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Mod Author Donation System


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In response to post #56103671.

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Nostalgia goggles are a fine piece innit? People always cared about what's theirs, and sharing was never happening to any great extents. We've always tried to find ways to make something out of our hobbies and passions.
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In response to post #56096151. #56096866, #56097731, #56102286 are all replies on the same post.

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Ah, the "How can mod author permissions be real if our eyes aren't real?" argument.
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It will be interesting to see how this works out. It sounds like a pretty good idea so far. I likely won't opt-in as I wouldn't even get a penny a month, but there are some authors that could really benefit from this.
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In response to post #56102081.

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For #1 I imagine they would be outright banned and the mod removed, so they wouldn't get any more points.
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Though I'm not happy with donations at all I can live with that system. Many authors today seems to want donations, so we need a system and I cannot imagine a better one. I would never in my crazy dreams accept donations for mods, but I guess I'm very very old fashioned.

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  On 12/19/2017 at 4:58 PM, Ethreon said:


In response to post #56103671.




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Nostalgia goggles are a fine piece innit? People always cared about what's theirs, and sharing was never happening to any great extents. We've always tried to find ways to make something out of our hobbies and passions.


Really? I never tried to make something out of my hobbies and I never will, because for me it would be spoiled then. And yes it is nostalgia but when I began modding 20 years ago nobody talks about donations or payment. It's finished, that's live, but allow me to regret it.

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In response to post #56103671. #56104066 is also a reply to the same post.

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From the glass half full perspective, I hope that this sort of rewards system will encourage a new set of quality mods and authors that wouldn't have stepped into the scene otherwise. Hard to say how it all will play out, but I think it's worth a shot.
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In response to post #56103626. #56105226, #56106661 are all replies on the same post.

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I understand your point, I too prefer bigger mods, but my point is not wrong either, especially when we're talking about textures. You can be very satisfied in downloading even one only armour's texture at a time, without any compatibility problem and with maybe the option to merge them if they belong to the same pack. I've been a little exaggerated, of course, but I could have very easily divide this big mod in 6 parts and get x6 DP and money (again, I would never do that).

Finally, I never intended to say that this idea is wrong, only I find it a bit useless, that's all. It's not by knowing that you could earn some 5 or 50 dollars that you could be any more encouraged to work one year on a project.

I'm glad you're interested in my project. Check the new mod list by the end of the week, it should be there. Edited by Arjuna76
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In response to post #56103626. #56105226, #56106651 are all replies on the same post.

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Double post. Edited by Arjuna76
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In response to post #56081996. #56082276, #56082736, #56082851, #56104651 are all replies on the same post.

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I personally don’t see a problem with an sse porter like myself receiving donations this way or the old way. You know it’s not like there is an easy button you press and miraculously an oldrim mod is now an sse mod. It takes hours of work and that’s not including the time it takes to properly support said mod. Please folks don’t be hatin on porters.
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