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Your Favorite Gaming quote


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"Warlock! Bend, kneel and die!!"

"Yes, YES!!! You will need a tank for me!!"

Edited by Winterfall
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"I never asked for this..." - Adam Jensen, Deus Ex: Human Revolution


"So you must be...'Quilt-Man'...'Padded Pete'...'Mister Triple-Ply?' Oh! I got it! 'The Cushion!'" - Spider-Man/Peter Parker speaking to "Shocker", Spider-Man (2002 game)


"It's alright Rosh, you didn't (offend me). I've been offended by professionals." - Kyle Katarn, Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy


"Retraction: Did I say that out loud? I apologize, master. While you are a meatbag, I suppose I should not call you as such." - HK-47, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic



This last one isn't so much of a quote, but more of a conversation:


Master Chief: "How much firepower would it take to crack one of the engine's shields?"


Cortana: "Not much. A well-placed grenade perhaps, but why-"


**Master Chief is tossing fragmentation grenade up and down in his hand**


Cortana: "Okay. I'm coming with you."


- The Master Chief and Cortana, Halo: Combat Evolved

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war....war never changes- three dog fallout 3/ new vegas


Ron Perlman frowns at your shenanigans.

(For the record, Three Dog never once makes that statement throughout all of FO3, and it only occurs during the intro/credits of FNV, the quote was used all the way back in FO1/2 as well.)


Edit: and to stay on topic, my favorite is when dealing with Renesco in New Reno (FO2)

Chosen One: What do I want? I don't really know. Most of the time I ignore my quest and walk into the homes of others, riffling through people's shelves...oooh, like those over there!

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HEY, hey I poo'ed right where your standing... :teehee: :teehee:Clap trap Zombiess.... Edited by Thor.
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I shoud go- Shepard, mass effect series
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