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Black Face bug is now a CTD with the latest SSE updates


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As we all know (or knew), if you were missing facegens for an NPC that you made, SSE would render them as black faces.


With the latest series of updates, it no longer does this - it just straight-up CTDs on you. :(


So, if you are trying to troubleshoot something like this, check your facegens.


On a side note, I really do hope Bethesda has generated facegens for ALL of their NPCs already, or we are going to see an influx of people bitching about CTDs where none had previously existed.

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Oh boy. And suddenly this may start to make more sense. Given the number of NPCs in the game, the expansions, and what may exist in CC DLCs, this could get ugly fast. Cause guess who's gonna be the ones tracking down missing facegen in order to make sure it's been generated :P

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Oh boy. And suddenly this may start to make more sense. Given the number of NPCs in the game, the expansions, and what may exist in CC DLCs, this could get ugly fast. Cause guess who's gonna be the ones tracking down missing facegen in order to make sure it's been generated :tongue:

All of us anal retentive mod authors..... Oh right. So we did all that testing. (do you have a headache? I do!). And if you are missing the facetint file from \Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\ that will cause a CTD with a new game

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What update? Last SSE update was end of November or early December afaik.

Yep. That's when reports started coming in. I've been spending time going over everything to find the root cause. For most PC users it's not an issue since most files contain the facegen and it's easier to pack. But if you have a really large mod and have to do it manually in the CK and miss those files, it's a big deal.

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