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Inheriting category from file name option would be spetacular


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Title says pretty much it all, but I'll try to elaborate a bit more.


Many players rename mod packages with prefixes in order to keep the download folder neatly organized by category and install order, as such:


00. 00 [sKSE] modnamehere.zip

00. 01 [uI] modnamehere.zip

00. 02 [TOOLS] modnamehere.zip

00. 04 [FIXES] modnamehere.zip

01. 00 [TEXTURES] modnamehere.zip

01. 01 [LANDSCAPES] modnamehere.zip

01. 02 [CITIES] modnamehere.zip


Programs like the digital audio workstation Reaper can automate actions by checking file names for predefined tags (in our case a [CATEGORY]) to simplify the process inheriting data from file name, such as categories and other details, which makes life *so* much easier after handling large amounts of files with bulk renaming tools.


I believe a function like this would greatly improve the experience of using Vortex!

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It can also be fetched from Nexus when you download it, and applied to it. I support that idea! Beside of that it would be useful if there is a own file in Vortex which tracks if you changed a category from Nexus to something else, since some patches are under the patches section but you rather want them into the magic category and such, but when you redownload it, it will be overwritten, so it should have a modid table which connects your own presets how you want the categories, maybe even by name like you suggest, not that hard to do actually.

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Exactly ! Would also be great to have an option (unless there already is and I didn't stumble in it yet) to keep the mod named by filename instead of loading whatever name it has in a fomod xml, that drives me nuts.


An automated function for the categorization would be golden, since is pretty common for a mod download directory to have some 200~300 files. That's too many clicks to set categories mod by mod.



1. Select mods, press Refresh Categories

2. Select between Nexus Metadata and Filename Tags

3. Search filenames for tags from existing categories (probably matching whole word and case would be ideal)

4. Move said mods to matching categories


Bulk-rename files to prefix/insert a category in upper case, press refresh and be happy :smile:



edit: To be honest to me the not-loading-fomod-name is even more necessary than the categories, now that I think about it.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump, but any updates on metadata Management on Vortex?, Nexus Mod Manager had at least for categories...


I have around 1000 files in my Oblivion-mods, and I want a easy way to 'retrieve metadata' as html/xml or similar or txt/csv...


for example


untouched file-name or hash or oblivion/mod/id url-id => mod-name, author, description in plain text and tags, category...


Now as 2019-Dic, any proper way to do this?, I prefer native in Vortex than me using Scrapy or similar stuff, to manual-data-scraping


Thanks in advance.

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Sorry to bump, but any updates on metadata Management on Vortex?, Nexus Mod Manager had at least for categories...


I have around 1000 files in my Oblivion-mods, and I want a easy way to 'retrieve metadata' as html/xml or similar or txt/csv...


for example


untouched file-name or hash or oblivion/mod/id url-id => mod-name, author, description in plain text and tags, category...


Now as 2019-Dic, any proper way to do this?, I prefer native in Vortex than me using Scrapy or similar stuff, to manual-data-scraping


Thanks in advance.



One word of warning since you're planning on modding Oblivion with Vortex.


Since there wasn't a mod "Standard" to pack mods for installation, because it was the very early days of mod managers, so most were zipped up any which way, as the intention was for the user to manually install them...

You're not going to be able to just "Download and Install" a LOT of Oblivion mods without extracting and repacking them, or extracting them, then repacking the OPTIONS that you want.


I wrote an article about what I ran into with Oblivion and Vortex.

Vortex and Oblivion, an experiment

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