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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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Ice Climber, Kung Fu, Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt for the NES. I loved playing those games as a kid and my gaming career definitely started there. I have such fond memories of Super Mario Bros; the music and the sound when you pick up a coin. Yeah, it definitely started there :)



In recent years I´ve had a couple re-egnitions in Deus Ex and Oblivion. Two games I was more addicted to than breathing :P

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For me, my gaming addiction started with 3 games: spelling jungle, incredible toon machine, and myth the fallen lords. Those games are awesome when i was a child. I still play incredible toon machine. Too good to let it go.
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Ultima 7: The Black Gate started it all for me. I remember it was a summer after grade school. I spend so many hours on it back in early '90. And then even more on Serpent Isle which was my personal favorite of the two. I never recuperated.

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1987's 'Rocky' for the Sega Master System got me hooked. I played many other games before that but never really got hooked.

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Hand's down tempest I must have spent so many quarters, and then won quite a bit of money from bets, my highest score was 521,778 i think, I was certainly not the best but I was pretty good, I hope. hell i met my wife in an arcade, I think it was arnolds, she mopped the floor with me... and we have been together ever since, wow... I am so old... I never thought back then that this is what gaming would be capable of... but damn I am lucky to have the best wife to experience it with.

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Defender. There was something wrong with the machine in the local cafe, you put 10p in and it fell straight though to the rejected coin thing and the game started, played for many hours on that for free.

hah you should have seen what the machine did one day... I put in the money, and out came all the change, it did that 4 times in that month... hilarious, and slightly profitable, but we got busted and they well they let us keep the errant change to use in their arcade, it was great, then they came up with this idea to make the machines do it at certain times and the person who collected the most in ten seconds got to keep what they got albeit behind the counter though it was successful.

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