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Logan wanted to get up right then and there to kill Victoria, but if he could barley situp, there was no-way he could take on Victoria. However, if Blythe or Anderson started a fight, she probably was here with a couple of bodyguard for backup. "I'm not like you, and I never will be, you cold hearted *censored*." Logan said coldly. He clenched his knuckles until they turned white. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Victoria laughed "I wasn't talking about you and i. You are a washed up old man with morality troubles. I was talking about the Illuminati now, and back when when you were still with us. As bold as we may get, starting a war will never be on the list..." Victoria paused for a moment, and said "So you didn't die at the hospital then? what a shame. But i am not here to get rid, i am here to offer a truce, to take down the dragon.. after that, point your gun at my head again." Victoria said with a smile. Having already arranged the larger truce with the templar.


Blythe looked at Victoria "A truce?... how the hell do we know you won't just stab us in the back again?"


"You don't, i'm just doing as i'm told, giving you this information." You Victoria said with a pearly white smile.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Logan shook his head, "This has bulls*** all over it!" Logan said in a loud tone. He knew what Victoria was capable of, and lying was one of them. "Blythe, your not seriously thinking about accepting that!" Logan said, again in a loud tone.
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Victoria smiled again and turned to leave "Make up your minds sexy little good guys... Chow!" She said turning with a flick of her hair, leaving the clinic.


Blythe turned and looked at Logan "I don't know... there was nothing to go by on her face... everything was so... blank... is she that calculating?"

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"Blythe... She's manipulating *censored*! Of course she's going to back stab us." Logan began, calming himself down. "We can't do this, if you go with her, then I leave. I will not go down this road only for us to be killed." Logan said seriously.
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Blythe looked at Logan sadly and said "But there was nothing on her face, or her body language to show any signs of lying... but nothing to tell the truth either... i don't know what to think!" Blythe said, now unsure of herself, Victoria's manipulating arts working, even on someone as strong as Blythe. Suddenly Blythe got a call, on her smashed up phone, she picked it up and took the call.


Once it was over she looked at Logan "That... that was the Templar HQ... everything Victoria just said was not a lie... it is Dragon, and the Illuminati grand council have offered a real truce... okay i am sworn to accept if the Templar do... but that doesn't mean we can't use this to keep tabs on Victoria... if she is on our side... well then we will know where she goes, and once the Dragon have been dealt with.. we can shoot her."

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Logan shook his head again. "This is how it starts, you think you can trust them, but just when you think that nothing could happen, they kill you." Logan said, as he ripped out his IV and got up from the bed. The pain was tremendous, but he didn't care. Using the bed for support, than the wall, he made his way to the door. "This is goodbye then." Logan said, as he opened the door. He looked back one more time and stepped outside, and started walking down the hall. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Anderson rose to his full 6 foot 4 inch height. He towered over most people. He turns around slowly, and says, in a voice that was quiet and lethal, "Why should I, or anyone else trust her? The last time I put trust in her she tried to have me KILLED!" Anderson draws his bayonets and throws them into the wall. "What's to stop me killing her? What's to stop her killing us in our sleep? Logan, I agree with you. This has Bullsh*t written all over it. However, since my commander is DEAD, My orders are my own. I cannot decide. You leave. I will keep her safe." He says, jerking his thumb at Blythe.
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Blythe ran after Logan, grabbing him by the throat, and slamming him into the wall "No! this time you are going to listen to me! You will stay, because i am not having a truce! And neither are the Templar, i will see to that, so if you think you can walk away that easily old man, think again!"


Victoria returned to the apartment a few minutes later.

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