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[Tutorial] Tweaking RPG Parameters


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On https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/RPG_params_in_KCD it says "Current value can be retrived in lua using the RPG global object: local x = RPG.<param>."


How exactly does this work?


Typing this ingame:

local x = RPG.FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed

says unknown command local.




Nvm - found a way. I've now added the default values to that page.

Edited by CryptLoad
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Nvm - found a way. I've now added the default values to that page.

Thanks a lot CryptLoad for adding the default values! :thumbsup:


Which command did you exaxtly use as the local x = RPG.<param> doesn't work?

Edited by SwissHalberdier1
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On https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/RPG_params_in_KCD it says "Current value can be retrived in lua using the RPG global object: local x = RPG.<param>."


How exactly does this work?


Typing this ingame:

local x = RPG.FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed

says unknown command local.




Nvm - found a way. I've now added the default values to that page.

Thanks a lot

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I'm confused at how the tweaking works.


Am trying to change nourishment values on the food xml file instead of the RPG parameters file. I've changed the value in the xml file, added an empty tbl file(made sure that it isnt .txt), added the correct folders and used 7-zip to save as pak, placed on the data folder alongside the other .paks Still there is no change


Is there something that I'm missing?


EDIT: Nvm, realised that I should put zzz_ to register the mod.

Edited by LordjulianofGales
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anyone know how to modify stealth kill noise? I'm tired of everyone in a 100m radius waking up because I killed one dude outside of the camp.


I tried to change MinStealthHitSoundMultiplier from 0.1 to 0.01 and 0.001 but it did not work out...

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Do you have any idea of how or where we could find the parameters or the files which concern the repair of the equipment, by the craftsmen or by the repair kits ?


I'm actually looking to change the "class" or "type" of an object, or something else that would make a saddle, for example, repairable, either by a repair kit or by a blacksmith or a cobbler (shoemaker).

Edited by TFE71
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I have added the parameter "DefaultWorldTimeRatio" from the list on page 1 but it won't work. The other two (aiming spread & carry wieight) work fine. Can someone confirm this or give me a hint how to fix it.


With the mod (shown below) 1 real time minute should be 3 ingame minutes (it is still 15).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<database name="hammerheart">
  <table name="rpg_param" version="1">
      <column name="rpg_param_key" type="character varying" />
      <column name="rpg_param_value" type="real" />
      <row rpg_param_key="AimSpreadMax" rpg_param_value="0" />
      <row rpg_param_key="BaseInventoryCapacity" rpg_param_value="80" />
      <row rpg_param_key="DefaultWorldTimeRatio" rpg_param_value="3" />
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Actually it appears the "DefaultWorldTimeRatio" only applies to fast travel/sleep, you want the parameter which is passed in 'calendar.setworldtimeratio'.

Not sure which this is at the moment.

Revert DWTR to 15 for now.

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