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*DLC Update from Bethesda! New info!


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Not interested in the single DLC download i will buy the dvd when all the dlc is aviable in a single pack (like in oblivion) then i am not truly interested if i had to wait :)


I want DVD support not a stupid file on HD :)

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I'm happy that the DLC beta is to be trialled on the XBox :whistling:



Heh, that was my thought too. They can sort out all the bugs and we can all see whether it's worth buying on its own or whether it's something to leave to an ultimate edition or collected edition or whatever. Win! :thumbsup:

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IMHO, I really don't care for the Xbox anymore, M$ needs to go away for a while rather than milking money. If a console should get anything first, the PS3 deserves it.


The xbox is the reason why I consider myself a PC fan over a console player.


Mods give me DLC, I'll stick to mods.

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Well,people with PC versions have much more stuff,mods i mean, so ,let those console owners have something first. I ask my self why people pay much more for a inferior product,I can't imagine my self playing skyrim in the living room for two hours.

True enough. We even got horse armor first for skyrim ;) FOR FREE!!

Edited by amycus
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Actually, I don't really care what the consoles get first. We PC Gamers have a never-ending amount of DLC that we can access right here on the Nexus and I say that that is better than what ANY console can have right now! However, on a smaller note, I will have to keep my eyes closed for the entire month because I do want to keep it a surprise. I watched every gameplay video I could before skyrim was released and it sort of ruined the surprise I suppose one could say. But not this time! No, I am determined to be surprised!!!!
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