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Closeing the old.nexusmods.com is a sad move ;(


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Sorry if this is a doublette of any other topic.


I really find it sad to close the old nexusmods site since i prefer its "PC" style over the more "CONSOLE" like Xbox etc. style from the new layout.


Am i the only one that wishes to have an option to view the old layout of the site?!


I think its easier to navigate finding files and good for bandwidth since its not so Image heavy as the new layout. I do have a slow Internet Connection but that's only topping the ice berg of things why i prefer the old design and if i had more time i could write a lot about it.


But it seems the "console" Look is the prefered style of the "creators"


Maybe it's to late too wish for an option of viewing the old layout or at least something "similar" ?!

No negative Things intended but it is my honest thought nexusmods, since i really love to get mods without the need of Steam.


P.S. English isn't my native Language as some might have already guessed ;)


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It's been pointed from the start the old layout is going to be permanently disabled at some point. That point is nearing.

Well, yes. But that does not mean that there is no room for improvement. And after reading most of the relating Posts it comes to my mind that Improvement is mandatory at this point! Right now NM gives me (and perhaps others) a feeling that feedback is beeing ignored and we have have only the choice between "swallow" or "shut the f*** up".

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It would be very impractical from a technical standpoint to run two versions of the same site. That's why it's one over the other - and why the old site must be completely phased out. The new site may not be perfect, but it's something everyone is going to have to get to used to going forward - as there is no going back.

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Well, i'm actually not talking about running two Websites at all. I'm talking about rethinking the style of the new Website.


It would have been a wise course of action to adjust the new Layout a little more to the old one. People would have felt less alienated. Technically this is not so much asked for. A capable Webdesigner can do this in a few days provided the technical Circumstances are well thought and set up. You could have even both layouts concurrently for the user to choose from. In no way i insist in forever staying on the old website, as the technics evole ever on. But i ask for some "feeling at home". Convenience for the users. I think that this is not asked to much! If this is a Question of "some more time" to do this, then this time should be taken instead of forcing the users to something they don't like.

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The new site was implemented largely to accommodate and be inclusive of cellphone users who wish to visit Nexus (20% of visitors according to Dark0ne). The site was pretty awful to use for that population of users and is vastly improved now for the phone. It's probably not practical from a business standpoint to overlook accommodating a medium that is being used more and more.


Personally, I like the new website and the support section response during the implementation stage is fairly accommodating to getting things fixed on the new site. It's funny because when I first visited Nexus in 2014, I thought the site was difficult to navigate and not very accomodating. In reality it's a big site with lots of features and users just have to get used to it. I'm still wishing there was a link on the forums that would take users back to the mod pages.

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