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Tales of Faerun


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Byron feels a hand touch his, He turns his attention away from Nawen for a moment to notice Hazel had come close. He interlaced his fingers with hers, and felt himself grow solid, just for that moment. He instead of wearing his armor, was wearing a loose black tunic, with dark trousers. He turns to her and says, "Ah ne'er met anyone like ye, Hazel. It's a pity that ah never got to tell you, I love you." Without letting go of her hand, as he was hovering slightly, he raises slightly more, and briefly kisses Hazel.


Caladus had got a good fire going, and pulled out Byron's pans and cookware, and after gutting and cleaning the fish, began to cook them on the pan. Soon the smell of cooking fish permeated the area.


Shaori walked over by the fire to warm up, as she was feeling slightly chilly.

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Hazel smiled, and her face grew warm. She wondered how it was possible to blush without blood, but smiled at Byron, "It's too bad nothing could become of this. I would have been able to show you where I live, and taken you to meet my saplings. However brief our time together was, I enjoyed it. But I suppose all that can be done now is to tell you about it." She began to tell him stories of her family and friends back home with the practiced tone of an experienced storyteller.


Ianthe smiled slyly as she spied Hazel and Byron holding hands. She stood and then began to dance a bit, humming a made-up tune as she went along.

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Nawen was sad to hear that this is the last time they will see Byron. "Farewell Byron." She said back to the dwarf and watched as he walked towards Hazel. She also noticed that two women joined their group. "Nawen. A pleasure to meet you." She said to both Olivia and Saerileth.


She looked around and saw that Caladus was cooking dinner. "Do you need some help with that?" She asked and approached the drow.

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Caladus smiled at Nawen as she approached. "No, my friend. Unless you have any cooking herbs that go well with fish."


Byron listened to the stories with interest.


Shaori got up and started Dancing with Ianthe, just for fun.


Saerileth waited patiently for Rhaine's response. She watched the camp's activities, and smiled innocently at Shaori and Ianthe dancing.

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Olivia laughed quietly to herself as she watched the two girls dance at random. However, with all the seriousness, she turned toward Rhaine. "Is the group traveling together for a goal of some sort?" Olivia asked.
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Rhaine stood still for a moment, watching Saerileth. Chosen of Tyr? And so young? She could only wonder if that divine touch was truly a blessing or a curse at her age. Nevertheless, she smiled kindly at the paladin and bowed in return, "And it is a likewise honor for me, little one. You are more than welcome here."


She had heard Byron say that it was his final night on the Prime, and she was completely shocked when she saw him kiss Hazel. She felt a twinge of sympathy for both of them, but she knew that his clinging to the world was not the way of the universe. It was time for him to pass on permanently.


As Ianthe and Shaori danced happily in their own world, Rhaine addressed Olivia, "We are on a quest to stop an undead invasion from the Underdark. Our journey led us to the temple in which you had been captured, and we managed to destroy what would become a dracolich and its cabal of necromancers. However, I am not certain that our objective has been met, yet. All indications point to Cormyr as our next destination, as we have found connections with the Land of the Purple Dragon. It is also our intent to find Ianthe's father, himself a Purple Dragon Knight, and help with an unwelcome incursion into the Kryptgarden."

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Olivia listened to what Rhaine had to say. The news was both daunting, and outright terrifying. An Undead army that arise to destroy Faerun... Or even the world for that matter. She looked up toward the peaceful blue sky. She would miss it deeply if it were to change from a madman's mind. "I can't sit idly by while the world burns, or start's to." Olivia began, pausing for a moment. "I will accompany your group for this quest, and maybe afterwards. If you will have me." Olivia said, bowing before Rhaine.
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Caladus calls out, "You are Just in time for Dinner!" He hands Olivia, and everyone else, excluding Byron, hazel and Ianthe a plate with Fish. "Ianthe, there is a plate here if you want it, but I don't know if you eat fish."


Saerileth accepts her plate of food with grace, and after retrieving her sword, she sits down to eat. "I thank thee for thy hospitality. I shall prepare thy next meal if it be thy desire."


Shaori tore into her food at once.

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Xallistine sat on the rock, noticing the newcomers, and he looked over happily... so young, both of the new women were, there entire lives to be carved out ahead of them...


Xallistine turned away and carefully unbuckled his collar, laying it neatly on the ground, he took of his bejeweled bracers, his outer robe, so that he was just in a simple black robe underneath all of the finery he wore. He lay it all down carefully, and slowly, painfully walked over to the group, his cane supporting his weight and light frame, he stood as tall as he could, and said to the newcomers "I welcome you both to the camp... i am Xallistine."

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Byron seperates from Hazel saying"I need to say goodbye to the others as well" He floats over to Rhaine, and says "Ah am sorry that this be the last time Ah get tae see ye lot. Ah hope ye willnae pine over me, and kill some buggers for me, eh? He gave Rhaine a tight hug. Edited by BaldurAnthology
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