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WTH Moments in Fallout 3


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I had one waaaaay back when I played Fallout 3 on the 360. I was at my friend's house and we were doing the dual tvs to play xbox side by side( haha, the good ol' middle school days ), and he just got the Rock-It launcher i think it was called( the one that shoots junk, man it has been a while since that game ). He went into VATS and aimed for one of the people running up the stairs, but had a horrible percentage to hit, he said f it and qued up to hit for the persons head. WELL, he missed the guy completely, but the last shot( he was shot out a cue ball ) had gone right past the guys head, and nailed somebody in the face behing him, proceeding to blow his head off. It was the funniest thing ever, and we laughed for a good 10 minutes. That is one of my fond memories in FO3.


Recently been playing FNV and Skyrim( FNV more recently cause I missed the Fallout games ), and while playing FNV, I really miss FO3. I haven't played it for the comp ever, and about a couple years ago I got myself a pretty decent gaming rig, so I am thinking of getting FO3 and injecting a crap ton of mods into it lol. Been on the fence, but man, FO3 had a whole different feel to it than the Mojave Desert. I miss going through sewers, and a ruined capitol, fighting super mutants along sight badass Brotherhood of Steel broskies. FNV took more of a rural direction, with cowboys and farmers, etc. There are many excellent mods for FNV I have played with for a while and man, I went over to check out what FO3 had and I was like, DAAAAAYYYUUUUMMMM. LOL, since FO3 is only 20 bucks on Steam for the Ultimate Edition, I think I am gunna fire it up and continue to since the rest of my time into that game, while waiting for Dawnguard to come out, and WiS v5( it's gunna be dope!). Beyond Boulder Dome for FNV should wield some awesome play time, as it seems like a big project, which is basically dope, just waiting for it to get released on the Nexus. And here is to hopefully another installment to New Vegas Bounties. That mod author has some cool sounding projects which I hope he is still around working on them. ANYWAYS. sorry for the run off, but man, Bethesda has some f***ing amazing games! TO GAMING!

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Yeah go for it. FO3 is a really fun game and is way more fun with mods. Whatever fun you had on the 360, you're going to have more fun when you start getting mods or modding FO3 yourself. I barely even play FO3 anymore but I still mod it. :psyduck:



There are some funny bugs I noticed that are added by certain mods, like Crowded Cities. NPCs will have conversations with each other even if their buddy isn't human. Rivet City residents might be talking to a dog and going on like the dog is talking back, which it isn't.

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There are some funny bugs I noticed that are added by certain mods, like Crowded Cities. NPCs will have conversations with each other even if their buddy isn't human. Rivet City residents might be talking to a dog and going on like the dog is talking back, which it isn't.


Are you really sure?


Considering all the weirdnesses to be found in the DC Wastes, a few talking (or telepathic) dogs seems rather minor. ;)

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Here's a good WTH moment from a few days ago;


note - i use FOOK2, besides a lot of other stuff it adds new companions and a follower overhaul. but not without a few kinks.


Right after dad died, i was escorting the survivors thru the sewers. With Dr. Li and her group cowering in fear in the previous room, i snuck ahead and noticed an Enclave ambush ahead. As i was deciding my strategy, Malcolm (follower, haven't used him in awhile, should have been at my camp outside Megaton) walks by me. I think "What, wait, where did you... HOW did you..." and he says "Sup, boss?" and casually strolls into the ambush. He didn't last ten seconds, but managed to take one of them with him.

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something that made me go WTH, was when that kid told me to "Stand back, or I'll blow your f***ing head off".


Seriously, what kind of 6 year old swears? and how the hell did Bethesda get the kid actor to say that without getting in trouble with his parents?

Edited by Zazoomah
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something that made me go WTH, was when that kid told me to "Stand back, or I'll blow your f***ing head off".


Seriously, what kind of 6 year old swears? and how the hell did Bethesda get the kid actor to say that without getting in trouble with his parents?


Well, it didn't need to be a kid doing the voice acting. In a lot of animated movies and tv shows, kids voices are done by adults.

Edited by whodat1
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something that made me go WTH, was when that kid told me to "Stand back, or I'll blow your f***ing head off".


Seriously, what kind of 6 year old swears? and how the hell did Bethesda get the kid actor to say that without getting in trouble with his parents?


Well, it didn't need to be a kid doing the voice acting. In a lot of animated movies and tv shows, kids voices are done by adults.


Yeardley Smith, who does Lisa Simpson's voice amongst others, being a prime example.

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  • 6 months later...

- Get your own creepy stalkers: I started charging for saving the BOS recruit, because if not, he and Hoss promise to help me in that zone... but they seem to forget where the zone ends. I end up with stuff like waking up from sleep to find them in my home watching me, and then they suddenly run away.

LMAO!! I got say I got a GREAT laugh out of reading this post – a lot of these things have happened to me as well. I think Moraelin’s comments had me in stitches the most :D Really brilliant !!


I found the below post and reposting because it fits into this topic pretty well, from a post called "Things in fallout that don't make sense" and also made me lol


I usually play the game as a good character sense my game crash's more when I play evil, I can't even leave Tenpennys balcony without a crash, anyhow today I managed to play evil, but stayed under level 20, before going to tenpenny tower the only thing I did in megaton was greet the sheriff, he's unavoidable and then I headed to moriarty's, talked to the ghoul barkeep and bar fluzzy and then Tenpenny's goon in the corner and took the rigging device, rigged the bomb and headed to Tenpenny tower and then blew it up!..


What's bothering me is when Miora is at underworld, she acts like you never meet her before, and she's always lived there or something, and she has the key for the store of her's in Megaton on her, because later I let Fawkes go on a rampage and he killed all the ghoul's in underworld, and when I looted Mioras corpes I seen the craterside supply key on her!..


Also when caotured and I give Edens man the purifier code, why does eden still need to see me? he's got the code and hes men could put the FEV in and they game would end, I shouldn't have to escape as a bad guy and report to Eldor Lyons if I cooperated with Eden!..


And When I go rescue the father, he has a Vault 101 jumper on when leaving the tranqulity lounge chair area when I meet him, yet I had to put on a Vault 112 jumper on in order to get into the lounger!..


Also Why give those Regulators and Talon Company those that line they always say before ambushing you outside a exit, if there not going to let you talk your way out of it? the bounty or bribe them to backoff!..


Owe and today when I was headed to littlelamp light and was past the road check point that had mrgutsy and the army trucks and Tent, That guy fron Grayditch, the fire ant tiown, came up to me bagging to help there, geesh he just ran a marathon to beg for help, bevause I most of been a good 20 miles away from it!..


And that Karma check is a real pain in the butt, I had Fawkes and wanted butch as well, and went to the muddy rutter to get him, butch called me a psycho and told me he couldn't come with me!..


I have Karma mods installed and have no problem's having more then one follower when I play as a good guy!..


Owe and After I release Red and Flak as Slaves, they wont ever talk to me in big town or Revit City once there released, no dialog or subtittles on screen from them, this has happened to me ever sense I got the game and before adding mods!..


Owe a funny thing happened the other day while Flak was enslaved still, Shrapnil was coming from the area where you walk where the runaway slaves head explodes and you greet the kid, Shrapnil greeted me , I heard his voice as he was leaving Paradisefall's!..



Owe and if you don't greet that blonde girl as you go into Moriarty's, and you wait to late, she's a pain in the but to find later, and you might not even find her, the blond that gives you the letter bloodties mission! ,aufu place!..


That Churchfall's side mission with the brotherhood and lost initiate is stupid, I let the Muttie's kill those to brotherhood guys, because if you help them, they rob your ammo and weapon stash at home and show up beside your bed where your sleeping, sometimes they show up beside you when you use wait, so I always let the mutties kill them!..


Owe this is the only game I've been playing since buying it before xmas last year!, I like this game way better then my Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game, which was the game I played all the time before purchasing F03, I have my eye on GTA IV and wont to buy it next!..


thx Craig


That quote is posted in its original format with no changes! It's kind of a rant but honestly, it really does read great as-is! :tongue:


I wish I could add more but I think the funniest WTFs have already all been covered :biggrin:

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