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It's A Supernatural Life


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Anderson returned to the table a short time later with two microwaved casserole portions and set them both down, with silverware and napkins, then went to retrieve a pitcher of milk and two glasses, setting them down at the table. He removed his cassock, as to not get food on it, and remembered he still had his shotgun across his back. He pulled the shotgun out of the specially made holster at his back, and placed it on a nearby statue.


"Good thing about having a church, always a spare hand around, hey boy?" He joked, and sat at the table, gesturing for the boy to sit, and he began a short prayer with his hands above both meals, thanking the lord for the food and beverages they were about to consume etc. Then his hands retracted and he gestured.


"Eat, boy! Nae need to stand on ceremony, the blessing was the only ceremony I need at the dinner table."

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Deuce turned away from the window and checked his pistols, he pulled the slide back and chambered a round. "I've got to go..." He said coldly, a stern look on his face, he set the glass down and waved as he left. He hurried out of the building and began to follow to distant baying. After about an hour he came to its original source, a large alley about ten miles from the Ritz Carlton.


He watched the asphalt ground closely and noticed various scratches and blood marks, the scent of a pack was all over. Strangely he smelled gunpowder and the stench of humans..."Hunters..." he thought as he looked around. Behind a dumpster he found a dart, the tip was covered in blood and reeked of tranquilizer. As he examined it he felt as if eyes were on him. He heard breathing, out of instinct he drew his pistol and aimed it at the source but as he did he felt a sharp prick on his neck and everything went dark.

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"Thanks." Wester said, and dug into the casserole.


He slightly relaxed, taking his hand out of his poceket to eat. This didn't mean he had let his guard down, however. He payed close attention to everything, and he kept sniffing the air to make sure he couldn't smell anything suspicious.

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"Well, that was...interesting..." Raven trailed, setting her empty glass on the coffee table and replacing her hat on her head, "Personally, I'm not sure what to do about the werewolf. I do know one thing - we need to do something about Vance, before he kills us all."
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Amy rolled her eyes at the goings on, and retreated to her room for a short moment. She stepped back out in a black ensemble, of a black leather top, skin-tight leather trousers, and a pair of Lorenzi heels. Her hair was pulled back once more in a high, straightened ponytail, and she wore a pair of chandelier earrings as jewellery, along with the Fabergé ring she always wore. "So, what to do about Vance?" She said, sitting back down on an ornate chair near the balcony window.
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Jennie wandered over to the bar to find something less fruity to drink. Hearing Amy's question, she replied,


"Well, until he can figure out how to get out of that Devil's trap that Amber had pushed him into, He isn't going anywhere."


Anderson ate a bite or two of his food and said,


"You know, you're safe here. Ye have me, and this place is consecrated grounds. If a werewolf comes on here, I can kill it. Don't ye worry yourself none. Now, eat!" He passed the salt and pepper over.


"Perhaps you wanted these?" He inquired with a smile.

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Wester ate wordlessly. At least this was consecrated, and no need to worry about the werewolf pack. Wester felt slightly more reassured.
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July was deep in her own thoughts for a moment. The werewolf just left without giving them any useful information on where to look for those packs he mentioned. "Sooner or later he will get out from that trap and when he does I don't want him to find us unprepared like the last time." The huntress spoke. Her attention focused on an empty glass on the table.


"As I mentioned before I know a safe place to hide from demons. We should leave as soon as possible." July said getting up from her seat and walking over to the window. "Maybe we'll find our werewolf friend in Maine as well." She whispered to herself.

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"Wait one minute girls, let's just check the news first." Amy remarked, switching on the wall mounted television. A series of adverts, including a new Gucci campaign featuring Amy and a number of other big supermodels came on, and then the news.


"Earlier today there was a strange attack at a Premier inn, in the city of New York. There were no survivors. The inn has been extensively searched, and shows signs of struggle in some of the rooms, including a door knocked right off of it's hinges. However there is no CCTV footage to show the attacks." The woman on the news continued to read off a number of happenings and sightings- None of which included the girls cars.


"Well ladies, that mean's we are in the clear... but it also means Vance got out of the trap. Maine sounds like a nice idea right now." Amy said getting up from her seat, and then going into her room to fetch a number of cases and boxes, and loaded them onto a luggage carrier. She called the staff up to wheel it outside to her car, and then said "Well, there's no time like the present. I can stick this place up for rent once we are in Maine, that means a steady little income should we need the cash."

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