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Net Neutrality - The End is the Beginning


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I wanted to add one post of explanation about the motivations of Obama and the FCC in 2014 and 2015. Trump, Pai, the R's and even our media establishment (the same list also comprises not only the primary but exclusive beneficiaries from Pai's decision) are trying to frame Title II protection for internet traffic as evil and unnecessary government interference. The truth is that our FCC acted in 2015, not to intrude government where it wasn't necessary, but to protect internet traffic from the then-presumed-inevitable and now-proven concerted attacks and power plays on our privacy, free speech and other constitutional rights for this traffic, by both private industry AND other agencies (NSA etc) of this same federal government. Congress had been working on establishing Title II protection and net neutrality for three years prior to the FCC's 2015 decision, and history has already proven this protection was and still is essential. Our recognized privacy and other constitutional rights for internet traffic will be destroyed the instant our government stops "intruding" to protect these rights. That's no longer even a claim, it's history and it's where we are today. Edited by TheMastersSon
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Here's a glimpse of the other reason the current orchestrated effort to gut the internet in our country was doomed from the start:




He avoided all questions on data collection because frankly he's in big trouble on that issue. He gave the same performance in front of our own Senate. What his company did (and AFAIK still does) amounts to rape of user privacy (e.g. scanning user email and pushing advertising, "news" stories etc based on scanned results etc). This is absolutely no different than what "Ma" Bell started doing with our landline telephone traffic a century ago, and why the Communications Act of 1934 was necessary, written and passed by both major parties. When you allow private industry to use effective fascism and rape of privacy as its primary and easiest revenue models, lo and behold that's what will happen. Inevitably and regardless of industry.


The internet is a global private communications network and most of the world has already recognized and protected its traffic as such. If we don't, we can look forward to endless prosecutions for what U.S. ISPs, other private sites like Facebook and even our own government are currently allowed to get away with. Every one of us will look back in 20 years and literally cringe. IMO this is the nadir of the abuse phase for the internet's development in our country, or I sure hope it is. I can't imagine our federal courts will sign on to this orchestrated treason, or even could hope to do so for very long.

Any expectation of privacy on the internet is a delusion. Nothing is private.


And thank God that simply saying things does not make them so. The simple truth is, as a law-abiding U.S. citizen you have a right to free speech and private communication free from government repression of these rights. It's true from your internet communication to your postal mail and telephone calls. For the last time, if you don't understand or respect your own inherent, God-given rights and freedoms as a human being you might as well move to a country where these rights aren't recognized. Your defeatist attitude and errant claims are precisely how the German people woke up one day and found their federal government altogether destroyed.


There is no such thing as god-given rights. You have the rights your government is willing to give you. That's it. The government can, and HAS taken them away whenever they feel they need to.


Perhaps I should clarify my point a bit. You MAY have the 'right' to privacy with your internet communications, but, the REALITY is, there is no privacy on the internet.

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I present the above post as definitive evidence that stupidity is infinite punishment. You could read a billion pages explaining the fundamental difference between human rights (endowed by God) and recognition of rights (endowed by government), it will never register inside your head. Simply not enough cells inside that cavity and more cannot be added via surgery. If you sincerely believe there is no such thing as God-given rights you most definitely belong in China, Iran, North Korea or another country where it's practically true, and I refuse to even qualify that with an imo.


As for your other point, it's why the effort is happening now and not after control of our internet traffic is usurped by private industry and the current runaway national security monster in our federal government. And thanks to Google our view of the world is now somewhere between pathetically and obscenely tiny. You won't believe what you've been missing when this nonsense is over. All of these things are symptoms of the same problem, we have to grow up and properly recognize and protect the internet for what it is: the world's primary common carrier of private, two-way communication. It is not an "information service" regardless of how badly our federal government wishes it was.


You know the true irony imo is that the beginning of this problem was not the FCC's actions in 2014 and 2015, which were correct and necessary, it was the previous carving, by this same government and out of literal nothingness, of the legal entity still referred to as an "information service". If you're wondering why this new creation came about, it was the easiest way to delay inevitable recognition of internet traffic as a private common carrier communications utility, which in turn necessitates some minimum level of legal regulation and protection. Again what was done in 2015 was to simply and properly recognize the internet as a private communications network, and (exactly as with our phone and mail networks) require fair and equal end user control of and access to the medium. It's the exact same development progression as all other introduced technologies in our 240 year history.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I present the above post as definitive evidence that stupidity is infinite punishment. You could read a billion pages explaining the fundamental difference between human rights (endowed by God) and recognition of rights (endowed by government), it will never register inside your head. Simply not enough cells inside that cavity and more cannot be added via surgery. If you sincerely believe there is no such thing as God-given rights you most definitely belong in China, Iran, North Korea or another country where it's practically true, and I refuse to even qualify that with an imo. As for your other point, it's why the effort is happening now and not after control of our internet traffic is usurped by private industry and government. Thanks to Google our view of the world is now somewhere between pathetically and obscenely tiny. You won't believe what you've been missing when this nonsense is over.

Well, given how weak your arguments are, I can see why you need to resort to insults, and disparaging my intelligence.


First: Nothing is given to you by "god". Mainly because he either does not exist at all, or, he simply lost interest in the human race. Considering there is zero evidence to support his existence, I believe the first point is the more likely.


Second: One would think that if something was 'given' to you by a 'god', that a mere government, comprised of men, would have no authority over it. That doesn't seem to be the case, as there are many examples of governments depriving folks of their 'god given' rights. Or, did god only give those rights to white, anglo-saxon protestants, living on one specific continent?


Third: Even if it was only WASPs, living in one specific area, that received those 'god given' rights, our government here has absolutely no problem violating those rights, whenever they feel like it, and god doesn't seem to care. I have seen absolutely no consequences from any higher power for them having done so. This reinforces my belief that there simply isn't a god, therefore, he hasn't given us anything at all.

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First: Nothing is given to you by "god". Mainly because he either does not exist at all, or, he simply lost interest in the human race. Considering there is zero evidence to support his existence, I believe the first point is the more likely.

Thanks for the concession. Now explain why you wouldn't be much happier living in China.


Wait on second thought never mind. I really don't wish to steer this OT and frankly I already know what you're about to type anyway. Try replacing "God" with "Creator" and see if you disagree with it as strongly. There may or may not be a God, but you most certainly had a Creator. It's the word used in our Declaration of Independence.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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First: Nothing is given to you by "god". Mainly because he either does not exist at all, or, he simply lost interest in the human race. Considering there is zero evidence to support his existence, I believe the first point is the more likely.

Thanks for the concession. Now explain why you wouldn't be much happier living in China.


Wait on second thought never mind. I really don't wish to steer this OT and frankly I already know what you're about to type anyway.


What concession? You were the one arguing for 'god given', now you admit that there is no such thing?


The only consistency I am seeing in your arguments is word usage...... nazi, treason, facist, etc. You lack coherency, your arguments have the flavor of a fanatic that has been converted to some cause, and can no longer reason for himself, but simply spouts the party line. At one point, you were a reasonable entity, and I actually agreed with you on a fair few of your points. Something changed, and now you simply appear to be another one of the tin-foil hat crowd. Quite frankly, you remind me of 'that guy' that shows up to the party, spouting his pap, and everyone else just kinda rolls their eyes, and whispers to their neighbor behind their hand, and then they go off to do something far more important, like, watching the grass grow......


It's obvious to me that 'debating' anything with you any more is pretty much pointless. When you arguments fall apart, you resort to insults. This was fun at one point, but, now it has become tedious. I used to find you amusing, and now, well, I just find it sad.


So, in conclusion, I will no longer engage with you. There is no point.

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It's why I had you on ignore for months on this site. Utterly pointless indeed. I simply thanked you for conceding that you're godless, I wasn't agreeing with atheism.


As for extreme sounding words, I use the ones that are most accurate for my intended meaning, like everyone else does. It's been how many months and we're still waiting to hear our first claim from anyone that the Trump/Pai action doesn't qualify precisely as orchestrated treason and imposed fascism. There's not even been a proposal to move this topic to Debates. Everyone is onboard about what happened and what the R's are trying to get away with, because everyone has known this day was coming for internet traffic for the last 30+ years. My parting shot is that your lack of coherency claim is most absurd of all. On most issues my opinions haven't changed in a half century or longer, because nobody has ever disproven them in my view, and btw I'm still waiting for my first incorrect prediction in that same half century. So please review your own posting history before you even start judging mine.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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