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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine watched Shaori with a slight smile. The Avariel had a good idea. The Doomguide was keenly aware of the grime of battle that she had built up, and she was eager to wash it away. Rhaine looked around. Normally, she was very self-conscious about bathing in the sight of others, but there really was no other option. And she suddenly felt the urge to do something impulsive, for once.


Striding to the edge of the pond, she began unbuckling her armor and weapon, laying the pieces on the bank. Then, garbed just in her underclothes, she jumped into the water.

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Shaori, clad in thin silk white underclothes, swam over towards Rhaine, and playfully splashed her, giggling. She then took some soap from a small pouch strapped to her leg, and offered some to Rhaine. "You may want to use this, It is some of my last amount, but I am willing to share it. That is something we use for washing among the Avariel. It makes my skin smell nice and feel tingly."


Caladus continued gathering wood.

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Norgold looked around as everyone seemed to be settling down near the pond. He however, had some other plans that he was going to attend too. After some careful thought and consideration, he planned on returning to Heliogabalus, to make sure it was safe from the ever lingering doom. Norgold unsheathed Byron's hammer and admired it once more, he smiled at the memories of the crazy dwarf, as he walked toward where Caladus had set down his pack, and put the hammer next to it. He looked back to see Rhaine and Shaori bathing in the pond. He smiled once more as he turned around and headed into the forest.




Olivia was looking toward the beaten path where she first came down from the Temple entrance. She breathed in deeply and began walking back up the path, which was quite tough due to the steepness, and the dirt was lose. However, she managed to climb back up to where the entrance was, the gleaming light from the door made her cover her eyes from the brightness. She slowly approached the door and reached out to grab the door handle, but something stop her and she quickly spun around with her hand tightly gripped around the Katana's sword grip. She quickly looked around to reveal that it was only a small rabbit that was hopping along by, She smiled and laughed to herself as she turned around and opened the door to the Temple.


Once inside, reveal a gruesome battle scene, from which there was multiple mutilated body's and massive amounts of blood on the floor. She covered her nose from the incredibly strong smell of death that filled the room. "What the Hells happened here..." Olivia said quietly to herself, as she maneuvered around the dead bodies to the other end of the room. When she reached the other side, she turned around and shook her head, and continued on. She explored the rest of the temple, only to find it empty and no signs of any Cult members or the woman. Olivia, however, found a different exit then the one she entered. Going through the door, revealed that she was on top of a mountain past, and the wind and snow was picking up. She took a few steps to reveal the almost erased footprints, from what it seemed it was a bigger group. She looked back at the entrance, then the pathway down the mountain. Olivia sighed and quickly started descending the mountain.


As she was walking down, a woman quickly ran past Olivia, almost knocking her down over the cliff. Before she could say anything, she disappeared into the snowy mist. Olivia grunted and continued down the path until she came into a hidden grove area. Now a little bit more cautious, she took light steps and looked around, until she heard splashing nearby and she took cover behind a tree. Olivia slowly but cautiously looked over to see that there was, what seemed to be, two people in the pond. She was to far away to make out what they looked like, but both had wings... Avariel maybe?... No, they're just myths... They couldn't be. However, she wasn't entirely sure. Then, there was the woman in the hood, who again, couldn't make anything out from the distance from where the tree was. From what she was wearing, she was a Ranger of sorts. Then there was the tall Illithid... The robes seemed to be in royal fashion, incredibly expensive. What caught her eye though, was what was in his hands, it was wrapped somewhat neatly. It looked important, but again, she wasn't sure.


For the most part, it seemed that the Witch wasn't with them. But her trust wasn't completely there... not yet.

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Nawen stood by the tree and looked somewhere in the distance. She noticed that Illius was gone. Probably went to the city. "Busy as always." She thought and smiled slightly. The drow noticed that Norgold went into a forest but thought nothing about it. She will go hunting as soon as Caladus returns.
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Rhaine swam for a bit, immersing herself completely underwater. Shaori kindly offered some soap, which she gladly accepted. She washed herself quickly and was returning to the bank when her toe hit something hard. Wincing, she looked down into the water. It appeared she had struck the corner of a small box, half hidden in the silt. The Doomguide reached down until only her head was above the surface of the pond, feeling around for the edges of the box. After a bit of wiggling and tugging, it came loose, and she brought it out of the water. It was a chest, still bearing a sealed lock. Rhaine walked up to the bank and set it beside her pack before fishing a towel out of her bag and beginning to dry herself.
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Xallistine looked around the pleasant scene, it was certainly something he never had imagined... the surface being so beautiful. He gracefully walked over to a large rock, with the support of his walking cane, and sat down, unsure of whether to open the item. It took him a while to fully adjust his eyes to the surface, but his vision was fine for now.


Ravenna looked at Ra'sava and said "Good, i will have my men come and collect a few creatures."

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Olivia, who was still cautious, moved up from tree to tree. Silently moving between each one until she was close enough to make out some features. It seemed that one of the Avariel found a box of some sort... Still however, she stayed in the cover of the tree just encase.
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Caladua who had been gathering wood, saw a woman, a Witch flitting from tree to tree. He sets his wood down, and steathily creeps up. He steps to 5 feet behind her, and asks, "Who are you, witch and why are you watching our camp?" He was not threatening, nor was he aggressive, he was too tired for that.


Shaori swims for a few more minutes, then comes out of the water. She removes her underclothes to dry off, then puts on some clean ones from her bag. She Dresses quickly, her wings still dripping, then backs away to get the water off of them too. "I think I have a spell for that Chest you found!" She says.

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Olivia turned around quickly, again her hand tightly gripped on the Katana's handle. The man standing behind her was a Drow, but weirdly a male Drow. Which was pretty rare. However, she cocked her head when he called her a 'Witch'... "I'm not a witch... I have no idea where you got the idea for that. Also, I came from the temple, where your group tore through the whole thing, I was going to bring the 'Witch' who was living in the temple, but it seems that you have done that already." Olivia replied.
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