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ALEXANDROX - Wars in Skyrim


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It too bad this wonderful modder has given up on the Skyrim community. Too many people bad mouthing the work and ability. I am at WiS IV and absolutely love it. I keep hoping to find it again in the D/L list but it seems it wont be happening. Thanks to all you users out there who add absolutely nothing but complaints. See how many other talented artists, programmers and writers you can run off without lifting a finger to help or assist in anyway to the Nexus community.


Most Mods have some issues. If you download a mod and it screws up your game (by your account) its not the modders fault YOU loaded it. Save your data folder before you load it or anything. If you really want to help, try assisting in troubleshooting the FREE..see that.. F R E E works they, the modders, offer us. I do not like a lot of mods, so i dont berate the author and I don't download it. if you have negative garbage to say, offer - usable - advice in ways to help the author fix it.


You get value added software for absolutely nothing and complain about it. The originators ask for nothing but a little button click for a vote as payment. WOW - that really hurts paying the R/L bills and putting food on your table.


I personally offer a Thank You to all the modders who have offered up their services and who brought their imaginations to our Nexus table. Most of us appreciate your efforts and would be long gone from this game (and others) without your talents and time you invest in our games.

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I haven't played WIS but I add my sincere gratitude to the modders who have generously posted their hard work, kindly helped people with their questions and put up with unkind or ignorant posts.


I have done very little modding, only for myself, but enough to know that it is a long, frequently frustrating process. *Anyone* who ever thinks of posting something critical or impatient to a modder should give it a try themselves. I guarantee that person will become much more patient and grateful.


Mods are what make Skyrim interesting after the first play-through. I hope those who share their efforts know how many people, including myself, are aware and appreciative of their work.

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I didn't get to try the specific mod since i was on a break at that point and just recently started again but <3 to all moders and their great work, Doubt i would be playing Skyrim today without their excellent additions Edited by balander
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First time modders have no idea what they are getting themselves into when they look to do a large mod such as WIS ...takes organization, mucho hours and a thick skin,

LOL, look at Bethesda and Fallout NV, they are still taking flak over that piece of poop.

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Wis was truly one of the best mods which brought Skyrim alive, one I'm currently missing the most..


It added a huge amount of extra fun, unexpected events such as trying to figure out things like getting from A-B while been chased by 40+ really pi**** of bandits or been forced into a corner - having no choice other than facing them head on and having some epic battle..


Wis definitely gets my appreciation, and all other mods where the creators have devoted a lot of their time to make the experience truly epic.

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I agree, without mods like WiS and WARZONES, Skyrim would be a desolate and lifeless place indeed. In fact, I would go as far as to suggest that with out the existance of mods of these type AND calibre, the vanilla skyrim, for my part at lest, would be verging on unplayable because of the sheer greyness of it all.

@guy above me, ceebs spelling your name XD

Yes, it is for both, I run it on 1.5.26 AND SKSE and around 90 other mods, id say roughly 30 of them are running looping scripts, some are running arbitaraly and other are running on a constant update basis and it runs fine!

I'm sad that this mod stopped being updated and I detest those who would have the social inadequency and fundemental immorality for ruining some that in the long run, would have provided a much more fufiling, satisfying and rich game experience and add much needed content to the skyrim world.





Stay Frosty! :D

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First time modders have no idea what they are getting themselves into when they look to do a large mod such as WIS ...takes organization, mucho hours and a thick skin,

LOL, look at Bethesda and Fallout NV, they are still taking flak over that piece of poop.

So totally unjust comparison! Hundreds of thousands of people all around the world gave their REAL hard earned money to BUY this piece of poop and made Bethesda RICHER!!! How can you compare a gaming mega-company to any modder who invests his/her own free time on making something for you, and offers it to you for FREE??? Of course there are novice modders who have a very nice idea and dream of making this mega-mod, only to find out they created a mess they can't figure out. So what? The choice is yours! Either you don't download, or if you do, it's your responsibility to keep a clean backup of your game, so you can restore it to its previous state. NOONE forced it to you to install any mod. It was offered to you for FREE. You should show more respect and appreciation to all modders, even to those who are first-timers! Everybody started from somewhere, no one was born an experienced modder!


As a Morrowind Hall-Of-Fame modder I salute all newcomers to the modding community, and I respect all their work which keeps my interest alive on Bethesda's games throughout the years.

Thank you.

Edited by grvulture
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