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Mod Author Donation System


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In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371 are all replies on the same post.

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Is there Anything unsavoury About this moddrop, that is not obviously apparent? My knowledge about it is limited to their advertisement video, which makes it look like another mod hosting site.
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In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166 are all replies on the same post.

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I just went to the ModDrop page and watched their trailer and read the site. Are you worried that ModDrop will pull users away from downloading from Nexus and switch to ModDrop? When I first started modding I would have loved installing with one click. Is ModDrop a bad thing simply because it's not Nexus? Edited by LeonidasNerevar
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I like that we're making progress with modding and finding a way to reward the mod authors directly with the money gained from ads. It lookes like they've tried to think of everything and not just half heartedly thrown something out there. I hope this system works and produces great joy to all. I do wonder though, will any changes be maid to the Premium system? If eveyone just paid $2 and lost all ads then there wouldn't be as much revenue to distribute amongst mod authors, right? He didn't mention it in the post but I'm hoping they didn't overlook it. Happy modding!
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In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241 are all replies on the same post.

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Delved a bit into it. It's a cesspool, plain and simple. it steals the original creations in unsupported and often shifty messes, which i wouldn't want to inflict on my computer. No credibility, no theft protection(the other way around, in fact), no real moderation, no virus protection or detection, no real community to detect and oust these to provide some herd immunity, not to mention some heavy and backed allegations of the creator being an extremely damaging serial thief and an impersonator. Wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole.
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In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316, #56178271, #56179031, #56184291, #56198556, #56203591 are all replies on the same post.

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Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
Fine, then tell me which site I can go to to make paid mods. There's none unless Bethesda happens to like you? I see.
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In response to post #56204381.

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I'd actually want to purchace premium and retain the ads. I could then just disable the ones that distract me in any way with a software in clean conscience, while leaving the harmless ones to generate well deserved funds to this site(and now towards this pool). Call me crazy or a shill, but This button in your settings would be a nice addition. Optional, of course.
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In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241, #56205146 are all replies on the same post.

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No, it's a bad thing because their business model is based on people uploading stolen mods so they can plaster ads and get revenue.
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In response to post #56190841.

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I think Dark0ne means nations embargoed by the United Nations/The United Kingdom. unless i just misunderstood your question.

Is it a joke about Brexit? lol Edited by Airbreathers
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