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Terrible issue with sound on my HDTV


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Ok, I have had this issue before, yet here it is happening again. The last time this happened, the issue was, somehow, corrected on it's own. Weird, right? Well, everything was working last night when I was playing, but today, when I booted up my PC, no sound. Perfect video, but no audio. Under the volume control tab (Where you can adjust the volume of the TV), when I just click the slider it's supposed to make a "bing!" type noise and a little green bar is supposed to go up letting me know there is sound being putout. However, I do not hear it. My PC says it's putting out sound, but there is none. I know that there is not an issue with the TV because when I switch the input over to "TV" (Where my standard Television is played) then there is sound.


I have updated my AMD Catalyst Driver to the most recent version which is 12.3, with no luck as usual. As I said before, this problem corrected itself after a period of time. I just don't know what is causing this to happen. It couldn't be the cable itself because the one I am using now is a new one. The previous one, which I broke, was doing this as well. So either I am prone to a terrible coincidence, or I just keep buying bad cables. However, I don't think that it is a cable issue because video is being put out just fine, but not audio.


Hopefully someone will have the answer I seek.



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you know the cables you use to connect destop moniters to the actual computor? try one of those first, you can get them for liek 5 bucks at some places, if THAT doesnt work, its one of the actual machines, not the cable
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Well I did end up finding the issue that was giving me such a fuss. Turns out there is a bug with windows (fixed in Service Pack 1) where your computer has to be turned on AFTER the tv is turned on. Pretty much, the tv as to be powered on, then have it set to the HDMI input, then power on your computer. For some reason windows doesn't like doing it any other way. So, if this does happen to one of you, or someone you know, while your computer is already booted; just turn off the tv, wait for like 5 minutes, then power on the tv with the input already set to HDMI and everything should work flawlessly.
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