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Save Crash


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I try, but still, it fails. i think that i may have done something wrong with the master update.

Any other ideas?

you tried to run a master update


what was the name of the program you executed




masterupdate must be in the name

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I try, but still, it fails. i think that i may have done something wrong with the master update.

Any other ideas?

you tried to run a master update


what was the name of the program you executed




masterupdate must be in the name


presuming you have extracted the contents of the FO3Edit zip file to your desktop, you will need to make a copy of the file FO3Edit.exe and rename it to FO3MasterUpdate


if everything works correctly, the program will set the .ESM flag in ALL your plugin files (.esp), turning them into master files (.ESM), which will correct and prevent the save corruption (.tmp extension)


to return your plugins to .esp from .ESM, make another copy of the FO3Edit.exe and rename it to FO3MasterRestore, which will do a reverse of what MasterUpdate does

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Ok i have done that. first i have some questions. When i start it a list of all my mods/plugins comes upp. should i mark all, or only those with esm?

After i hit ok another list comes up, and the title is skip these records. what should i do with that? (i just hit ok)

After, it starts processing, and i recieve an error message, that says:

"An error occured while loading modules. Edeting disabled. Check the message log and correct error".

This is the last message. Do it means i need Master Restore?


[00:07] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "Mothership Crew.esm" requires master "Fallout3.esm" to be loaded before it.>

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OK, before you do anything else: Post your load order.


Ok i have done that. first i have some questions. When i start it a list of all my mods/plugins comes upp. should i mark all, or only those with esm?

It's not about the .esm files, it's about the .esp files. Just mark all.


"An error occured while loading modules. Edeting disabled. Check the message log and correct error".

This is the last message. Do it means i need Master Restore?

Nope. It means your load order is all wrong.

This error message already gives you a very big hint at what the problem is.

[00:07] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "Mothership Crew.esm" requires master "Fallout3.esm" to be loaded before it.>
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IMO, you should go back to the FO3Edit page and get the link to the FO3Edit training manual and download it to you computer. That way you can have the manual open along with FO3Edit and you can use the manual as you make the changes. It is important that you get the manual and read it before making changes in your FO3 files or mods. Also, since you have not responded with your load order, I am only guessing, but do not master update Fallout Remastered. You should also get a copy of B.O.S.S. and use it to get you load order sorted properly.
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Here is the load order


[X] Mothership Crew.esm

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] PointLookout.esm

[X] Zeta.esm

[X] Bos outpost V1.esp

[X] Brotherhood Expansions.esp

[X] BoS Outpost-NW Outskirts Bridge.esp

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Should look like this


1st ESMs

[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] PointLookout.esm

[X] Zeta.esm

[X] Mothership Crew.esm


then ESPs

[X] Bos outpost V1.esp

[X] Brotherhood Expansions.esp

[X] BoS Outpost-NW Outskirts Bridge.esp


Fallout3.esm must load first.

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