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February Giveaway #1


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In response to post #57516046. #57523261, #57526336, #57527141 are all replies on the same post.

Zzyxzz wrote: I don't know why, but my #NexusMods tweet is not recognized and i can not fulfill that requirement. It contains the hashtag and the link: https://gleam.io/zhVDb/nexus-mods-giveaway-feb-09-2018
Dunno what i did wrong.
AvaNeve wrote: Same problem here.
thestormdragon wrote: Me too. Shows as following, but didn't get credit for an extra entry in the competition.
TerrorFox1234 wrote: Thanks for pointing this out. I've seen a few other reports regarding the same issue and am aiming to have it resolved before the next giveaway goes up.

Deleted Edited by PeterMartyr
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This seems to be closed now, which is frustrating, as I didn't see the notification about it until today. The "New" number on the Updates tab is still missing, so I don't see when I have new notifications, and the Site News is so far down the front page of a game that I usually don't make it that far. And I am on one page of Nexus or another every day.
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In response to post #57559646.

Eolhin wrote: This seems to be closed now, which is frustrating, as I didn't see the notification about it until today. The "New" number on the Updates tab is still missing, so I don't see when I have new notifications, and the Site News is so far down the front page of a game that I usually don't make it that far. And I am on one page of Nexus or another every day.

I think they should put the news at the top, mod stuff 2nd, and then the screenshots.
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In response to post #57447541. #57527456 is also a reply to the same post.

ryanknapper wrote: I'd love to help, but I'm just not a social dude. Sad face.
TerrorFox1234 wrote: You can still enter with a valid email address!

Going forward we will also be implementing a mandatory action that will require users to leave a comment here on Nexus Mods and enter their NXM username. That way we can ensure that the winner comes from Nexus Mods (and it will give those without social media an additional entry option!)

I think that using the nexus user name should be a requirement. You are offering a giveaway, I feel it should be for the community, not just any random person. It would mean more to the members if it was offered to someone who supports the site and the community instead of finding out some person won it off twiddle or whatever that crap is who has never even been to the site.
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In response to post #57561706.

Premchand wrote: I missed it..imo.. it ended to quickly. Because i missed it :p

We will be doing a lot more of these going forward! (Every two weeks or so to be more accurate)

If you keep a close eye on the news here or on our social media pages there will be plenty more opportunities to come.
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In response to post #57754296. #57987246 is also a reply to the same post.

sonic65101 wrote: What social media sites is Nexus Mods on? I have a huge distrust of social media sites in general, and the competition was closed by the time I went to check the page.
TerrorFox1234 wrote: We are only on Facebook and Twitter.


Darn. The only social media site I have is Google+, and only because of GMail. Thanks for replying.
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