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God Of War Axe (Leviathan)


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Ugh, wow. Sorry to hear about your inbox, Ghosu. I'd really hate to go through something like this, myself.


I wouldn't at all blame you for not releasing the axe based on this whole experience. Other modders have totally broken down and stopped uploading for less. People can only take so much, y'know?


But if you do release it, thanks a bunch.

Are you alright, mate? Going through what exactly? When you receive a message on this site your mail icon changes, that is all there is to it. If you decide to read all the messages then at worst you will get tired from seeing tons of different or very similar requests. Comments under mods? Offencive ones are a no-go zone of course, but disagreements, wishes? Tiring, sure, but saying that people 'totally broken down and stopped uploading for less' is ridiculous, barking mad notion. Those people should be resting in psychiatric institutions instead of spending time among people, not to mention on the internet where millions of ideas collide. There always will be folk who want more, less or differently. It's just like with example given by Ghosu about someone asking for armour in the comments under released weapon pack. I don't know whether said person appreciated those weapons, but what I know is that there is no harm in asking for matching items. Could Ghosu feel his effort went unappreciated, sure thing, but would it be a justified reaction? Would it be better if said person for an example left comment 'Amazing weapons, will there be matching armour set?' ? To some, yes, others would think that this guy or gal is forever unhappy, unsatiated entitled brat. Should we all then just leave 'thanks' under mods and say nothing more? I don't think so.


Also, mate, this level of brown-nosing is just revolting.

Edited by Surinen
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Ugh, wow. Sorry to hear about your inbox, Ghosu. I'd really hate to go through something like this, myself.


I wouldn't at all blame you for not releasing the axe based on this whole experience. Other modders have totally broken down and stopped uploading for less. People can only take so much, y'know?


But if you do release it, thanks a bunch.

Are you alright, mate? Going through what exactly? When you receive a message on this site your mail icon changes, that is all there is to it. If you decide to read all the messages then at worst you will get tired from seeing tons of different or very similar requests. Comments under mods? Offencive ones are a no-go zone of course, but disagreements, wishes? Tiring, sure, but saying that people 'totally broken down and stopped uploading for less' is ridiculous, barking mad notion. Those people should be resting in psychiatric institutions instead of spending time among people, not to mention on the internet where millions of ideas collide. There always will be folk who want more, less or differently. It's just like with example given by Ghosu about someone asking for armour in the comments under released weapon pack. I don't know whether said person appreciated those weapons, but what I know is that there is no harm in asking for matching items. Could Ghosu feel his effort went unappreciated, sure thing, but would it be a justified reaction? Would it be better if said person for an example left comment 'Amazing weapons, will there be matching armour set?' ? To some, yes, others would think that this guy or gal is forever unhappy, unsatiated entitled brat. Should we all then just leave 'thanks' under mods and say nothing more? I don't think so.


Also, mate, this level of brown-nosing is just revolting.



You may think I'm being obsequious, but I mean what I say. If it causes him undue stress when people act like children despite them getting some cool polygons and pixels for free, then I'd totally understand if he'd not want to follow through. Nobody's really saying that, so I thought I might as well.


People HAVE stopped modding for less. I don't wanna drop names, but a certain popular Skyrim modder, for example, stopped modding and removed all his mods because Trump won the US presidential election. I'd consider that less -- it definitely isn't as good as reason to stop modding or not release a thing as "this modding s*** was really stressing me out." Which I can get. I'm sure you've quit a job or at least cut off a friendship because you were being treated as expendable no matter how well you did and a well of infinite resource no matter how much you gave. Ghosu isn't even getting paid for this, he's not making a living, he has no reason to put up with it, and I think it's stupid to criticize him for expressing his frustration.


And, just to be clear, I didn't mean "broken down" in the sense of a literal nervous breakdown (if Ghosu is having personal problems like that, then yeah he should go to the doctor but I doubt it's that bad), but more like "broken down" when you're fed up with an argument and you don't think it's worth it, and retract all effort and just go "whatever." It's still a shitty feeling to have.


Like, I get your point of view, I really do. I'm totally a bleeding heart and Ghosu's a big boy who can make his own decisions. I respect that. But I also respect that he's a human being and when he does something nice like this, it's unreasonable to assume that he expects literally nothing in return -- some recognition or appreciation, some empathy maybe. I'm not ashamed to admit that, yeah, the mod looks awesome (as his mods normally do, I quite admire his work) and it'd be great if people were to calm down so he can release it with no guff or grief. But Ghosu, along with a ton of other mod authors, helped make Skyrim a game that got me (and continues to get me) through tough times. I can't help but feel a bit defensive about a guy who did that, and for free. It's important to me that I try and repay that kindness, even if it wasn't a really personal thing for him.


EDIT: Didn't see Ghosu's last reply before I wrote this. Oh well.

Edited by teddongers
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Ugh, wow. Sorry to hear about your inbox, Ghosu. I'd really hate to go through something like this, myself.


I wouldn't at all blame you for not releasing the axe based on this whole experience. Other modders have totally broken down and stopped uploading for less. People can only take so much, y'know?


But if you do release it, thanks a bunch.

Are you alright, mate? Going through what exactly? When you receive a message on this site your mail icon changes, that is all there is to it. If you decide to read all the messages then at worst you will get tired from seeing tons of different or very similar requests. Comments under mods? Offencive ones are a no-go zone of course, but disagreements, wishes? Tiring, sure, but saying that people 'totally broken down and stopped uploading for less' is ridiculous, barking mad notion. Those people should be resting in psychiatric institutions instead of spending time among people, not to mention on the internet where millions of ideas collide. There always will be folk who want more, less or differently. It's just like with example given by Ghosu about someone asking for armour in the comments under released weapon pack. I don't know whether said person appreciated those weapons, but what I know is that there is no harm in asking for matching items. Could Ghosu feel his effort went unappreciated, sure thing, but would it be a justified reaction? Would it be better if said person for an example left comment 'Amazing weapons, will there be matching armour set?' ? To some, yes, others would think that this guy or gal is forever unhappy, unsatiated entitled brat. Should we all then just leave 'thanks' under mods and say nothing more? I don't think so.


Also, mate, this level of brown-nosing is just revolting.



You may think I'm being obsequious, but I mean what I say. If it causes him undue stress when people act like children despite them getting some cool polygons and pixels for free, then I'd totally understand if he'd not want to follow through. Nobody's really saying that, so I thought I might as well.


People HAVE stopped modding for less. I don't wanna drop names, but a certain popular Skyrim modder, for example, stopped modding and removed all his mods because Trump won the US presidential election. I'd consider that less -- it definitely isn't as good as reason to stop modding or not release a thing as "this modding s*** was really stressing me out." Which I can get. I'm sure you've quit a job or at least cut off a friendship because you were being treated as expendable no matter how well you did and a well of infinite resource no matter how much you gave. Ghosu isn't even getting paid for this, he's not making a living, he has no reason to put up with it, and I think it's stupid to criticize him for expressing his frustration.


And, just to be clear, I didn't mean "broken down" in the sense of a literal nervous breakdown (if Ghosu is having personal problems like that, then yeah he should go to the doctor but I doubt it's that bad), but more like "broken down" when you're fed up with an argument and you don't think it's worth it, and retract all effort and just go "whatever." It's still a shitty feeling to have.


Like, I get your point of view, I really do. I'm totally a bleeding heart and Ghosu's a big boy who can make his own decisions. I respect that. But I also respect that he's a human being and when he does something nice like this, it's unreasonable to assume that he expects literally nothing in return -- some recognition or appreciation, some empathy maybe. I'm not ashamed to admit that, yeah, the mod looks awesome (as his mods normally do, I quite admire his work) and it'd be great if people were to calm down so he can release it with no guff or grief. But Ghosu, along with a ton of other mod authors, helped make Skyrim a game that got me (and continues to get me) through tough times. I can't help but feel a bit defensive about a guy who did that, and for free. It's important to me that I try and repay that kindness, even if it wasn't a really personal thing for him.


EDIT: Didn't see Ghosu's last reply before I wrote this. Oh well.


Probably many users of this site are children. But not only children want things. And as long as people are civil about it I don't see any problems.


Really? Well, that is a bedlam case. Ultimately people can stop modding for whatever reason they want, they are not obliged to provide any kind of content. I can't say I have experienced it. Sure, there were plenty of people willing to take advantage of me, but such individuals never stood a chance to become my friends in the first place. As I have said before, I understand that Ghosu might get frustrated, especially if he read all messages, it is tiring, but I don't think that people are to be blamed for it. It is a consequence of having particular set of skills. It is not as if everybody reads whole threads before sending PM. Some random Joe might not know Ghosu's schedule, his plans to take off after completing this or that mod. Most comments are positive anyway. I don't think that any modder who does a good job can say that he or she is unappreciated. Grattitude is usually swarming in the comments.


My main point is that there is no harm in suggestions and requests. The only problem lies with this site's design at this point. It should add second category of PM only for suggestions, where people can write and attach images, videos and what not. Some would probably still use regular contact means, but overall it would unburden inbox. Add to it system where modder can choose options such as 'accepted', 'denied' and 'considering' visible to parties involved, with possibility to make it site wide. People would know what modders have in plans.

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Ugh, wow. Sorry to hear about your inbox, Ghosu. I'd really hate to go through something like this, myself.


I wouldn't at all blame you for not releasing the axe based on this whole experience. Other modders have totally broken down and stopped uploading for less. People can only take so much, y'know?


But if you do release it, thanks a bunch.

Are you alright, mate? Going through what exactly? When you receive a message on this site your mail icon changes, that is all there is to it. If you decide to read all the messages then at worst you will get tired from seeing tons of different or very similar requests. Comments under mods? Offencive ones are a no-go zone of course, but disagreements, wishes? Tiring, sure, but saying that people 'totally broken down and stopped uploading for less' is ridiculous, barking mad notion. Those people should be resting in psychiatric institutions instead of spending time among people, not to mention on the internet where millions of ideas collide. There always will be folk who want more, less or differently. It's just like with example given by Ghosu about someone asking for armour in the comments under released weapon pack. I don't know whether said person appreciated those weapons, but what I know is that there is no harm in asking for matching items. Could Ghosu feel his effort went unappreciated, sure thing, but would it be a justified reaction? Would it be better if said person for an example left comment 'Amazing weapons, will there be matching armour set?' ? To some, yes, others would think that this guy or gal is forever unhappy, unsatiated entitled brat. Should we all then just leave 'thanks' under mods and say nothing more? I don't think so.


Also, mate, this level of brown-nosing is just revolting.



You may think I'm being obsequious, but I mean what I say. If it causes him undue stress when people act like children despite them getting some cool polygons and pixels for free, then I'd totally understand if he'd not want to follow through. Nobody's really saying that, so I thought I might as well.


People HAVE stopped modding for less. I don't wanna drop names, but a certain popular Skyrim modder, for example, stopped modding and removed all his mods because Trump won the US presidential election. I'd consider that less -- it definitely isn't as good as reason to stop modding or not release a thing as "this modding s*** was really stressing me out." Which I can get. I'm sure you've quit a job or at least cut off a friendship because you were being treated as expendable no matter how well you did and a well of infinite resource no matter how much you gave. Ghosu isn't even getting paid for this, he's not making a living, he has no reason to put up with it, and I think it's stupid to criticize him for expressing his frustration.


And, just to be clear, I didn't mean "broken down" in the sense of a literal nervous breakdown (if Ghosu is having personal problems like that, then yeah he should go to the doctor but I doubt it's that bad), but more like "broken down" when you're fed up with an argument and you don't think it's worth it, and retract all effort and just go "whatever." It's still a shitty feeling to have.


Like, I get your point of view, I really do. I'm totally a bleeding heart and Ghosu's a big boy who can make his own decisions. I respect that. But I also respect that he's a human being and when he does something nice like this, it's unreasonable to assume that he expects literally nothing in return -- some recognition or appreciation, some empathy maybe. I'm not ashamed to admit that, yeah, the mod looks awesome (as his mods normally do, I quite admire his work) and it'd be great if people were to calm down so he can release it with no guff or grief. But Ghosu, along with a ton of other mod authors, helped make Skyrim a game that got me (and continues to get me) through tough times. I can't help but feel a bit defensive about a guy who did that, and for free. It's important to me that I try and repay that kindness, even if it wasn't a really personal thing for him.


EDIT: Didn't see Ghosu's last reply before I wrote this. Oh well.


Probably many users of this site are children. But not only children want things. And as long as people are civil about it I don't see any problems.


Really? Well, that is a bedlam case. Ultimately people can stop modding for whatever reason they want, they are not obliged to provide any kind of content. I can't say I have experienced it. Sure, there were plenty of people willing to take advantage of me, but such individuals never stood a chance to become my friends in the first place. As I have said before, I understand that Ghosu might get frustrated, especially if he read all messages, it is tiring, but I don't think that people are to be blamed for it. It is a consequence of having particular set of skills. It is not as if everybody reads whole threads before sending PM. Some random Joe might not know Ghosu's schedule, his plans to take off after completing this or that mod. Most comments are positive anyway. I don't think that any modder who does a good job can say that he or she is unappreciated. Grattitude is usually swarming in the comments.


My main point is that there is no harm in suggestions and requests. The only problem lies with this site's design at this point. It should add second category of PM only for suggestions, where people can write and attach images, videos and what not. Some would probably still use regular contact means, but overall it would unburden inbox. Add to it system where modder can choose options such as 'accepted', 'denied' and 'considering' visible to parties involved, with possibility to make it site wide. People would know what modders have in plans.



Yeah, that's probably true.


Oh, for sure it wasn't something that happens every day with every modder. I don't think his reasoning made any logical sense and I suppose he always was a little wacky. His descriptions were always pretty funny, though. Anyway, enough about him.


I think that's a pretty good idea, actually. I don't know if this place has a post limit on sending PMs either, but something like that might help as well.

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Really excited for this mod. Keep in mind that you need not have the throwing feature right away, you could always release the axe model, and add the feature later.

Or, sense he said he'd leave it as a Mos Author resource, someone who has made a throwing weapon patch could create a addon/patch using the model.
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Does anyone got a clue 'bout weapon stats? I really don't remember much...quite a while ago that i played the game so i just picked Daedric axe dmg by guess. Just started a new game sooo i guess it scales with lvl.


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