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Dropping files in Vortex stopped working


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! ! S O L V E D ! !



Running Vortex as administrator causes the problem !! on WIN 7 64bit Ultimate.

So, switch off administrator rights and you can drag and drop again .


Hello again :smile:


I used to be able to drop files in Vortex ( in the same square as the one you use to add mod from URL ) to "manually" download them .

That function has stopped working, or I'm an idiot ( which is also true I guess :tongue: )


What is the fix ( if there is any ) ?



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I've seen Gopher having the same problem when installing mods through Vortex live on Twitch

On a closer look : it does work on his side :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where from are you dragging the file? Is it a local file on disk or a link in the browser?

I have Vortex and Skyrim SE installed on my D: drive, I have the files in question on my desktop ( that's the C: drive, right ? ) in a folder called "SSE loose files" .


With Vortex open and the "SSE loose files" open I drag a "xxx.7z" file onto the "drop here" square and try to drop it there, but it refuses ; it's "squared out"


Again : this has worked in an earlier version of Vortex, but somewhere down the line ( from 0.13.1 onward I think ) it stopped working.

Never worked on 0.13.3 and still doesn't work on the 0.13.5 BETA


Thanks for looking into this Tannin42


EDIT : this goes for the "Drop File" on the "downloads" tab and the "Mods" tab.

If I want to manually add files from my "SSE loose files" folder I must use the "Install From File" option on top of the "Mods" tab

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I just tested, it continues to work for me.

When you say "it's squared out" you mean Vortex visually shows it doesn't like the file? Could you show me a screenshot? Because that should only happen if what you try to drag there isn't actually a file but, say, a bunch of text from a text editor.

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I cannot show a picture of Vortex refusing the file for it doesn't show up on the screenshot

"not liking"the file as in "it shows a circle with a dash running through it" like this


Screenshot of my build, and me dragging a xxx.7z to the drop box :

And before you say : no, you should drop it in the "mod" tab drop box... Tried that, doesn't work either
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