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What was your 1st computer and what games did you have?


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The first computer I had was a Commodore 64. I got turned onto it by a friend I played D&D with in the military. I remember the first game I had was a chess game, that I had to program it in, in dos mode. I never was any good at it, but I loved the idea of having a computer and having something I could do to resemble having a life, somewhere.


This was in Ft. Carson, Co and when I went over to Germany I was blown away by a new computer from Commodore called The Amiga 500.




This was my first experience with the use of Icons you could click and it was like night and day over my 64. Thank Griffin, they had a program that allowed you to buy electronic equipment on time. I hated leaving eye brow prints on the screens of those I looked at in the commissary.


It wasn't a week, before I had one setting in my room and was working on my gaming library. The games I really liked were the Proving ground of the Mad Overlord, Bards Tale and several others that were RPG. Then out came the Dungeons and Dragons games and I was in love.


I was also into simulators, especially the ones from Microprose. I had the stealth fighter and the one for submarines. There was also a tank simulator and I loved Pirates, when it came out.


Sadly, I never went back to the chess game, but I remember the cassette it was on made a fairly convincing Frisbee as it headed out of my car, towards that speed limit sign. lol

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Atari Some tank game i can recall the name of

Snes Super Mario World\

Commador 64 late 1990's :biggrin: Of course the it came out back in 1982 the year i was born. That tells you something Eh, never really used it for anything, i had it handed down from some relative of mine

386 the real first pc Commander Keen :thumbsup:

Amiga cd32x beast of a system bought of a friend of mine. Ahead of its time it was. Super stardust, Wipeout 2049 i think it was called.

other then that, several custom builds, forgot the specification of my real first custom pc.


Come to think of it, i had a lot of system sense the early 1990's.

Edited by Thor.
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Apple II+ from 1982. Some of my first games were Wizardry, Guadalcanal Campaign, Galactic Adventures and a host of others including all of the old Ultimas. I later upgraded to the IIe which I still have as well as all of my old games.




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Mine was a late 90's Dell or HP with Windows 98 and games such as:

-Empire Earth

-Ground Control

-Star Wars: Dark Forces 2/Mysteries of the Sith

-Tachyon: The Fringe

-TES III: Morrowind

-Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

-Quake 2

-Unreal Tournament 1999


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My first computer at home was a used DEC VT-78. These were also called a DecStation. It had a 50 pound dual 8 inch floppy drive. (no hard drive) The CPU monitor and keyboard were all one unit. There was actually a place for a small dot matrix printer in that also, but I never had one. Instead my printer was a floor standing DEC 9 pin dot matrix that shook the house when printing. The VT-78 was a variation of the DEC PDP-8


Here is a pic - It came with that table - I still have the table - it is still in use as a portable computer table. That large box mounted under the tabletop is the floppy drive unit. :thumbsup:



I actually did have a few games that had been converted to run under DECs proprietary OS/78, a modified version of their OS/8 operating system, or their proprietary Basic. Colossal Cave, Star Trek, Artillery, and a few others. - Very few. :tongue:

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The first PC I used was a Commodore 64 (at a relative's place, so I used it often). I cannot remember the names of most of the games on it, but I do remember playing `Breakout' and `Cockroach'. I think Scorched Earth was on the C64, but I am not 100% sure. I also had regular access to an Atari 2600 (a friend's), but cannot remember any of the games now.


The first I owned was an Atari PC3. It came with GEM OS, but struggled to run it. In the end, I used a custom OS that ran over DOS. Games that ran on it where hard to find. Lemmings (only the original; Lemmings 2 required a 286), the Commander Keen games, Crystal Caverns, Secret Agent, Star Trek, some Packman/Space Invaders/etc clones. Oh, I almost forgot The Simpsons (forget the sub-title). I think I had some of the Sierra Adventure games, but I may be getting mixed up with one of my latter PCs (I cannot recall if they ran on such low specs or not).

Edited by ElricOfGrans
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My first computer was a Comodore 64. First games were Sid Meiers Pirates, Many of the early D&D games with 4-color graphics, and also Silent Service. Played Pirates to death, and when it was re-released for Windows xp/vista/7 a few years back, had to get it again.
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Does an SNES count? That thing's technically a computer...


In the late nineties, I had a Windows 98 computer that I used to browse the internet.


As for the games I had, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem and Redneck Rampage, a game made by Xatrix, who also worked on titles such as Return to Castle Wolfentstein and the first Call of Duty games.

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Started on N-64 with a number of racing games, including Mario Kart.


After that I got my own first console, a then new comer, an Xbox. Loved that, initialy I started with driving games, being a kid at the times, but quickly moved on to shooters, and finaly RTS.

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First computer I had was called a Macintosh... 626 or something. Anyway, I used to play Lemmings, Maelstrom, Spacestation Pheta, and a few others... can't quite remember what else.
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