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Fences and uneven ground


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I use concrete walls as fences. You can buy shipments of concrete pretty cheap from vendors. And the concrete fence can be stacked up to make it higher. Also, the place anywhere mod really helps with the uneven ground. And, the no twigs mod can really clean that place up so you can build.

Edited by GamerChas
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And, the no twigs mod can really clean that place up so you can build.


Funny you mention that. I have Scrap Anything, yet there is one dead tree in the center of the land that cannot be selected for scrap.


You sure the mod is "Place Anywhere?" I cannot find it.

Edited by SirGalahad
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The mod in question is actually Place Everywhere. One of it's coolest features is the ability to use the number pad up/down/left/right arrows to fine-tune any object placement. The down arrow function being quite useful for lowering fences or whatever into uneven ground to eliminate gaps.

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The mod in question is actually Place Everywhere. One of it's coolest features is the ability to use the number pad up/down/left/right arrows to fine-tune any object placement. The down arrow function being quite useful for lowering fences or whatever into uneven ground to eliminate gaps.

This ^^ It also allows to scrap unscrappables by hitting the "Ins" key and when using "F5" when in build mode you can walk out of the build zone without being kicked-out of WorkShop mode. Is handy when trees are standing too close to where you want to build a wall but just outside the build perimeter or when having to align something close to the build border and needing a view from where you normally can't go when the WorkShop is open.


Personally, I always found the snapping of walls in a horizontal line to be a nuisance. Bethesda devs should have opted for a drag 'n' drop system, where you select point A from where you want to start the wall, run to point B where you want the wall to end, *click* and hey presto! the wall appears, neatly following the topography of the terrain...

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