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Competition: Funniest MW Moment


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Funniest morrowind moment? Hmm...I think it must be that time i drowned fargoth in that little swamp next to his frickin swamp. I punched him in the face then had me chase me down to his little stump where i bashed his face in with my bare hands...he fell down into the water, and for some reason he never stood back up...Guess he must have died gasping for breath while still grasping onto his precious stump. :) albeit empty stump. :D
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In seyda neen a rat attacked me. I freaked out and ran to peligaid. I did a few missions. And continued to balmora. I got involved in the main quest. I was in balmora walking around. And I walked outside of the mages guild. Then whack! The same damn rat from before had followed me to balmora. He gave me yellow tick disease. And none of the guards would touch him.



Also I was running around vivec streaking. I was totally naked and the only thing I had on was a glass helm. I put my speed up to 500 and ran around the temple area. I ran past an ordinater and he did not notice me at first. Then he said AH! What was that!

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Did you immediately attack rubber duckie to trap its little yellow soul?


FYI to Theta Orionis: Dagoth Quackers was, in point of fact, neatly dispatched by my Daedric Mach III - Blade of Gilletteness but not before he cunningly attempted to blind me by throwing Sload Soap in my eyes.


It was a rough morning for Obsidian Shard.

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Once I was in a cave looting it. I came around the corner and say this woman i already had my weapon out so I choped her real good on the head she died. like 3 seconds after she died she said, "YOU SHALL DIE!". I got scared that she might have cursed me but nothin happened so jus went on my way looting the cave.
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Ok this is more of a quest I did and I'm sure many have also done. It starts out I'm exploring the glorious sewers of Vivic and I see this Orc so I jump over and talk with them but they try and attack me so I slay them in a hit or two and decide to check out the door she was guarding. I go inside and find a shrine of a daedric god. I clean out the place and decide to click on the statue and it speaks to me of its insanity and of mine! It tells me to go out and seek a crazed hermit to the far north and there get from him a fork to slay a giant netch with. I think to myself "what am I stupid? A god telling me to go find a fork and kill a netch???" So I end up heading out to Dagon Fel then traveling onward to this small island and there I find this insane, as the god told me, argonian. He speaks of cake and his master and of a grand-daddy netch that brings him cake and how the master does not. So I speak with him of the fork and so he tells me to take it and so I travel onward. But you see I didn't really get the netch part and went off killing every netch in the region without a bit of magic for spellcasting with a giant steak fork! Then finally going back I got that he said out his door which ment to the east. So I head outward and find the netch and slay it with the fork after a long battle. Then I travel back and get a pleasant reward. But just as I do, I have a CTD...If that doesn't cause one to go insane who knows what will.
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quite an amusing glitch-- onb the unpatched bloodmoon, my chaacter was a werewolf, and decided to go for a spot of vampire huntin :D


so there i am, slayin the buggers, andsomehow managet to catch polymorphic hemophillia, without my knowladge


3 nights later, i have a dream, and am a vampire


now, i cant go out during the day, because i am a vampire, and the sun hurts me, and at ight i am a were wolf, so everyone, including my vampire knsme attack me *d'oh*


also, using the altr outside the temple in vivec(the lavitate one) i got the spell, and left my character pointing directly up, and hit q


i left it, until it finally ran out, and lo and behold, when it finally did, i fell for five solid hours!!!

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One time i was playing the Werewolves mod by The Lys, and as per usual i was runnin away from one of his bouncing canines when suddenly, i turned round and it had seemed to have dissapeared, but the "Grrrr" quotes were still coming up at the bottom of the screen , after looking round for a secon i found it thrashing about helplessly in the tree above me... :blink:


It seemed to have had a clipping bug and gotten stuck at the top of the trunk, where the branches start...

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This just happened to me 2 minutes ago. :lol:


I get contracted by this rich dudes wife, to follow him and see if he's cheating on her. So, I find the guy as he's leaving the local bar and follow him for a while. Sure enough, he meets up with this other woman. Before things can progress, and haunt my dreams, I interrupt. The guy just blows me off, but the woman goes ballistic, forcing me to kill her in self-defense! However, this greatly aggravates the guy who now goes ballistic!


I figure I should probably confer with his wife before I do anything, so I take off running back to their mansion, with the guy hot on my trail. Reaching the mansion, I quickly bound upstairs towards the door, figuring the guy will chase me all the way in. Wrong! Just before I get to the door, he yelps out, "Let me live!" and takes off down the stairs and around the corner. :lol:


I gave chase and followed him ALL the way across the plaza to the far wall, whch he kept trying to squeeze himself through.



P.S. Maybe I'll turn clipping off and see how far he goes before stopping. :P

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