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It's A Supernatural Life


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Raven smirked at the skinwalker, "We're not keeping her and she's not one of us. She's following us. Big difference. And you're right...we don't know that she isn't with those demons...but as you can tell, the rest of us don't have an eye disorder."


She holstered her gun with a sigh, raising an eyebrow at the Irishman, "Looks like we're both on the run...us from demons, you from your own kind. I'm willing to give you a chance - werewolves are born men, sometimes good ones, but demons are always demons...and a leopard can't change its spots. " She looked pointedly at Amber.


"But you still haven't said what you're doing here...or if you have another name besides 'Irish dude'," she finished, returning her gaze to the werewolf.

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"Then 'hy is she not dead? Is she not a threat to your groo'?" (Then why is she not dead? Is she not a threat to your group?) Wester asked, cocking his furry head. He didn't like this situation at all, but didn't show it.
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"I am...unique among my kind fer' sure but...That wolf that was leading the pack...he turned me. I want revenge fer' that and many other crimes hes committed. My name is Deuce..." He said, as he began to shift back, slowly. "I hunt my own, those that hunt me...more or less." He explained as he drew each of his .45's and checked the magazines and chambered them.


He could smell the others gathering, these wolves were only Youngbloods, besides the beta. There were atleast a dozen out there. He thought about getting on his bike and leaving them, but his sense of morality told him otherwise.


"Ye' had better pack up and leave, those wolves will come back twice as strong, Blacke is...special like me." He said as he straddled his bike. He checked his phone, three hours till sunrise.


"Get out of here, hunker down 'till sunrise." He said to everyone and then started his bikes engine. "I'll take 'em off yer' trail." He said before gunning the engine and peeling out as he rode off.

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"'Etter get out o' here 'ufore the 'ere 'olves attack." (Better get out of here before the werewolves attack.) Wester advised. "They 'ill 'e deadly." (They will be deadly.)


Wester still had no idea what to do. He could abandon these clearly dangerous hunters and risk being caught and attacked by werewolves, or he could stick with them. He calculated quickly. His parents, he knew, had silver weapons in case something like this happened, and possibly a full set of monster-killing equipment. That's where he'd be going. He dashed off into town, avoiding going anywhere near his home ghetto. He did know of a clothing shop where he was going where he could get something to wear. He looped around back and raided a truck full of clothes packed into boxes, and eventually dragged off a full set of clothes, shoes included. When he got changed somewhere far out of sight, he reverted to human form and walked out into the street wearing a gray hoodie with jeans and running shoes. He pulled the hood over hid head to disguise his hair. He walked a long route back to his home, and took an even longer route every time he smelled werewolves or demons, or if he smelled what he thought was one of the hunters. Even as a human, skinwalkers had an exceptional sense of smell.


Eventually he reached his home, where he walked in through the back door. He gave a quick nod to his parents as he went into the closet in his room that held his revolver and bullets, and took both the gun and every bullet he had. He walked back downstairs to his parents. He took some silver bullets as well, about 24 of them.


"Hunters in town. Be careful. Demon with them, can sense skinwalkers, found me, I'm going somewhere where I can't be traced back to you. Love you both." His parents understood the situation and nodded, both being skinwalkers themselves. He went out the back door and walked along the street, intent on going downtown where an open werewolf attack would attract the attention of hundreds, hunters included.

Edited by Flipout6
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"Well aren't you special? Always knowing such things." She mumbled how the demon suddenly figured out that it's actually a skinwalker. She heard of these creatures but never encountered one.


Strangely enough both the skinwalker and a werewolf did not attack them but talked to them and simply left. Monsters these days... she thought and hid her pistols in the hidden pockets of her coat and then turned to the other huntresses.


"One thing is certain that we need a secluded place to hide from both the police and demons. I know a good place in Maine. I used to know a... hunter who lived there." July suggested. Very small number of people knew that certain house in the woods. July never told anyone about this safe house thus she was certain that neither of them knew the place.

Edited by Naktis
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"I'm game," Raven said, climbing back into the Mustang, "That's one state I haven't visited, yet. Now seems like a prime time to do so."


She cranked the engine and rolled down her window, glancing at July, "So, when do we head out?"

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Amy raised an eyebrow, taking in all of the information. "Maine? Gods... that's a way off... and i still have a catwalk to strut... Wait, no i don't, my last one was yesterday... they got that other girl, and she's closing the show tomorrow." Amy spoke aloud, running her schedule over in her head. "I'll need to go grab everything from the apartment then if we are leaving... Give me a few hours, or come with me?" Amy asked, getting into her Ferrari, and winding the window down to speak.
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Jennie nodded at the pair, and offered,


"I got the farmhouse near Salt Lake City, Uncle Whistler said it is across from a store owned by a man named "Jim". I offer my home to you guys as well, if you like. I'm not driving out there tonight, though."


Amber nodded at Jennie, and said,


"So long as you lot don't kill or exorcise me, which would mean miss principal here dies of cancer, then I don't care. That was our deal, I keep her alive, she is a willing host. A willing host allows a lot easier maneuverability and power use than a non willing one. Also, July, was it? Even a minor demon can read minds. That's how they know what to say to hurt you, or piss you off. A higher level demon, like myself, could even control a human, should I wish to."

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"I guess we can go with you." She told to Amy before getting into her car. She then remembered something else and opened the window.


"No one invited you, demon." The huntress mumbled, quite annoyed. She wondered what made her think that suddenly they want her around.

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