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Magic user tattoo's


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I was curious if someone could make some magic tattoo's

maybe like the rune symbols for back , chest , and belly button area

also maybe make some using the skyrim alphabet say ice , fire , storm ect

there are a lot of tribal tattoo's for warriors but not much for magic users

would be cool to have your character imbued with tattoo's that in theory increase one's magic

also I was curious if there was a mod to make face paint glow , because i would like a glowing magic symbol on my forehead

Edited by roxyrevolver
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Are those free to use? I could probably do that, but, it would take me awhile to figure out how to get them into race menu. Not sure about the glowing tats, though. That might require a mesh to assign effects or whatever in the CK. I could take it a step further by making those tattoos glow brighter when casting spells. Let's see how many people are interested. :smile:

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I just googled skyrim magic runes and found them

I know that skyrim uses runes when you place them on the ground and they have their own magic symbols and alphabet

I just thought it would be a cool idea to place tattoos on yourself if you are a mage and maybe on your followers if they are mages

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i really like the idea,

instead race menu (that menu you change race and appearance right?),

i think its better to make underwear shaped of tattoo,


another idea is make it perk, you know when you vampire you change appearance,

make something like that, and make it power (like blessing power)


and please don't create tattoo shop or changeable tattoo like equipment


anyway sorry for my bad english

Edited by virginharvester
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I just googled skyrim magic runes and found them

I know that skyrim uses runes when you place them on the ground and they have their own magic symbols and alphabet

I just thought it would be a cool idea to place tattoos on yourself if you are a mage and maybe on your followers if they are mages

If you provide me a better idea of what you want and where on the body you want them, I can make you a sample to try out. PM me if interested.

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I think a tattoo system for Skyrim, could be a fun idea. Let's make it more immersive though. So for instance, the Face Changer in the Ragged Flagon, could give you new tattoos, to hide your identity. Or to tattoo your arms, with thieves guild themed ones. There could be a magical tattoo artist in the College of Winterhold, who can offer you tattoos, with unique effects. The temples of the Divines could also offer you tattoos, one in different places, so if you follow all nine deities, you could get one tattoo for each of them.


If you're a Dunmer or Daedra worshipper, you could get tattoos, related to the princes, worshipped on Solstheim. And certain guild members, or new guild member NPC's can give you tattoos for that guild. So Dark Brotherhood, I imagine Cicero or a custom tattoo artist, could do the job. Vex or Sapphire, for the Thieves Guild, or the previously mentioned, face changer. In Windhelm or Solitude, you could get Stormcloak and Imperial tattoos. And I think the Greybeards could give you Dovah'zul/dragon word tattoos, imbued with words of power, perhaps to give you passive buffs, against other shouts? So Draugr overlords can't keep spamming Fus Ro Dah! And knocking you all over the place.


Lastly you should be able to gain tattoos for doing great deeds. So you could chronicle your adventures, on your body. So killing Alduin, you'd get a tattoo related to that. Finish the Companions quest, one for that, kill all the dragon priests or named dragons? Tattoos for those. I also imagine before playing the game, you could have a few limited, but unique tattoo options. To hint at your own past, good for roleplaying a character, in Skyrim.

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I thought about glowing forehead runes that take a circlet spot

they could give you resistance to magic or increase the damage depending on the rune

like if its an ice rune that is blue , then it would increase ice damage or give ice resistance

and you wouldnt have to use the showracemenu , you could just equip them like circlets


Edited by roxyrevolver
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