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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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I remember playing Sonic on SEGA when I was a kid, then, DOOM on my dad's pc, GTAIII, Soldier of Fortune & SSX on PS2.

After that I get my first PC, I played GTA SA, Vice City, Half Life 2 and the most important, the greatest, the magnificent, the awesome TES IV: Oblivion ! He was making suffer my poor PC ahah.

And more others... :happy:

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I was a filthy casual from 2002-2007, playing halo or kotor a few hours every week maybe every second week.



But mass effect 1, the title that I got for free with my 360. first week I poured maybe 100 hours into it.

and that continued for months and months, even after the first 6-7 month high wore off I still played at least 10 hours a week.


Up until mass effect 2 came out, then that sent me into pc gaming and opened up the entire world of fallout and the elder scrolls.

And now I'm here with 600 hours in skyrim, 900 in fallout NV, 50 in fallout 3, 90 in fallout 4, 2023 in garry's mod, and around 9 thousand hours total in all 4 mass effect games....



All thanks to mass effect 1, my second favorite game ever.

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