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A poem for thee, my silver tongued wench,

For a thirst in me thou does quench.


Those peasants gaze at thee with admiration,

Though for me thou art a muse of inspiration.

Their compliments thou should not seek,

For see how uninspired they all speak.


All uninspired, all but one,

Myrmaad, a poem she had done.

short, simple and bound,

Myrmaad's is the onlyone found.


Now I shall cease this ranting and slander,

For thou shall have my attention with no banter.

Thou with silken lips and silver tongue,

In thine name songs shall be sung.


Here thou gets quite some renown,

To other lass's dispare,

Let thine name be well-known,

And the winds shall whisper...









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indeed I am honored!


I walk the


I stare at

the door,

Wondering,do you

love her more?


Does she make

you happy?

Set your heart



Is she better

in bed?

Does she make

you squeal with



Does her touch

fulfill you?

Are you with

her tonight?


Does she taste

of sweetness?

oh,the nectar

of love!


Does her ability

to please you,

make you rock

and quake?

Have you forsaken


left me in your wake?


Does my body

not please you?

does it not

tremble at your



Was I just a


Did I love to



I pace the


stare at the


Am I a thing

of the past?

Or am I nothing

to you...at all?


The Chronicles of Sticks

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Am I so truely

hard to see?

Do your eyes



Do my looks make

you timid?

Find the words hard

to say.


Do you take me

to bed nightly?

Caress me in

your dreams?


Do you fantasize

being inside me,

and revelling in

my screams?


Do you wonder how

I feel, my taste,

my touch,my kiss?


Can you picture us

together, in happiness

and bliss?


Do you see me

in your thoughts?

Do I fill up your

spare time?


Do you want

to hear me say,

"I love you",

and that you

are mine?


Am I so truely

hard to see?

Do your eyes


Am I so unobtainable,

why do you

stay away?


The Chronicles of Sticks

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wow Dezi your good, if only I had 1/10 your skill I'd be one happy poet.

Regardless I've always thought an artist should display their work for better or worse so here I go.


-> all systems on.




Multi-colored glitters in her hair,

fluttering wildly in the sweet-sweet air.


Flashing brightly into the deep red sun,

coursing lightly in the sky.


Wrapping in around her in gentle grace,

not a one out of place.


Moving in silently,

reflecting in the air the love they shared.


I wrote this poem a few years ago before I stopped writing poetry due to various life problems I was having.

It's not the only poem I wrote though. :D

- Raz

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Thank you Dezi , for your compliment.


Hmm....descriptive way with words, your not the only one to have mentioned that one. :biggrin:


what I feel at the time or to help me deal with emotions, you mean like this one.




I twitch at the thought of your baleful disguise.


Wrapping around me like a cloak of despair that I never knew existed in my heart.


Trying to erase you from my memory,

for your baleful disregard for my feelings of what we were.


Keeping my head low,

trying to stay invisible from your piercing gaze drilling into me,

killing me.


Driving me insane with your non-stop hate to create a love that could not wait to end.


- Raz

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