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skyrim getting boring


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Hour 122 on my first char, level 50 now and probably not half way through all the quests - no boredome here!

With FO3, I enjoyed two full playthroughs, all in all bout 250 hours of gameplay, but in the end it was all about RTS and the game itself became really pointless.

Oblivion was much much worse. About 6 attempted playthroughs and I lost interest at one point with all of them without finishing the game even once due to the most boring main quest in the history of rpgs! I would check mods daily, test them out and see how great they are only to realize that it doesn't change the fact, that Oblivion is dead to me.


I'll have to see how I feel about Skyrim after another 70 - 100 hours of gaming but right now even Shepard has to wait ;)

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If you're just bored based on poor difficulty balancing after a certain level, check mods. There are several which seek to make combat and enemies more dangerous. My own Skybalance mod, recently released on Nexus, makes things seriously dangerous. I don't mean to place this here as shameless self promotion. I just think it might help revive some interest in playing the game at later levels. Enemies fight smarter, use their shields far more often and can wound the player with lasting effects during combat to boot. Falmer are now truly dangerous enemies, and my lvl 40 Dragon-scale clad warrior had his ass handed to him by a Bandit Chief with a sword and shield.


And mine are not the only mods out there to do these things.


Seriously, if difficulty is the only thing putting you off, that can change.


and hopefully, in time, some of the more immersion-oriented problems will also change, as well.

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im currently at level 87 (maxxed all skills + added levels to improve difficulty) and i keep refreshing the game to stop it getting boring using different mods.


i.e i started out as a character named Zeus, whose plan was to gain all of the best shock powers and the storm call shout so that he could be a thunder god.

next i changed up my armours several times to make him look different, adding a slight refreshment each time.

then came a major overhall when i used the character creation menu to remake Zeus into Gannicus

currently thanks to the UFO mod, Gannicus now leads a roving warband of 8 gladiator geared troops (brutal armour, weapon variant and jaysus swords mods all helped with this effect.) and i occasionally use the console to spawn a group of 100-300 imperial soldiers for us to hack our way through, to test their skills, and enjoy the mass of killmoves thanks to the dance of death mod.


im currently doing these sorts of things whilst i await major DLC (crosses fingers for spear fighting) which im sure will rekindle a lot of peoples love for the game.

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I was writing books for a mod and after about the 4th one, my interest in the game started waning. I tried to keep upbeat and interested but that too is failing. I loved the game (past tense) but no longer have the need to play for 5+ hours a day. I think I logged in over 1000 hours before I started blocking STEAMypile, and who knows how many since- in the last week maybe 30 minutes. I did about everything you can do, I think, except load god mods or find anything good or useful about STEAMypile.


I am tired of being forced trash updates, an even a trashier portal to run/load my game, promises broken and hype unattained. Morrowwind had me back on and off over the years many time. Oblivion 6+ years of constant play even up to the eve of Skyrim's release. Now, 4+ months of forcing myself to hear the same exact dialog, dialog errors, lack of AI, NPC's of any specific class not know you are the guildmaster, the same 8 lines of synical dialog from ALL cloned gaurds, FORCED guild affiliation or you are basically no longer into the main quest line. extremely bland faction requirements or depth, broken after broken after broken quests with no intent on repairs. Permanent quest items that NEVER go away without consol poking and Not to mention mediocre - 8 to 10 year old graphic technology with basic rudimentary differences in world characters. The keyboard/mouse interaction is absolutely rediculous. There's has never been and never was ANY intent to support or deliver a PC grade game. That in itself makes me less likely to want to purchase or play another Beth-Steams-da game.


You would think with all the players throughout the world who followed this franchise faithfully, that they were limited to such few voice actors. I have a feeling people would have been lined up to offer their skills for free. Building a game specifically for a game console restricts most creativity I guess. Just once I would have liked to see truely rendered and interactive debris in an ancient tomb that wasnt a 2D overlay. Or Undead who miraculously didn't spawn with Ebony 1 EXP point after you hit 30th



You can be assured, if they produce anything else that sparks an interest, if its based on STEAMypile, F O R G E T - I T. MMO Sudoku online would give me more interest.


Although a lot of great things were accomplished bringing this game into existance, Beth-Steams-da fell way short of any mark I would put an excellent grade on. Catering all the possible technologies on a single console of some 8-10 years old and expecting the PC gamers to just accept it is no longer an acceptable reply to me. If this is allowed to be done here, it will be followed by other game producers. They make a lot of money from PC gamers not getting anything near the technology of the days standard but still are required to pay a premium price for.


As a final note, I would hope some of the fantastic moddrers in this community would start a company and make games for PC gamers who have invested big $$ into systems with the hopes that some company would make something useful, CURRENT and STABLE, while putting the advanced technological cirtuits to the test.

Edited by Brandy_123
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Just wanted to throw my two cents in on the attribute dispute. There are attributes, however they are hidden. To name one: unarmeddamage is one of the attributes and it can be changed in the console. But besides that, Bethesda kind of made skills attributes in a sense. Go back to Oblivion... willpower, strength, and the other attributes that change health, magic, etc. etc. can be increased with enchanting/smithing. So the removal of traditional attributes didn't bug me, the lack of effort in the guild writing did.
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Well, I see I'm not alone who thinks this Elder Scrolls "SKYRIM" installment lacks depth, and substance. It absolutely does. I like the game, but Bethesda really went low budget on a lot details. One thing that popped right up at the beginning were the "Taverns". Just about every single one of them are architectural clones of one another. There's no diversity with internal lay out/design. They all basically look the same inside. The second annoyance are the voice overs, and the limited dialog from NPC's. For example: the Riverwood trader always says this: "Thank you -so much- for retrieving the claw". Got anything else to say Lucan Valerius? I wish you did, but you don't. How about the Nord in Falkreath at "Gray Pine Goods" . Solaf is a broken record! "Steal anything from my shop, and where going to have trouble" got old fast. I want to take him out he's so annoying :devil: . And how about his brother Bolund. He is always at the inside of the front door whenever one walks into the shop, not to mention we get to hear the same repeated line's from Solaf on how his brother is such an A-hole. Thanks Solaf, for the umteenth time for how much your brother is a jerk! How about one's choice of houses in SKYRIM! All of them are dumps except of the house in Solitude.

Every other NPC sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger, not to metion every single Nord guard is masked, even the women guards. Mjoll the Lioness' (Who I like the most as a follower) voice over is eveywhere in the game from female bandits to the most unremarkable character wondering SKYRIM. How many voices did Bethesda employ, five? I totally agree about the "College of Winterhold" questline. What a let down. Juxtaposed to the Mages Guild of Oblivion, which could have been better as well, Oblivion was far better than this. Bethesda must of had a college brain fart with that quest. What a poor piece of writing. This is where Skyrim really falls short, not to mention the blank stare in third person camera, although I only use that for brief observations. I love first person camera, and if Elder Scrolls didn't have it, I'd never buy the games. There's a lot to do in Skyrim, but the Bethesda took a battle axe to content, and variety. The Lich mask , and the wolf queen questline were pretty cool, but the Wolf queen quest was short on tasks making it a very short quest to actually carry out.


I could go on, but I hope add-on's unlock it's potential.


I'll tell one thing, With the huge character learning curve, and the hoop's one jumps through to complete the main questline of saving the world, the fact that the Blade's reject you if you don't kill the coolest dragon in SKYRIM "Paarthurnax' is total BS. But I digress.


I'm still replaying the game but I cheat big time now. Player.additem 000xxx is an excellent mod LOL...

Edited by Freddywarbird
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I still enjoy it. Although, I seem to be spending more time prying through Papyrus than actually progressing. I'm trying to get more into modding, so I've been debugging and coding more than actually playing it seems. I haven't had hardly any crashing/freezing/glitching with Skyrim. Ever. More stable than Oblivion ever was. Although, I am beginning to pine for some Gates to Oblivion that I can destroy...


Been considering playing them in order from Morrowind - Oblivion - Skyrim, one after the other. I don't know which one I like the best...


I think when Skyrim gets some official DLC in, then it might get some of its charm back. Honestly, it will be hard to top Shivering Isles (my favorite camping ground! :D)

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