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Mod Author Donation System


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In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686 are all replies on the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.

No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced. Edited by SanguinBlack
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In response to post #56169581. #56170296, #56171586, #56171796, #56172991 are all replies on the same post.

Tasheni wrote: I hope my english is good enough to say what I want to. Please be polite.

Next step to split the comunity further. This development makes me very sad. What is the intention behind your doings? I can't see any advantage for modders and players.

I have put thousands of hours in the development of my mod. I decided to share it so users can play it if they want, because that's what I can give freely to the comunity. It's great if there is some feedback, but I never care for endorsement. I know myself if I had done a good job or not. I'm not into competition, for what is it good for? If you want to have one, then make special actions once or thrice a year, or whatever with a certain theme. I'm doing this and it's fun and pain, but this is to me. I know there are people outside who like it. Recognition is always nice, but you can't force people to give it. No system will work to achieve this.
And to bring in money in either form is the end of free and carefree modding. You expel many modders into the second row. And if they only make the hundreths Lydja mod, they just do what they can and like, invested their time and for those nexus should stay open as for anyone else. It's the decision of the player what mods he want to use.
You make people who do not pay feel like they are judged. The feeling of second class.
If someone want to make money with mods he should setup his own internetshop. And if some player wants to support a modder who offers his work for free he could do it private with a PM and state it out unvisible for the comunity.
This all will bring in more complication for both, modders and players.
SanguinBlack wrote: YES, thank you.
Ethreon wrote: Load of bull. This is basically donations, but from nexus to the MAs instead of the random generous user. Take your doom and gloom away.
qwormuli wrote: You call donations from advertisement funds the end of free and voluntary modding? Not going to happen. And i'm a bit sceptical about any modder feeling like a second class citizen for making the mods he/she wants, instead of the most popular types. I think that people like that tend to be even more beloved, but that's just my point of view. And the premium system isn't dividing users either, outside of the obvious differences. I have yet to see even one even remotely serious post whinging about free users, and i have ever seen only a single post made by some asshole calling supporters disingenuous fanboys/shills(not his words, and it happened 3+ years ago). I don't think that the current change is going to create any more divide between different users/authors.
Airbreathers wrote: Tasheni, After reading the post, there is a part of it that says that on one will know how may points you have but you. So for that matter of this making Modding into a competition on this site, no I do not see that as the case. Every month you and other modders will just receive some points to do with as you please, if you want to. You and any other modder does not have to opt in. this whole system is completely free to you and anyone else on this site to use or completely disregard.

About your second point, to do with Second class, I think you are bring this up from whats been popping up in the comments of this post about people releasing a lot of Quote on Quote "low effort Mods" to game the system. personally I think that line of thinking of people in the comments is pretty bad. Tasheni people do what the enjoy and what they can. and if they enjoy it enough to do it a lot they should not be shunned, penalize or otherwise treated as Bad Members of the Community, unless someone is breaking the rules of the nexus they are not Bad Members of the community, or Bad modders. They are just something in the community you are not particularly fond of, which as long as you don't attack or put down others is fine IMO, there are things i don't like personally But I just don't download those mods. There is no need to see them as lesser. Cause there is a lot of people on this site that do like those mods, be them whatever. There is a Mod for everyone, and if there is not now I'd Bet someone is making it,

I might also add that if there are suddenly a lot of low effort mods, they will certainly not get the downloads they wish for. I mean; who needs 100 Lydias'? ;)

I think it is the mods that have a certain amount of content, or are made with care (which usually shows) that will get the most downloads.

The only danger I can see, is when modders suddenly spend more time designing their mod page than making their mod. But even then; they will get through with that once or twice, after that their reputation will be gone. So a modder who opts into this donation-system will most likely gain more by providing a string of high quality mods and thus building up his/her reputation.
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In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316 are all replies on the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.

"No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."

Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.
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I support this new donation system wholeheartedly. I think a lot of thought has been put into this system, and I am confident that if some things don't work out as intended, that changes/adaptations will be made.


Just another thing, I have been asking for the last couple of years: can you please set up some donation-tracker which is only visible (and doesn't need to contain amounts) to the donating person? All that is needed is the month, year and mod-author.

Honestly, I have the attention span of a three-quarter dead goldfish and I am absolutely positive that I have not donated to worthy authors, while at the same time donating (to equally worthy) authors twice or more. And all this because "I CAN'T REMEMBER" (not yelling at you guys, I am yelling at myself)


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In response to post #56103896. #56125031, #56127321 are all replies on the same post.

Kajuan wrote: I guess I agree. I almost stop modding also cause this, users are not willing to even click an endorsement, imagine...
Endorsements, indeed, are around 5% / 10% of unique downloads, and the "thanks" even less. Too much hours of hard work on some mods for just this.
Even Nexusmods, I guess, lives upon something more tangible, and this also due to the modders work as well.
Asaforg wrote: As a fellow mod author, I just want to say I love and appreciate all your awesome work. :thumbsup: I would love if mods could be sorted with an endorsement to unique download ratio.
Kajuan wrote: Well, I don't expect an endorsement for each unique download really, like 1:1, cause someone could just download, try and delete the mod, but also a percent of 5%/10% looks like more a lazy thing by the most users, seen it is just as free as a click of mouse. Thank you Asaforg.

Firstly, love your retextures. Next, i believe, that for most not endorsing is just inattention and forgetfulness, instead of laziness or anything nefarious. I, too, often go "wait, i HAVEN'T endorsed that?"
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In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316, #56178271 are all replies on the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.
Ethreon wrote: "No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."

Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.

Nothing is being forced onto you. You can continue to use the site exactly as you did before.
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In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316 are all replies on the same post.




CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,


For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.

SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.

"No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."


Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.



Yes, stop posting nonsense, and especially stop posting things that our friend has no rational, logical objection to make against whatsoever, it might make him feel a bit awkward.

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In response to post #56181426.

ComScreen wrote:


In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316 are all replies on the same post.

CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.

"No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."

Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.



Yes, stop posting nonsense, and especially stop posting things that our friend has no rational, logical objection to make against whatsoever, it might make him feel a bit awkward.

I bet you feel pretty awkward.
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In response to post #56103896. #56125031, #56127321, #56179026 are all replies on the same post.

Kajuan wrote: I guess I agree. I almost stop modding also cause this, users are not willing to even click an endorsement, imagine...
Endorsements, indeed, are around 5% / 10% of unique downloads, and the "thanks" even less. Too much hours of hard work on some mods for just this.
Even Nexusmods, I guess, lives upon something more tangible, and this also due to the modders work as well.
Asaforg wrote: As a fellow mod author, I just want to say I love and appreciate all your awesome work. :thumbsup: I would love if mods could be sorted with an endorsement to unique download ratio.
Kajuan wrote: Well, I don't expect an endorsement for each unique download really, like 1:1, cause someone could just download, try and delete the mod, but also a percent of 5%/10% looks like more a lazy thing by the most users, seen it is just as free as a click of mouse. Thank you Asaforg.
qwormuli wrote: Firstly, love your retextures. Next, i believe, that for most not endorsing is just inattention and forgetfulness, instead of laziness or anything nefarious. I, too, often go "wait, i HAVEN'T endorsed that?"

More or less the same thing I suppose, call it inattention but, it is by more than 90% of the users. The percentage speaks for itself.
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