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Zombies from the Sky: Eighteen

Was One 7.1[7]{9}

One 15.1[15]{18}


The animal-humans sent scouts, hunters, to quietly observe the monstrous former captain, of the SS Bravenis, the tramp-steamer he had come to know well and to love in his own way. The monstrous humanoid pretended to be unaware of the smallish, sneaky, humanoids but could smell them well enough. Yet he knew well enough, could 'sense' it, that there was something more powerful in the area; it was a lifeform that could truly threaten him.


As if 'sensing' he was not really a threat to him, some of the animamans dropped fruit off for him to eat, even briefly showing themselves at first. By the end of the second day he was sitting with some of the odd variety of creatures, having limited but interesting conversations. He gained valuable information but some things they feared to talk of.


Early on, with the conversations, he confirmed what he 'sensed' about the island; that it was more than just an island. As it was the visitors had spotted an even bigger island in the distance, though the one they were on was very big. They had also spotted some signs of other newcomers to the island but gave not enough clues to say if they were also from the tramp-steamer.


The animans led him around the area, showing him incredibly ancient artefacts of metallic stone. All were shaped as four sided pyramids, spheres or cubes being often part buried into ground or even into hard rock. The former captain had always seen himself as a practical oriented man but even he could 'sense' the exotic, ageless, feel of the artefacts and was awed by it.


From the start of his life, with the animans, he began to assist them with his enhance physical abilities, his many skills and his life long experience; this involved more than just being captain of a tramp-steamer for he was a former navy sailor and dock worker. He was also good at whittling, playing a basic wooden flute and doing a few basic domestic tasks from sowing to cooking and more.


It was the metallic stone chamber that surprised him the most. The very big space had lighting in the form of glowcrystal spheres melded to the ceiling, water flowing down slanted channels, and alcove chambers of heating, healing, cooling along with other odd effects.


At one end were massive metallic statues, of great cat like animals, sitting back on their haunches or stretched out on their legs and bellies. They were cat like but the males had no manes but had horns. It was clearly easy to see what were males and what were females.


A dispenser cube gave out a variety of foam substances that the animans had learned to use in a wide variety of ways but which the former captain suspected were meant for more refined uses than those. Still, the animans were being practical and, to the man, that was good. He would soon be showing them other uses that they could put the foams to.


Captain ManMonster, as the animans came to fondly call him, sat with his back to a metallic stone wall where he observed a variety of animans working with dispenser cube foams, and natural materials, to make up foods and handy items.


An animan child was curled up in his lap, sleeping, and he held another in his arms. Despite his appearance he had always been fond of children and gentle with them.


Adult animans were using foams, and a kind of bamboo along with tough grass stems, to make him a cleverly designed mattress but one far bigger than any that they had made before; it was thicker, wider and longer to fit his great body and to make him more comfortable. Realising he could think of no worthwhile improvements, he remained humbly quiet, which was not easy for him to do.

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Zombies from the Sky: Nineteen

Was One 7a

One 16.1[16]{19}


She, the Oracle, who was once the loyal immortal daughter of Professor Frankenstein, viewed Captain ManMonster through her mindeye, in a faded fashion, and was pleased with what she observed. The same was true of her visions of the arrivals, who had come in two life boats. She was happy with the strange creature that had come out of the ocean, using its tentacles to move up the beach and through dunes. It had met with somebody she loved, and trusted, and who befriended it very quickly.


Yet there were a few events taking place that she was not at all pleased by, hints of more troubles to come, that she could only distance view with extreme care. For she had gained powerful enemies when she had turned upon her father, when she had become a damphir though not by choice, when she had refused to ally herself with new power factions or the traditional ones. That is five factions all together, two being traditional and two being new while one was strange and hard to classify. There was no possibility of being an ally with the last faction for it was beyond such things.


The Oracle had difficult decisions to make, and risky plans to carry out, but was determined to protect her people. This was made more difficult by strong hints that the factions, the power balance between them, was changing though she had no real details yet of the situation.


On top of that her sister was coming with a big convoy of refugees. All would be welcome and also would make good allies against any possible threats and troubles.


Yet she also had to continue to serve her people as best she could.

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Zombies from the Sky: Twenty

New Episode

One 17.1[17]{20}


The Cragigula had gained reavers, damphirs, animans and other entities along with a few animal drawn wagons, electric motorised carts and other vehicles. Some vehicles were crowded but none walked now. They were moving beneath the sea and were approaching Freedom Island. The Oracle had sent people to join her and resources to assist the group though she did not have any great abundance of the latter.


Now they were paused at an ancient artefact site and were taking resources from both dispenser cubes and vendor cubes. Varied forms of foam, backpacks filled with other items, blankets, travel food rations, concentrated healing serums and more would assist. Many gained automatic tradecredit to use with the ancient artefacts.


None had yet discovered the reason how the items were provided or why they were; nor had anybody discovered why the particular lists of items were offered.


Another convoy of refugees arrived, many being demihumans such as elves, gnomes and wozzles. They quickly joined the first one and also took items from the ancient alien artefacts along with fresh water from ancient water channels.


Salisha, the GrandPriestess, and others 'sensed' approaching danger and so they moved out fairly quickly but only after gaining some off vehicle time for most of the lifeforms in the column.

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The Curse of Quamaire

I am taking a break from writing this story so as to re-examine it and improve it for future posts.

I have also decided to focus on less stories at any one time; if you want a particular story focused or if you like, or do not like this idea, please give feedback.

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Not This Earth

I am taking a break from writing this story so as to re-examine it and improve it for future posts.

I have also decided to focus on less stories at any one time; if you want a particular story focused or if you like, or do not like this idea, please give feedback.

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Doctor Who!? Escape

I am taking a break from writing this story so as to re-examine it and improve it for future posts.

I have also decided to focus on less stories at any one time; if you want a particular story focused on or if you like, or do not like this idea, please give feedback.

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DC Madness

I am taking a break from writing this story so as to re-examine it and improve it for future posts.

I have also decided to focus on less stories at any one time; if you want a particular story focused on or if you like, or do not like this idea, please give feedback.

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