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Logan smiled, that old man comment he thought was never going to get old. However, there were still some questions that he had in his head. "I obviously wouldn't have made it without you Blythe, or your friend." Logan began, "But there was one thing that I still can't understand... How the hell did they know we were coming?" Logan asked, looking at Blythe.
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Anderson walked over to Logan's bedside. "I do not believe we were properly introduced, what with you dying. I am Father Alexander Anderson. I work with the Templar on an as needed basis, but my alliances are primarily with the church. I am Paladin of Iscariot Division. It is, or was the Vatican's secret army. You are Logan, I would presume?"
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Blythe smiled at the two men "Yes father, this is Logan... he used to be, you know... with the Navy blues, but he's with me now." She then turned back to Logan and said "Beats me... but i have heard many rumors about them, they say that the blues have intel worked from every citizen, every company, that they have access to every file and system anywhere in the world... if that's true, then all the devil who wears prada needed to do was check on her database."
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Anderson glanced a Blythe. "I assume you mean Victoria? I saved her from a cult, because those were my orders. Speaking of that!" He fishes around his pockets and finds the medallion with the Dragon symbol, and the documents he took from the cult and sets them on the bed. "These I took from the cult. Victoria travels with a french man. They tried to kill me."
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Logan turned his attention to Blythe's friend, "Good to meet you Father, and yes, I am Logan Bates." Now turning his attention back toward Blythe, "I've heard of them doing this, but I wasn't even in the hospital at the time... I guess light cameras but I didn't see any when we were riding. But I was half conscious and bleeding out." Logan continued. He listened to what Anderson had to say, "Never trust the Illuminati. They are there for power, nothing else. I had to learn that the hard way... And the Frenchman, his name is Raymond. We had a deal to bring down Victoria, but it seems he f***ed me over." He said, somewhat angered.
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Blythe looked at Anderson and said "Based on what i know, and what Logan has told me of Victoria, Raymond is probably chained to the bottom of the bed." She then looked at the objects bearing the dragon seal and said "These are definatly related to The Dragon... and that means that this cult is working for Dragon..." Click. Again something clicked inside Blythe's head "I just thought... The Illuminati are not terrorists... never have been, never will be... they play the game with money and... and... words... what if everything they told us about them destroying the council was a lie... wouldn't be the first time they have lied to make a point... but a point about what?"
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Logan thought for a moment, "That actually... Yeah, it makes perfect sense. The Illuminati wouldn't dare try to evoke a war, especially with one of the other major societies." Logan said, as he tried sitting up, only to fall back in pain. "Dammit..." Logan said. He hated being inactive, it made him feel useless. "It doesn't look like I'm going anywhere anytime soon. I know you both can handle yourselves, just don't do anything stupid. Alright?" Logan said.
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Blythe was about to say something, when the sound of the door opening, and the distinct clicking of heels could be heard, she turned around and looked at who had just walked in.


It was Victoria, she walked sensually into the room, her head held high, as she walked in her large 6inch heels, she looked at everyone in the room, one hand on her hip. She was wearing a long black fur coat, and the same fishnets from the shoot. "Well, miss Templar here is a clever girl. And Logan, you are correct, seems not everything about us is so different. Of course we didn't attack the Templars, we are clever, not idiots... it was Dragon. And they continue to attack now. We told you it was us to prove who is top dog, only a time a truce goes through, is when we make it... and that is right now."

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