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Perth WA Stories #2


Looking out over the central business district of the city, at the few big skyscrapers there, shows that it is both a city of note and yet only a smaller one. There is not the forest of towers that can be easily noted in bigger cities.


A helicopter flies overhead. It is alone in the great blue sky except for a scattering of white clouds. It is a very warm, but not hot, summers day by local standards.


The population of the city is expanding fairly quickly, according to the news people, but not visibly so from my point of view. I do not see people dropping into the city by parachute or popping up out of the ground. Perhaps this is for the best.


There is a terrible storm coming and the city, the people of the city, are not prepared for the destructive forces to come.


The city seems so solid, so permanent, but I know better but what can I do? None will listen to my warnings or the warnings of others who also foresee coming disaster.



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Posted here is a reposted episode and a new episode.




The Curse of Quamaire
One 51.1[51]{51}


It was SazaTentacular, the great undead devouring creature dwelling close to the Network-Towers, who gave warning that another great monster was coming their way. It also was once an ancient tentacular but SazaTentacular could not quite tell what it was except that it was neither alive or undead. With it came a great swarm of lesser tentaculars that had also been transformed in the same way as the one that they served. The puzzle was that there was no sense of threat about the newcomers.


It was to be hoped that the newcomers brought assistance and not more threats.


The Curse of Quamaire
One 52.1[52]{52}


The new, giant tentacular, was unlifen as were the damphirs and yet it was also part quasiliving machine like some bizarre cyborg. It came quick, for its size, and with it were other cyborg unlifen tentaculars of smaller size, most being very much smaller. With them came unlifen damphirs and other forms of unlifen, some being strange cyborgs as was MechaTentacular. Yet the biggest surprise were the Ayleid, Dwemer and Aldmer amongst them along with other Mer of unknown types. There were also humans, hybrids, beastfolk and animals of many kinds from battlebeasts to riding mounts and more. There were also many Dwemer type machines including transports, humanoids and other things of many purposes.


Through SazaTentacular it was learned that MechaTentacular was an ancient weapon created by the Dwemer, Ayleid and Aldmer to fight against the twisted Azezizozu and Zynemer when the three peoples broke three from the Merlink and the Great Enemy.


Through SazaTentacular it was also learned, confirmed, that the great undead tentacular was not the real Great Enemy but something created by the Great Enemy as a monstrous weapon and decoy from the real threat. Yet it, and its army of undead, was still a major threat that had to be dealt with.


An agreement was formed and it was decided that the MechaTentacular Forces would ally themselves to the Network-Towers based forces to fight against the 'False Great Enemy'. At the same time efforts would be combined to seek out the True Great Enemy for the newcomers feared it much more than they did the False Great Enemy despite the monstrous power of the great undead tentacular.

Edited by Maharg67
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The Curse of Quamaire
One 53.1[53]{53}


StarMarshal Drake Septum led his large military expedition into the Network-Towers area. Aratoron, and Tooze, fighters were with the main force as Auxiliaries. There were also others of many specialisations Septum, as the Eternal Warrior, had summoned up assistance in the form of flesh elementals of combat, of magecraft and other specialisations along with flesh elemental fighting, and riding, creatures.


With so many forces gathering to deal with the False Great Enemy, it would have been easy to become over confident except that the more that was learned about the great undead tentacular, the more troubling was the scenario that they faced.


Drake Septum met the leadership, already established, in the great caverns and it was not long before he had improved defensive, and counter offensive, plans. CaembraZiv, for all of his great experience and skills, had to admit that the Eternal Warrior was far greater as a commander. Instead of being hurt of pride, CaembraZiv quietly observed and was soon learning much. He quickly became aware that Drake Septum was teaching him, as he was others, even as he improved plans.


Stranger news was yet to come! A message came from the large daedric force but the surprise was that it was requesting an alliance to be formed against the False Great Enemy. Yet that was not the oddest aspect of the message!

Edited by Maharg67
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The Curse of Quamaire
One 54.1[54]{54}


The daedric message was from MehrunesDagon, being one of the Sixteen Daedric Princesses known of in the Septum Empire and much else of Tamriel. MehrunesDagon, like his kind, was loath to give up secrets but the message warned that the True Great Enemy was an ancient Daedric Deity once known as the Daedric King AristaKura. That there was such a entity as a 'Daedric King' surprised most, but not all, of the leaders. Neither Drake Septum (Eternal Warrior) or the Quatirans were surprised and neither truly believed that AristaKura was really the True Great Enemy.


The message gave just a short description of how AristaKura had become a twisted thing of undeath. AristaKura had been an unwise monarch, greedy and arrogant even by daedric standards; he had also been beset by dark, twisted, addictions. In the end the Daedric Queen had led a great attack on AristaKura but in the battle she, and other Grand Daedra, had been so damaged they had retired into deep self exile in their own Oblivion Realms.


Drake Septum sat at a big table with other leaders, along with consultants and personal assistants. Guards stood at the walls. He spoke. "The True Eternals have long learned that AristaKura was set up as a False Great Enemy, by the True Great Enemy. In the case of the former Daedric King, neither he or other Grand Daedra seem to suspect the truth. Yet this may not be the case for the Grand Daedra are nothing if not deceptive, though some are less so than others."


MehrunesDagon was more blunt than others but also secretive in some ways; yet he was not the grand manipulator that some of the Sixteen Princes were infamous for being.


Drake Septum spoke again. "Daedric Queen SeceptiKura was always known to be one of the most canniest of the Grand Daedra but she was also one of the wisest, like the Daedric Princess Azura. We True Eternals do not know just how much influence that the Daedric Queen now has over the 16 Daedric Princes; perhaps her influences varies with individual princesses."


The meeting continued but soon was discussing the daedric force and what could be done to form a safe, efficient, alliance with them.

Edited by Maharg67
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Stopping, Just Stopping!


Now and then,

I just stop doing what I normally do

I just stop thinking what I normally think

I just stop feeling what I normally feel

and gain, briefly, a different perspective on

... my life

... my world

... my awareness of...


And I try, in a sense, to start all over again!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I do this often,i started in my 30's when depressed and annoyed with my life, i packed up a small backpack,paid my rent for two months and hitched around the country living as a homeless person.I didn't tell anyone i was leaving which in hindsight was a bad idea for my family had the police looking for me and when i returned i had a lot of explaining to do Hehe.Even small changes like changing where you sleep helps to break patterns.

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gandalftw, thanks for the positive feedback. Awareness is what we often seek but also inner peace, even if we do not know it.

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Too often I have not lived in the moment

lacking true awareness of my existence

lacking true self awareness

too often struggling to gain such

when struggling to gain such is self defeating

and letting go is the only true path to such gains.

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