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elianora hiding all mods from the nexus indefinitely


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She's raising awareness for some real shittiness going on in the community at the moment.


More info here:ÃÂ https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/7lk9y9/elianora_just_announced_on_facebook_she_will_hide/

definitely can't argue with that, people will ignore the issues with mod drop, until they can't ignore it. everyoNE loves her mods, so she's a good person to bring this to light Edited by wanderer3292
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Forgive the cliche, but..


Money corrupts



I just hope that one day mod authors will have a more tangible way of fighting mod theft than just perseverance and the integrity of the community

There need to be better ways to combat mod theft than being forced to withdraw all your content

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I blame this and everything bad that happened on the Creation Club.

Seriously though, I wonder how Bethesda's little tool to earn more money is doing well.

I mean Rockstar made tons of money on Shark cards but they also gave you the choice to earn in-game money by playing the game. Why couldn't Bethesda do the same?

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I blame this and everything bad that happened on the Creation Club.

Seriously though, I wonder how Bethesda's little tool to earn more money is doing well.

I mean Rockstar made tons of money on Shark cards but they also gave you the choice to earn in-game money by playing the game. Why couldn't Bethesda do the same?


I think beth has little control over this satiation. But I think that was sarcasm anyway.


And how would you be able to earn the credits? Certain quest? Achievement? People who already unlocked / done them would have a big disadvantage. Theoretical requiring a new play through.

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Does Bethesda support this ModDrop in any way? What famous Youtubers are plugging this ModDrop? If Bethesda acknowledges that modders own their mods, then it seems this is the stuff of litigation rather than modders taking the ball and going home.

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