechVault there known as TechVaultGMMT which, if fully utilised as a true TechVault, could have given shelter to anybody surviving Doomsday."


They were taking probes in the dark and even more information was needed.


Sarah Lyons spoke, being not in her power armour but in her Sentinel's type robes which she thought to be too clumsy and ceremonial. "From what we know, from the available Orders of Steel history, the Calizona Brotherhood of Steel has never encountered any mattercation technologies but neither have they encountered even mentions of the Shadotaze. Except back during our fight with the EagleEnclaven it was based as it was in a truly massive, multiple purple, floating ocean city off the coast of Calizona. Amongst stolen data that we gained from that place was a mention of an EagleEnclaven Stormtrooper brigade that vanished while going deep into a PreDD archaeological digs site close to some ancient, native, monuments of massive size. They are so big that even though over half buried in hard stone, all three of them still project over 100 metres into the air."


DocWho frowned softly. "Three tall monuments shape vaguely like tentacles with all three bending inwards towards a center point around which the structures are placed?"


Sarah Lyons nodded. "A full elite Stormtrooper brigade vanished, though they had the support of robots and specialist auxiliaries. The site was destroyed by a nuclear blast, the ground caving in at the spot between the three huge monuments. The tremors were felt many kilometres away from the blast site and were picked up by Brotherhood of Steel Sages. Another strange fact was that a converted, former Stormtrooper, grown tired of the excessive violence of the EE, stated that it was no official brigade that was involved in the incident and that the EagleEnclaven High Command never did learn where it came from."


DocWho spoke. "I would not be surprised, at all, if the Stormtroopers were mattercated copies of the real thing, along with their robots and auxiliaries. It is about time that the DocTARDIS did some local travelling; who would like to go on a visit to the GrandMall Museum of Technology? Perhaps somebody has been using the mattercation unit that was stored in heavy security display there."





It was decided that the PaleOneMan would go along with the Timelords and the Sentinel Sarah Lyons led Lyons Pride Platoon.


Dazanne would go to be with Saltis, Rubin, Thomas, Tinlegs and K9tronA1 so that she could begin early assessments of Saltis, Rubin, and Thomas.


DocWhat would continue to be in the Rank Street Subway Settlement, as it was now being called by increasingly more people.


DocWhy remained with Lassana who was doing some kind of project that she was keeping to herself, at least for the moment.


Care research-calculations needed to be done before the attempt of the DocTARDIS teleporting to the Museum of Technology.

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A woman, named Stoner, stood quietly on the bridge of a Junkspacer spacestationship, a big spacestation and slow moving spacestation combination complete with two massive spinning spacewheels. As one wheel went clockwise, the other counterclockwise, to keep the mass effect equation balanced. The main vessel, the shaft of the spacestationship, was also massive.


She spoke to other Junkspacers, a people of peoples scattered across the outer sector of the solar system that had 300+ planets, and multiple other stellar bodies. "Dalek vessels will be showing up soon. There will be at least three big ones. We must increase our speed towards the middle sector (of the solar system). New upgrades-additions will only help to keep them off for some time. We must reach the Go4C Jumpgate Station so as to get quickly into the middle sector as regulated by the SolFed (Solar Federation) and try to avoid the smaller area as regulated by the SolCon (Solar Confederation)."


Frangin, a tall skinny muscular man with an almost permanent scowl, snorted in disdain. "Bloody nonsense! Never heard of these damned daleks and is because they don't exist."


Stoner ignored him. "Do we have anything on radar, lightar, scanners or sensors?"


An operator, in cyberlinkage, spoke out. "A tiny phase ripple, picked up by phase scanners, that could indicate three stealth fielded spaceships."


Stoner asked. "What shape?"


The operator described the vague shapes. Stoner ordered all shields up at full strength being a sphere shaped DRAB (deflection, reflection and absorption and absorption bubble) along with smaller, more agile, force shields that could be shifted around. In the centuries following Doomsday there had been a few space wars, and many more skirmishes, and Spacer technologies had been forced to advance.


Frangin looked contemptuous. "Waste of damage electricity!"


But then three big shapes became visible but also what seemed to be the wreckage of others moving with the same velocity as the actual spaceships of which one was quite damaged and one was lightly damaged. The three dalekaships spanned out as each released its five dalekaboats, they shooting away from the dalekaship underhulls.


Stoner smiled with bemusement. "Seems that some other force did not like the daleks coming into our wonderful solar system. Those look like the sort of damage that zetan weapons do. Zetans would not appreciate daleks entering space that they want to conquer and zetans are justifiably frightened of daleks. Question is, how many zetans were destroying doing that much damage to the daleks?"


Four zetan saucerboats popped out of phase stealth mode, and with them came two partly destroyed ones and enough garbage to suggest at least half a dozen more. The four zetan saucerboats began firing upon the dalek vessels, pulsebeams darting out to largely fail to penetrate dalek force bubbles. A dalekaship returned fire and a saucerboat disintegrated into small junk.


A volley of hyper velocity missiles shot out from the Spacestationship Challengejayer, the bubble opening briefly only in one spot that would probably not open again during that battle. The missiles darted through space so quick that a dalekaboat exploded savagely and another exploded very close to the hull of a dalekaship.


The big noseguns of the three dalekaships were visibly preparing to fire at the spacestationship. Stoner ordered all force shields to be gathered to reinforce the DRAB where the big pulsebeams would strike. Then she took a small metallic box out of a shirt, flipped open a safety cover, and pressed a big red button.


The graceful, deadly, shape of the SFSS Enterprise came out of phase cloaking firing photon missiles, lasers, blasters and phasecannons. The two surviving dalekaships exploded dramatically as the SolFed spacebattlecruiser spat out dronefighters and battledrones that were soon going after the last of the dalekaboats.


Stoner turned, as she took out her laser pistol, and shot Frangin in the forehead. He dropped heavily to the padded metal deck.




A strange, wary, and temporary alliance was formed between the Junkspacers, the SolFed and a Chapter of three zetan mothership based guilds. Zetans had fought daleks before and the only ones that frightened them worse were their former masters of the Greynari (the Greys except for the harmless clone-greys).


The Spacestationship Challengejayer continued towards the jumpgate station.


The scientific research vessel, the SFSS Jan Fenaris, appeared to pick up what ever surviving stuff was left over from the destroyed dalek ships and boats. It was doubtful anything important would be found because daleks were almost paranoid about keeping their secrets secret.


The surviving zetans departed, taking their own wreckage with them. The Federates did not want their stuff because they had long ago studied, back engineered, and gained much from zetan technologies. The zetans did not seem to be advancing with their knowledge and their technologies were dumbed down versions of the Greynari ones. These had been inherited from their time as slaves to the Greynari.

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"Dalekaman with advanced stealth-infiltration technologies built in!" Stoner studied the dead figure on the medical trolley that was in the research ship. "My people detected him, and two others, easily enough. I am Stoner but one is an aspect of the Wanderer."


"What is the Wanderer?" Captain Arant, who was also a scientist, looked to Stoner suspiciously. "Do you mean the one that the skinnets, abblemants, and cautacanes speak of?"


The three alien peoples had been living in the NewEarth solar system long before humans came. They had some biological, cultural, things in common with humanity but even more differences.


"Yes, that is the general truth but I will not try any further explanation." Stoner touched the dalekaman's head. "This type of dalek technology speaks more of Davros than it does of the Dalekan Empire. Davros created the first daleks, being a truly insane criminal genius and a genocide scale mass murderer."


"That was on Skaro, the battle world where the cybermen, splinterclones, the Thals, the Kaleds, and the Questarins came from. Kaleds created the daleks, as a people, as the Thals created the cybermen and the Questarins created the splinterclones; all three paid for that mistake, having done so to try to end an amazingly long and devastating war that ravaged much of their world but not all of it. All six peoples left Skaro for different worlds with the cybermen being on the travelling world known as Mondas. The histories, of the other five, is not so clear. Mondas is now at the very edge of this solar system."


She shook her head just a little but as if to herself. "Skaro changed after the Great Exodus of six peoples and the damage was slowly-steadily reduced but not just by nature for it seems that there was another people on Skaro with strange powers and exotic super technologies. They engineered the three way war and the creation of the three monster peoples along with the exodus that followed. Yet none of those six peoples ever knew that the seventh people existed or so it appears to be."


Then she sighed softly. "Skaro is the same world as the NewEarth and a very long time ago the NewEarth was the OldEarth from which the six sleeperships left but which billions of humans were trapped on as a dying world. Yes, the NewEarth and the OldEarth are the same world and both are Skaro."


The captain scientist frowned. "The seventh people, what of them?"


Stoner frowned. "One suspects that they have always been on, or more accurately deeply in, the NewEarth and that they influenced humanity into waging war on itself.There are very many questions to answer such as what happened between the time of the Great OldEarth Exodus and the rise of Skaro and what happened between the Great Skaro Exodus and the NewEarth that OldEarth humanity came to thinking it was a brand new world with nothing to do with the OldEarth?"


Understandably nobody had any real answers. There were unspoken questions such as why were the daleks, and cybermen, coming back to what was Skaro to them and would others would be doing so of the six departed peoples of that war torn world.

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Fake metamutants, supermutants, mutthounds, massamoths, zyclops and superzyclops began to transform in a bizarre fashion. The power armour, of the metamutants, turned out not to be power armour at all but part of the fake metamutant bodies. Tentacled creatures emerged from the changes, of multiple kinds, as even fake weapons and other gear also merged with them.


They were not vatclones!


As the monstrous creatures, now showing their Shadotaze nature, rushed to attack the real supermutants force, doing so through trenches and tunnels, they ran straight into a series of mines, booby-traps and turrets. On and on they attacked, unable to help themselves, soon entering chambers set up as kill zones. There supermutants unleashed death upon them as mutthounds, zyclops, and massamoths were protected.


Marshal Krankzsmash was a psyker, being one gifted with unusual psychic abilities, and he had quickly 'sensed' the bizarreness hidden not far below the surface of the fake vatclones. The equipment-supplies that had also come to his people, had come from another source. Now two 20mm autocannon turrets were helping to blast away at the Shadotaze massmorphs, being another kind of Shadotaze from the things that the supermutants had already fought.


The battle was soon over, the attempted treachery-trickery undone, and Krankzsmash decided that it was time to send a very special message of kind only meant to be used in emergencies. Soon he was communicating with the 1Gen1 based closest in experimental TechVault321 in the GrandMall Museum of Technology. This time he was going to make some demands of his own; no more would he accept any alien type attempts to control his people and he wanted more equipment-supplies, more people and more vital data on just what was going on.


As he used the PreDD experiment SPLD (synthetic psychic linkage device), he expected to be knocked back, to be threatened, but was very surprised to have all of his demands met though he was also firmly told not to make any more demands; he could make further requests in future as long as they were practical and not too much. An envoy would soon be on the way from the vault base and with her would come data, reinforcements, and more equipment-supplies.


Then he found the hidden holotape, as recorded by Captain Sashenal, watched-listen to it three times with astonishment and growing anger before giving out new orders. Soon everybody, everything, was on the move. Marshal Krankzsmash was amazed that the temporary existing Sashenal had managed, somehow, to pass on to the supermutant commander a warning and some other very important information.




No 1Gen1 envoy came from the experimental TechVault but instead came a swarm of Shadotaze floating shaze entities, zombie like shadombies, darker shadows inside unnatural shadows, tentacles projecting from floating pale glowing spheres of energy and now shazemass things of individual weirdness of shape. They came fast, through utility corridors and cave tunnels, and from the direction of the Museum of Technology.


When the mininuke fitted booby traps detonated, the treacherous force was swept away into non existence. Tremors ran through the ground for a goodly distance all around. Chambers, tunnels, collapsed. Even the Shadotaze could not escape such a cunningly well designed, and powerful, trap.


Krankzsmash led his army towards where he hoped to find unlikely allies with the Wastelanders, Timelords, Brotherhood of Steel and anybody else available to be allied to. Any idea, of returning to TechVault087, was gone for if the current threat was not dealt with, even the supermutant's home vault would not be safe.


Krankzsmash was happier now to have just one enemy to fight, or so he hoped, for though very intelligent he was still a supermutant at heart and hated complications-subtleties.

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In the bright heat of day, armoured warmachines arrived at the growing fortified GrandMall base of the Talon Taskforce. There were hover, wheeled amphibious, and tracked amphibious vehicles mostly of the lightly armed carrier type. There were robots in the vehicles, along with mercs, and bigger robots moving along with the vehicles such as carrierbots.


Vertibirds came flying through the air along with aeroboats and helicopters that were not as powerful-deadly as vertibirds but easier to make and maintain.


Talontroopers came stomping along in power armour and even in some big two legged battlemecha or bigger four legged warmecha. Special power armoured soldiers would pilot the mecha with the warmecha also having one gunner each.


There were regular soldiers and then there were thug-mercenaries but the latter would not be sent directly into battle, being sent out recon, while the former would both support the elite forces and guard the base.


All of the was a surprise to Colonel Ashton but even stranger were the orders that the Talons were forming a temporary alliance with the new DC Brotherhood of Steel, the Timelords, the PaleMassFolk, the TechVault087 supermutants and a whole lot of local folk. He had not even heard of the PaleMassFolk or the Timelords and the brief briefing he got on them did not add much to his knowledge. He was too pragmatic to care who he worked with as long as he was paid and they were not too troublesome.




Lieutenant Samieland thrust her ample breasts out at the colonel, beneath her fatigue shirt that had not many buttons done up and no bra beneath. "Thugmercs, on recon duties, are reporting on more movements of radghouls swarming through the underways of the GrandMall but they are fleeing from something along with radrats, mirelurks, radscorpions, radroaches, radmolerats, trogs, cannibals and even some of those feral humans. Lots of other things also like loose muties."


Colonel Ashton smile-grinned. "You have a majestic presence, lieutenant! I take it that they were all fleeing from the GrandMall Museums Section including the Museum of Technology."


The lieutenant smiled as she undid another button. "Yes, as you predicted."


"As we both predicted! Come and sit on my lap!" He turned his swivel-chair so that she could more easily do so and then she was on his lap, which was not a new position for her to be in. She undid the last button and bared all to him. He spoke on. "I suggest that we take some time off together, right now!"


She only smiled very hotly.


An hour later the real Lieutenant Samieland arrived at the base, with other administration people from Fort Bannister. She entered the office room, with others, guns ready to use but all they found was the desiccated corpse of Colonel Ashton. It was a terrible way to die, or at least it looked to be, even by Wastelands terms. There had been whispers of a few such deaths taking place in the Wastelands but most especially in one areas; one of them was the GrandMall.


The lieutenant made sure her dead husband was soon buried and she vowed revenge as did other Talons. They also boosted up all security measures. Investigations soon proved that the killer, what ever it had been, had slipped away using Colonel Ashton's own escape hatch that led into a larger network of escape tunnels.

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