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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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Doom did me in! The wife had one of those cheapo plastic chairs at the computer, since no one really used it much. I was laid off for a few weeks, and made the horrible mistake of downloading the DOOM Demo.( It took over 8 hours to download a few MBs!) As soon as I got the hang of that game, I had to have it! I also broke the back out of two or three of those chairs before we figured out to get a real desk chair.


Now that I'm retired, I am a gaming fanatic.

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I bought an IBM XT and it came with a magazine subscription. The magazine came every two months and included a 5-1/4" disk from a company called Big Blue. The first disk I got contained a couple of computer programs and a game called Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. While I liked playing the game, it was text based and a bit awkward to play, but I did play it and it got me interested in playing games on a computer, but I wasn't all that hooked. The game that got me hooked was a few years later after I got a PC with an Intel 80286 processor, VGA card and a whopping 20 meg hard drive loaded with Windows 3.0. The game was Hard Nova. Still play it using a DOS emulator.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Warcraft 2 for me played DOS games (Like Golden Axe and Commander Keen) before that but after getting a 486 and getting Warcraft 2 I spent so much time on that, played the campaign through many times then got into the map editor spending hundreds of hours lagging the computer with large battles, which then got me into map making/modding later on.

Edited by CraftySentinel
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  • 1 month later...

The First Computer Game i ever Played was Apple Trek, it was on a Apple ii in 1979.

A friend of mine was a Salesman for Apple, who had his demo at home, and when i visited over a weekend he let me play ALL WEEKEND !!!!

I was glued to the com, i did not move, they joked about it and brought me food.

Later my Friend told me he had told all the guys at Apple, and they voted me to be the Champion of Trek :)

That was in Semi Valley Cal, and I have been Hooked ever since.

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If you ask me, it would be Star Wars Battlefront 2.. Pretty much enjoyed it in the PSP even if its glitched or bugged.., still cant get one on PC :'(


Why can't you get Battlefront 2 on PC? I think it's like $10 on Steam.

Personally I would recommend Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron on the PSP. Imho, it's the best of the Battlefronts and includes a lot of what was supposed to be in Battlefront 3, like linked ground and space battles, higher unit counts, and a more polished campaign.


The first Star Wars Battlefront was probably what got me addicted to gaming. I played it splitscreen with my brother all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me it was back when I first got a Mega Drive in the 90s, and I got Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage 2 with it. Now I liked Sonic, but Streets of Rage 2 blew my mind. The over the top violence, design, music, everything, I fell in love with it and to this day I still feel this informs quite a bit of what I like in videogames (and why Dragons Crown is the GOTYAY for me, lol)

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  • 2 months later...

It depends on the year

1989 - Contra (Woooo)

1994 - SimClassics (mostly City/Farm)

1996 - Civ 2, SimCity 2000

1999 - Starcraft, SimCity 3000

2001 - Rollercoaster Tycoon

2003 - SimCity 4, Warcraft 3


So I'd say the SimCity series, or any game that lets me build stuff.

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