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what are Endorsement and Kudo's ?


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I've been on these forums for a few days now and still finding new things


My lastest discovery is the Endorsement and Kudo's given...thingy-m-jib


so for curiosity's sake what are they and how do you earn/get them?


side note: i love this place its full of amazingly funny and friendly people

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Endorsements are basically like Facebook likes. When you like a mod you downloaded or an image you saw, you click the ENDORSE button to show your appreciation. The more endorsements a mod/image has, the easier it is for other users to find it.


Kudos are also similar to likes though more of a reputation point, only kudos are for users. So lets say someone helped you with an issue or you found them extremely pleasant to interact with, you give them a kudos.

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These pages will give some reading materials to consume about the general features and workings of the sites and forums:



(It explains about Endorsements and other statistics as well.)



(It explains about the basic features of the forums. But keep in mind this is more about the original IP.Board framework itself than the customized current state of the Nexusmods forums. Certain features or points just don't apply anymore.)


I swear there was more centralized documentation in the past of the terms used on the sites, what features there are and what they do... but I can't for the life of me find it anymore. Guess the Help section and Wiki will have to do.


The members above explained it quite thoroughly already anyways. Just one more thing perhaps of importance: Most, if not all, search and/or sort metrics used by default on the site are primarily based on the number of Endorsements a file or image page has received. So their internal, technical value and importance got inflated quite a bit beyond just a Like. (Then again, so it is on other social networking platforms as well, if I'm not mistaken.)

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thanks guys for the info and Mr Crimsonrider we defo need endorsement and kudos for console i've had a couple of your mods before and liked them just could never find a decent body mod to go with them


ok new question

How do i send/give kudos because you three and a few more deserve them for helping me


also sorry for the delayed response

Edited by EnglishGentleman
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Endorsements are issued on a mod's main page.
The button is in the row of several buttons near the top-right of the page.

Kudos are issued on a member's "profile page". I just gave you one for being so polite in all your posts.
Again, button near the top (on the old layout only. We're still working on getting things set-up on the new layout!)

Note: One can only issue other members a single kudu each, and they're anonymous; the recipient has no way of knowing who did so. :wink:

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