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Tales of Faerun


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10-15 is fine. That's actually a pretty good level range for our party.


Dying is all up to the owner of the character. If the owner allows a mortal wound to be taken by the character in question, they can let the character die if they so choose or have them healed. Or, since Rhaine's a resurrecter, you can choose for her to raise them if they die during combat. Makes for some nice drama. :D

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Name: Sinarra Zau' Duis (Queen of Joy) (Child of the whip-her last name is not known to her at present) aka Sin



Gender: female

Race: Drow

Age: young adult

Class: rogue

Alignment: chaotic good

Deity: Eilistraee and Tymora


Height: a tall feeling but short 5'5''

Weight: 125 lbs toned but not overly muscled

Hair: She has the typical silver white hair of the drow, but being young and herself-she often will create or purchase coloring for it. It is now a dark, rusty red. When let go it falls long to the middle of her back. Depending on her mood or more likely, her activity it can be held back in a simple ponytail, braiding or elaborate braids.

Eyes: bright glowing green

Skin: ebony

Handedness: ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: one long greyish scar across her back that has been there as long as she can remember. Her Mother told her it was from an “accident” and spoke no more of it. To anyone that would know such things it would be immediately known as a whip mark from a cat-of-nine tails

General physical description: Like most Drow, Sin is delicate looking and beautiful. Her eyes are large and green, her skin is dark ebony but in some places where if you can see under her clothing the skin is not as dark as if very dark skin was made darker from sun and not the typical black skin the Drow have. She walks with a purposeful but feminine and graceful stride, she looks people in the eye and rarely with any artifice though she is known to play tricks. She smiles a great deal and will talk rapidly when excited. She takes everything in and is sometimes thought to be not as intelligent as she really is, which suits her at times. In short, in many ways she is as if someone had taken a surface human or other well socialized person and painted them to look like a Drow. (voice) She speaks with a low voice, not soft but low. It is part feminine, part feline, what the humans would call a whiskey voice.

Disabilities: arachnophobia-severe


Clothing/Armor: She wears simple but well-made clothing of more expensive materials. This includes having a dark dyed light leather studded vest worn over-top a green silk shirt, studded leather pants, boots and finger-less gloves. These are well-worn items and they obviously were previously owned but kept in exceptional condition.

She also has some blended threaded pants which are a dark green, a heavier dark brown top and work gloves in a pack. There is also 3 changes of unmentionables.

Weapons: Two well-made Mithral daggers of some age but well cared for, identical and kept on sheaths on belt. One iron throwing dagger kept in an ankle sheath that causes wounds given to bleed out for a very small amount of time (the space of 10 heartbeats) Also one crossbow, elven bolts

Other equipment:

Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel, Hooded Lantern with three pints of Oil, Trail Rations for seven days, Sack, Waterskin, and a Whetstone
caltrops, chalk (10), a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, thieves' tools (This kit contains lockpicks and other tools for breaking and entering,)

Other magical equipment:

! small vial of poison 1 vial antidote
made for dagger or crossbow tips


Positive personality traits:: Open to adventure, meeting others and their belief systems. Loves to hear stories about other people, places and their gods which she tries to reconcile with her own beliefs. She is extremely friendly for a Drow who has lived an unusual like of quiet poverty and constant running though disguised more as work. She does take her training seriously and practices her weapon training and what she has learned of rogue skills at her time in the cities. Even when she seems to be goofing around she is paying very close attention.

Negative personality traits: She doesn't seem to have issue with playing jokes and minor deception as long as someone isn't physically hurt and nothing of true value is lost/taken. She enjoys trying to figure out things and has little sense of personal space which was a bane to her parents trying to stay safe. She is more of a swashbuckler type rogue than assassin at this point though she is certainly good with her blades and has been trained well by both parents who trained when in Mezzo with dual wield daggers. She however only takes it serious when attacked not as a offense.

Likes: Trying new foods, talking to new people, pets, pretty clothes

Dislikes: clerics, She has an EXTREME prejudice of Drow who have grown up the traditional manner and distrust any she has not known, people that won't answer her questions.

Fears: Not finding someone to be with like her Mother and Father, of being alone. Fears being made to go to one of the UnderDark Cities.

Attitude towards friends/strangers: Friendly and doesn't understand why they aren't friendly back when she explains that she isn't one of THOSE Drow. She is suspicious of other Drow at first.

Opinion on the world: The world is one great adventure with things to be seen and learned.


Birthplace: Buiyrandyn

Family/Relationships: Mother and Father, deceased in last few months- only child

Friends: None with her, many in the cities among the poor, the rogues, thieves, the merrymakers, festival workers and performers.

Enemies: Drow of the Underdeep, Worshipers of Lolth, sometimes city guards

Background: (Immediate background only-rest added and learned through RP -I wanted to get some basics up- have some deep plans for this one) Sin was born in Buiyrandyn as her parents were raised there. Her family did not agree with those following Lolth's webbed path. Once her family had gone back at the request of the family matron but they had left quickly and had not returned. Sin does not remember this. Her life growing up was different than almost any other Drow. Due to the hatred of the Lolth Drow's of surface Drow, the family lived a somewhat nomadic life. They would travel with caravans as guards going from one city, to town, to village to city and back. Sometimes they would stay in a large city, finding work from those who seemed to know Sin's parents. These were the times Sin loved best. Not only did she continue to learn from her parents in weapons training but she also would make friends with some of the more “colorful” locals and learn all manner of things. Sin learned to pick locks and find traps. Her small hands, quick fingers and superior sight and hearing allowing her to find the thin lines of traps. She also learned to make poison and antidotes, using plants, small frogs, bugs and other nasties to make her dagger work even more dangerous.
Another thing Sin loved about the towns was the various festivals. There would always be dancers, tight rope walkers, acrobats. These folk were sometimes also thieves, assassins and rogues of all types. Befriending them was an easy thing for Sin who loved to meet and know people. They would teach her their skills and she in turn would be an apt pupil, listening with bated breath to story after story and repeating it back, perfect to their happiness. She gave to them the admiration and adoration they all loved and rarely received as the looked down upon.

During all this however, she would maintain vigilance against the dark worshipers or Lolth. Several times her family, staying in cities or out in some portion of the Underdark while between travels and would be faced with a fight. Sin was as capable and as ruthless as any of her brethren when it came to protecting her family.

It was such as time as this, she and her parents were traveling with a caravan toward


Languages spoken: Drow, Common, Drow Sign language, some Elven

Pets/Animal companions: none at present but wow, wouldn't she love a pet dragon or giant bird or snake or wolf....



balance 2 + 5 = 7
climb 5 + 0 = 5
disable device 7 + 2 = 9
gather information 5 + 3 = 8
hide 8 + 5 = 13
jump 11 + 0 = 11
knowledge local 5 + 2 = 7
listen 8 + 2 = 10
move silently 8 + 5 = 13
open lock 8 + 5 = 13
perform 7 + 3 = 10
ride 1 + 5 = 6
search 10 + 2 = 12
sleight of hand 9 + 5 = 14
speak language 6 +
spot 11 + 2 = 13
survival 4 + 2 = 6
swim 2 + 0 = 2
tumble 7 + 5 = 12
use magic device 2 + 3 = 5
use rope 7 + 5 = 12
Immune to sleep


armor proficiency light
deft hands
lightning reflexes
nimble fingers
simple weapon proficiency
Special ability
Improved uncanny dodge
Uncanny dodge
Trap sense
Sneak attack

Drow Skills:

(to be discussed as I have questions)




So far, approved! :D Welcome aboard, Lisn. :)

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***josh900 is receiving his first official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post.***

Josh, you've got one more week to post before being removed per group rules.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm 7 days up. I haven't felt really great today (and the muse is not with meh!!!) and I have my daughter's Christmas concert to go to tonight. I'll try to post tonight or on the morning. Sorry for the delay.

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I'd enjoy it more if the choir had not weaseled their way into it. I have no interest in sitting in their concert and likewise I am sure those parents don't want to see band. So yes, lets add another hour or more to this thing.


I love my child and love to hear her play but ugh...

and just wanted to let Aur and everyone know so she wouldn't take my gold star! *runs*

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