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Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul [WIP]


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We've all been busy with our real lives. Some good progress was done a while back as regards creative writing and management discussions, a good framework was put in place, and we came up with detailed plans that if executed stand a reasonably good chance of delivering a high quality work to the community in a feasible manner. However, for months now it's been rather quiet, we've all had other priorities in RL and the project has been somewhat sidelined.


Jibstaman also did some pretty big work on a wiki site for the Overhaul which can give all you guys a better idea of how this would end up taking shape




The biggest problem which the project is facing is that we are simply too few to do something this ambitious. We have a plan in place but we need more people to get involved semi-seriously. And those people should be willing to put in a little work in a steady manner.


I was personally supposed to be spearheading a massive recruitment drive together with Hughes a few months back, but had a lot of drama come up in my life, and between one thing and another had to leave it aside at the time. First things first, and sadly we don't get paid for the work we do. :)


Also, I have lost the interest I once had in volunteer voice acting. I have new priorities for my free time, and I'll be resigning from a bunch of related projects in an orderly manner soon within the Nexus and beyond. :)


However, if the team is still around and we manage to get back on our feet, I think I will remain a part of the Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul in my capacities as VA director, VA, web developer and project management assistant, if the guys think they can still use me on board. I am still somewhat interested in how this project can turn out.


So anyways, to answer the questions: the project is more asleep than it is dead. Without community interest that translates to tangible assistance, though, and therefore motivates those already present to keep hammering away at this gigantic task, I wouldn't expect results anytime soon.


So for those that seem to care: if you, or someone you know can write, draw, do 3D models, voice act, are handy with CK scripting, can help get the word out, or have any other sort of talent which you think could be valuable to this, then make your voice heard to either me or Hughes without hesitation.


We don't need seasoned pros, we don't need perfection, we need guys (and girls) who half-know what they are doing and are willing to put in a little spare time consistently to see this done, in the progress sharpening their skills, gaining portfolio experience and having some real fun.


In the long-run, it could well make the difference between a quietly abandoned project, and one of the biggest and baddest mods for Skyrim ever. :)

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Great to hear from you, Commoner Prince!


But he's right. From a writing perspective, we're making the last finishing touches to the big picture, but those discussions have become rather complicated and time consuming and have dropped motivation. But the framework is there and it has very great stories!


RL for me has also become very busy. I'm currently working on a Dialogue Writing tool for this very project, but also for college, so that's cool. But coming February, I will go on internship, which will take away most of my time and I'm not sure if I have the motivation and energy to keep working on this project.


But in the end, I'm still part of this project, even in my absence. I hope to check in some times, but I can't make promises.


About the wiki, I would like to state that much of the information is out-dated, just so you know.

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Glad to hear there's still interest from the community in this!


As JibstaMan and TCP have both pointed out, we are still going, though the writing process has been a long and arduous one. I take most of the blame for this; my writing approach so far as been obsessively thorough, and I have a had non-stop frenzy of new ideas and revisions since the onset of the project. In my defense, it's all in the interest of creating the best possible story, with the fewest plot holes, and the greatest consideration for different role-playing styles... but still, I probably haven't been super easy to work with this past year :tongue:


Anyway, we are all struggling to stay involved, due to our personal lives. For my part, I plan to see this to the end, and hope that this project can be the first of many. Suffice it to say, we are recruiting :biggrin:


I'll be preparing a more detailed update very soon. Thanks to everyone who has helped keep this project alive, and to those who have followed our progress. We will not let you down!

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I must say, this project sounds quite legit, and potentially rather promising. I am definitely not a pro, but I may be able to write some for this project, if I would be considered acceptable and proficient enough for the level that the team expects.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, just wanted to make a quick update.


I'm happy to say that we've recently recruited a BUNCH of new members to our team, and things seem to be picking up. We've made some good progress towards finalizing the details for Act 1, including finding a location for one of our new towns. We've been delving deeper into Act 2, which will feature a whole new cast of allies to help the Dragonborn defeat Alduin, along with a new villain. I don't want to spoil too many details right now, but all I can say is that I'm excited about what we've come up with so far.


We also have a rough cast list for Act 1, which I will post as soon as we've got our Voice Acting audition materials in order. Until then, any interested in voice acting is always welcome to email me ([email protected]) or TheCommonerPrince ([email protected]) and send a sample of your work.


I also had the chance to test the prototype for the dialogue writing tool that JibstaMan has been working on for the past several months, and I am excited for that as well. Basically, it's a unique software program we've developed specifically for the creation of flowcharts that organize dialogue and other quest "events" into a clear, easy-to-read format. That way, we can work out all of the dialogue, character interactions, quest objectives, etc. before having to enter them the clunky Creation Kit.


Now I think I'm going to end this little update with a question for all those out there following our progress:


How many of you have/use the Hearthfire DLC? Would you still play the Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul if it required Hearthfire?


Without spoiling any surprises, we are working on an idea that incorporates aspects of this DLC. However, it is not strictly essential to our story, and we don't want to alienate or exclude anyone from using this mod by requiring this DLC. Let us know what you all think.



I do have a question what if instead of going to whiterun first the player goes to Falkreath first? And if you truly want to make more towns take towns from the places on this map because the have been referenced lore wise.


We thought about that actually. But as we've developed the story, the focus has been on Whiterun. However, we're still discussion a quest that addresses Falkreath's reaction to Helgen's destruction. Perhaps this quest will play out differently, if the player goes to Falkreath first. Ultimately, we want players to have more choices, and for the events to feel more believable, so we'll definitely keep this in mind.


As far as new towns, we only have one town in the works right now. Quite by accident, it is one of the ones displayed on that map :D Unfortunately, as large as Skyrim is, its rather crowded, so we're trying to make the best use possible of the existing world-spaces before adding any more. There's also going to be a new Orc stronghold. We plan to add a few more farmholds in Whiterun as well, if we can do so without creating too many conflicts.


I must say, this project sounds quite legit, and potentially rather promising. I am definitely not a pro, but I may be able to write some for this project, if I would be considered acceptable and proficient enough for the level that the team expects.

Thanks! If you're interested in joining our writing team, send me a PM with your email address and some basic info, and I'll add you to our Basecamp project.


I'm looking forward to this project!!

Glad to hear it! I'm feeling extra-motivated now :dance:

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