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Did you betray amaud motierre after DB questline is finished?


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I killed Motierre, the only hesitation I had was so that I could determine the most befitting method. I settled on luring him outside in Whiterun during a Deadly Dragons attack, that finished him pretty quick. The guy was just plain annoying. He was a power hungry, spoiled, little brat, and although he payed well, he was most certainly not worth leaving alive. I'll admit though that I had no idea the emperor would ask me to kill whoever payed for his assassination. Nor did I expect him to be so up front and noble about the whole business. If Beth had made the emperor beg for his life or try to run I definitely wouldn't have bothered with going after Motierre, but the noble deserve a last request in most cases I would say.
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I killed Motierre, the only hesitation I had was so that I could determine the most befitting method. I settled on luring him outside in Whiterun during a Deadly Dragons attack, that finished him pretty quick. The guy was just plain annoying. He was a power hungry, spoiled, little brat, and although he payed well, he was most certainly not worth leaving alive. I'll admit though that I had no idea the emperor would ask me to kill whoever payed for his assassination. Nor did I expect him to be so up front and noble about the whole business. If Beth had made the emperor beg for his life or try to run I definitely wouldn't have bothered with going after Motierre, but the noble deserve a last request in most cases I would say.

Has no one here watched Hero starring Jet Li!?

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how will they know? mottiere told anyone he is hiring the brother hood to kill the emperor? you told anyone you are going to kill the emperor and youre the listener? the emperor or any other guy you killed told anyone? how the F*** will they know if the brother hood betrayed mottiere? think people! think!
Relax dude :mellow:
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I took the emperors last words as a contract, couldn't stand the guy anyway.

Someday I'll have to go back to kill his bodyguard, nobody reacted when I shot Mottierre from the opposite corner of his room, so he should still be there sandboxing like nothing happened.

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Ah yes, the ritual is very, very important for the Dark Brotherhood (well at least it was before astrid sent every tradition to the trash can), and it should be since you know, Sithis and the Night Mother are actual beings rather than just the imagination of some bunch of crazy assassins (they're still a crazy bunch of assassins though).
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The Emperor met his death with dignity and honor and as an assassin that values honor more than gold, I must carry out his last request. As far as Amaund Motierre goes, it was nothing personal. It's just business.
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The Emperor met his death with dignity and honor and as an assassin that values honor more than gold, I must carry out his last request. As far as Amaund Motierre goes, it was nothing personal. It's just business.

What, so you're going to take last requests from everyone that dies with honor?

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assassin = a murderer, especially one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical or monetary reasons. (that is a dictionary definition). Can't see honor in that sorry :(. I've also killed him with one of my characters but just because i'm a ruthless sadistic maniac.
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