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What makes FO4 authentic Fallout?


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Fallout 4 is Fallout only in name. It holds almost no similarities to FO1,2,and New Vegas,be they mechanically,tonally,or lore-wise. Fallout 3 and 4 were practically spun from whole cloth,paying only lipservice to what was established in previous titles. And the games suffer for it.


"Who are you,who don't know your history?"

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an intriguing hypothetical of aesthetics and exegetical lore hehe.


Unmodified, it is arguably not so much an open-world Roleplaying game like prior entries were.

it's very hard to compare the unmodified base game, with others,

as ostensibly FO4 is a first-person-shooter with base-building sidegames.


two mods alone come to mind;

War of the Commonwealth v2 with SMB92.

Regulators of the Commonwealth/"Better Bounty Boards"

with a third - the Under-Boston.

those by themselves make FO4 much more closer to being 'canonical' or 'as originally envisioned'.




I think unmodified, FO4 is a departure from both

the FO1 through Tactics approach

and the FO3 to FONV continuity etc.


why? quantifiable omission of Ron Perlman title cards,

fewer unique arcs or gamestates, missing customization looksmenu and karma system,

no costume-disguise mechanic, weapon upkeep etc.

making the BoS conflated with the Enclave... which irked a lot of BoS fans.


very little mention of the Canuckistan Annexation --- which was a very significant thing happening very close to that area.

there were battles on the great lakes and flanking, it was a brutal and very short conflict.

some criticize the color-palette, but, I think it would be a little different in that neck of the woods.

FO4's main storyline is much more 'linear' and less 'openworld'/'open-ended'

than in prior games.




Modified, I think FO4 is up there as being

one of the best games entries in the continuity.

Its right up there with FO-ARMA and Universe Sim in terms of awesome.


Mods that are must haves

are Karma System, AGI-GamesMaster, Enclave Returns, Beantown,

Fusion City, FO4Who, Ruadhan teleportals,

any door to any where, that guy from arkansas,

Maxwells world, Good/Bad Institute,

the Memory Den Virtual Holodeck Parititon,

radGhosts/ ThetaTan Dimension (a hubbologist-themed mod).

any mod any weapon, more settlement parts packs, etc.

to name but a few.

there are so many rich content-themed and content-packed mods, it's hard to make a sublist.



So, v111 and v112 might have a lot more in common,

the modded quest "The People vs Vault Tec Inc"

has a posthumous trial against the Vault Tec corp for what they did to people.


Stanislaus Octavius Braun returns from V112 - is he a force for good,

or, will his "O.M.N.I.U.S.-esque" ness rival IMAM's for evil?

you decide.


Do Mr House and Emogene Cabot reunite to tie the knot?

Will Mr House "make america great again" - by forcing all Robco terminals to be pay-per-runtime etc?

or, will Mr House mellow and be philanthropic...


Who are Eustace Hawthorne and Hawthorne to the Sole Survivor?

why, they're their descendant neighbors, from 4 doors up.

but, who are they in relation to the Vault Tec Rep at the start of the game?

it is heavily implied that, the SoleSurvivor's family took the Hawthorne family slot...

(if you no-clip out of the starting area and watch all that, stay and listen at the gate etc).




so, those all combine to make FO4

much more consistent with other established continuities

and specifically more exegetically in-line with FO3, FONV etc.


I don't mind a little difference between the Wasteland, FO1, FO2 and FOBoS or Tactics stuff,

and the FO3, FONV, FO4.

I did prefer that 'punishingly-difficult roleplaying game" angle though with Survival Mode etc,

which made Fallout feel much bleaker and difficult to survive.


though, it would be nice if the continuity remained amongst them.

the homage in FO4 to "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" and the quelle source was nice though.

particularly; P.A.M.'s allusion to I.M.A.M. and Gorister.

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Jack's Disable Quick Loot @ NexusMods Look at this, this fella Jack said "Hell no, we won't go!" I mean, yeah I feel like s***, everything sucks, but I'm starting to get the feeling that a authentic Fallout would also mean taking away a whole bunch of crap. Montky had some cool stuff to say above, don't ferget to read.

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I didn't like the side effects from Jack's Disable quick loot, so instead we went with DEF_UI to disable that quick search feature box, then drop hud framework & the DEF_UI patch, & then drop iHUD on it. Should work, no idea, it's a theory & test. The effect is that I never actually see search container, at all, I have to know that this is searchable or not, this is a dead body, it has stuff in it. Different view for sure, subtle. Whatever authenticity is there, is certainly detached from that, by way of a implied necessity for functionality. Which in this case seems to have subtracted a particular attention to the scene & thereby the artistic authenticity of the moment while in-game in that particular situation. I hope it works out.

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