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Why is communism a bad word?


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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away.


Think of Star Trek as communism.


Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism.


Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests.


The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine.

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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away.


Think of Star Trek as communism.


Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism.


Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests.


The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine.


Erm, where did you get that from???


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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away.


Think of Star Trek as communism.


Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism.


Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests.


The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine.


Erm, where did you get that from???



Gluteus Maximus

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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away.


Think of Star Trek as communism.


Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism.


Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests.


The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine.


I do not believe you understand what fascist means, Nazi's are fascist, the KKK is fascist, the United States is inclusive, though admittedly more in theory than practice. But hey humans. The United States is a organic growing government, and the reason it works and everyone wants to live here (looks at the illegal and legal immigration numbers again to be sure.) Yeah EVERYBODY wants to live her is because it is inclusive. To truly embrace the ideal of the United States is to embrace the ideal that more than one idea or way of doing things can be right. Which offends most humans unfortunately. Fascism is most easily defined as "My way or your dead". Fascism needs a central figure, or ruler, Congress, social media and Gun nuts (see what I did there?) prevent that from happening in the United States.


The problem with being inclusive, with defending the freedom of speech is that you have to defend it for everyone or you are a hypocrite. So while I despise everything they stand for I will defend their right to say their ideals, I simply exercise my right to ignore everything they say. You want the hate to go away? Make people that hate irrelevant, ignore them, Do not respond to them block them on social media and encourage others to do the same. The more you respond to people like that the more traction you give their ideas. Calling someone a basket of deplorables because they said something you disagree with just means you gave them all the credibility. It makes you look small and petty and them look reasonable. The left won the social war through calm rational intelligent debate. Then forgot everything they learned in the 90's and became everything the used to claim they could not stand about the right.


How much credibility do you really have when you preach tolerance and yet are intolerant of anyone that disagrees with you even slightly?



And yes banning books happened before in 1930's Germany and yes that was fascism at its peak, being butthurt for being compared to that when that is exactly how you are acting is hypocrisy at it's finest. Erasing and denying history is not how you prevent it from happening again. Learning from it is, of course the hero's and leaders of the past come off looking bad by today's standards. We have grown as a society since then, imagine how we will look in 200 years how terrible will our descendance say we are when we are compared to their standards?

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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away.


Think of Star Trek as communism.


Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism.


Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests.


The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine.


I do not believe you understand what fascist means, Nazi's are fascist, the KKK is fascist, the United States is inclusive, though admittedly more in theory than practice. But hey humans. The United States is a organic growing government, and the reason it works and everyone wants to live here (looks at the illegal and legal immigration numbers again to be sure.) Yeah EVERYBODY wants to live her is because it is inclusive. To truly embrace the ideal of the United States is to embrace the ideal that more than one idea or way of doing things can be right. Which offends most humans unfortunately. Fascism is most easily defined as "My way or your dead". Fascism needs a central figure, or ruler, Congress, social media and Gun nuts (see what I did there?) prevent that from happening in the United States.


The problem with being inclusive, with defending the freedom of speech is that you have to defend it for everyone or you are a hypocrite. So while I despise everything they stand for I will defend their right to say their ideals, I simply exercise my right to ignore everything they say. You want the hate to go away? Make people that hate irrelevant, ignore them, Do not respond to them block them on social media and encourage others to do the same. The more you respond to people like that the more traction you give their ideas. Calling someone a basket of deplorables because they said something you disagree with just means you gave them all the credibility. It makes you look small and petty and them look reasonable. The left won the social war through calm rational intelligent debate. Then forgot everything they learned in the 90's and became everything the used to claim they could not stand about the right.


How much credibility do you really have when you preach tolerance and yet are intolerant of anyone that disagrees with you even slightly?



And yes banning books happened before in 1930's Germany and yes that was fascism at its peak, being butthurt for being compared to that when that is exactly how you are acting is hypocrisy at it's finest. Erasing and denying history is not how you prevent it from happening again. Learning from it is, of course the hero's and leaders of the past come off looking bad by today's standards. We have grown as a society since then, imagine how we will look in 200 years how terrible will our descendance say we are when we are compared to their standards?



Good points all. However, ...


One thing to consider is that the internet and social media allow people to create echo-chambers where they can repeat their rhetoric to a like minded audience. You and I can ignore the lunatic fringe all we want, they still have a platform, and those who encourage their beliefs, a place where they can ferment their ideologies and foment a movement. The lunatic fringe now have a voice and will not be ignored, and we ignore them at our peril.

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Unfortunately, that is all to true. And while there will always be plenty of people in said lunatic fringe espousing views and beliefs that make those of use with common sense go "Say what now?" What I mean by ignore is do not sink to their level, teach anyone who will listen why they are wrong, and when they come after you for saying things opposed to what they believe do not rise to the bait. I am as old as Star Wars. Literally it came out the year I was born. I have watched the world grow and regress in equal measure; and the most common truth that can be applied to most people is this. They cannot accept that what works for them, does not necessarily work for you. For some reason we arrogant humans always believe we know best. and yes I include myself in that because as much as I like to claim to be enlightened,

I am still human.

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Unfortunately, that is all to true. And while there will always be plenty of people in said lunatic fringe espousing views and beliefs that make those of use with common sense go "Say what now?" What I mean by ignore is do not sink to their level, teach anyone who will listen why they are wrong, and when they come after you for saying things opposed to what they believe do not rise to the bait. I am as old as Star Wars. Literally it came out the year I was born. I have watched the world grow and regress in equal measure; and the most common truth that can be applied to most people is this. They cannot accept that what works for them, does not necessarily work for you. For some reason we arrogant humans always believe we know best. and yes I include myself in that because as much as I like to claim to be enlightened,



I am still human.


You have reached the distinction between objective truth and subjective truth.

Objective truth it true for everyone. Objective truth is arrived at via science and the scientific method. Ideas which have been tested and proven factual by multiple sources. Truths based in data and facts which are repeatable and measurable, unfettered by wishful thinking and opinion. This is where journalism is supposed to reside, but alas ... that brings us to subjective truth.


Subjective truth is true for oneself, and not necessarily for anyone else. This is the realm of religion and philosophy, opinion and "that fuzzy stuff". Ideals which are untested, and unproven and cannot be subjected to scrutiny or scientific study without generating animosity. This is the domain of the lunatic fringe and their conspiracy theories.


(I have been listening to too much Red Rider, the phrase "lunatic fringe" is stuck in my head).

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Many great minds have been drawn to communism. But many of those great minds lacked the understanding of human nature. Communism is simply not attainable unless you neuter and wipe out peoples identities and self interests,,,,


...Wait a minute

Communism was always meant as an ideal, not something actually completely attainable because it is something that has to happen organically. It has to happen from the bottom up, not the top down because the people carrying out the revolt are at the bottom of the economic ladder. It is not the holders of capital and land that are revolting to give it away.


Think of Star Trek as communism.


Communist regimes seek to create a political and socioeconomic environment that will support communism.


Communism is of course on the same political spectrum as fascism. They can be thought of as end points of the measure in the balance of power between public vs private interests.


The USA is a fascist state unfortunately, which means anything that is not fascist is viewed as extremism. The general public is largely unaware because the general public in the USA is never formally educated on sociology and political systems. This is expedient in keeping the status quo as you can imagine.


Erm, where did you get that from???



Gluteus Maximus


OK, now THAT cracked me up. I about choked on my coffee. (that'll teach me, eh?)



Edited by HeyYou
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Unfortunately, that is all to true. And while there will always be plenty of people in said lunatic fringe espousing views and beliefs that make those of use with common sense go "Say what now?" What I mean by ignore is do not sink to their level, teach anyone who will listen why they are wrong, and when they come after you for saying things opposed to what they believe do not rise to the bait. I am as old as Star Wars. Literally it came out the year I was born. I have watched the world grow and regress in equal measure; and the most common truth that can be applied to most people is this. They cannot accept that what works for them, does not necessarily work for you. For some reason we arrogant humans always believe we know best. and yes I include myself in that because as much as I like to claim to be enlightened,



I am still human.

You have reached the distinction between objective truth and subjective truth.

Objective truth it true for everyone. Objective truth is arrived at via science and the scientific method. Ideas which have been tested and proven factual by multiple sources. Truths based in data and facts which are repeatable and measurable, unfettered by wishful thinking and opinion. This is where journalism is supposed to reside, but alas ... that brings us to subjective truth.


Subjective truth is true for oneself, and not necessarily for anyone else. This is the realm of religion and philosophy, opinion and "that fuzzy stuff". Ideals which are untested, and unproven and cannot be subjected to scrutiny or scientific study without generating animosity. This is the domain of the lunatic fringe and their conspiracy theories.


(I have been listening to too much Red Rider, the phrase "lunatic fringe" is stuck in my head).




Ah yes Truth vs belief, facts vs opinion. This is something much of the younger generation struggles with. I have seen it in my children and their peers and all over their social media. Them stating the "socially accepted belief's" are facts.


Let us move closer back to the main topic of the thread communism, to many is the corrupt, totalitarian government of Russia whether we refer to today or the 80's. When in actuality if you sit down and study communism it is a fairly decent ECONOMIC system, which has nothing to do with government, for example the United States runs on capitalism yet is a republic type government. Most people do not know the difference. Also the reason, in my opinion, that capitalism is the only economic system that works while the rest fail, is that it is the only system that allowed for and incorporated the human failing of greed. Most of the others rely on humans listening to their better angels.


That never backfired for anyone ever.


Also Sen. McCarthy was a nutball on a powertrip.

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