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Place Everywhere: How do I grab a foundation now?


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I'm at Sunshine Tidings Co-Op.


I am repurposing the long, thin warehouse along the perimeter of the settlement—the one with the shack in the back.


I thought Place Everywhere would give me finer control over moving things such as entire foundations. You know how a foundation will drop several feet into the ground when you select it? I had hoped I would be able to raise and lower the thing more precisely with the keyboard, as the mouse tends to add all sorts of movement along the other two axis.


But Place Everywhere does not work like that, does it? It allows you to nudge just one little item you have highlighted, but not selected—not an entire foundation or building, correct?

Edited by SirGalahad
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Holding the "E" key for longer will select all self-built items that are connected so that you can move the whole kaboodle around. Once you've dropped everything, finetuning is again done for just a single piece. I always rebuild the hangar with the pic-nic tables. You only need to scrap one foundation block and put a new one in place as close as possible to the existing ones. Once that's done (finetuning is done with the arrows on the numpad; how much you want to move an object with one mouse-click is set by the "*" key (larger increments) and the "/" key (smaller increments) you can scrap the rest of the foundation blocks to replace 'em. The increments are 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100. If you're trying to work with the existing blocks: good luck and commiserations, as the original pieces won't snap.


F1 to F4 are on/off snap settings for complete grid, floors, etc. Numpad 1 and 3 are for making objects smaller or larger in 10% increments, 7 and 8 are for moving objects closer or away from you. The "ins" key is for selecting extra scrappables. Is nice in combination with F5 which lets youy walk outside the build perimeter without being kicked out of the WorkShop so you can scrap trees that are outside the build perimeter but prevent you from building walls right at the edge of a settlement.


Rotating objects is done with left and right mouse clicks while the left "ctrl" key determines the axe, x, y or z, for horizontal, vertical or lateral rotation


Can't remember what the other keys are, off the the top of my head...

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Holding the "E" key for longer will select all self-built items that are connected so that you can move the whole kaboodle around. Once you've dropped everything, finetuning is again done for just a single piece.


Right. There's the rub, as I hoped the mod allowed for fine movement of larger grouped items, such as a foundation. As it stands, group selecting a bunch of items, such as a building or foundation, causes said items to plunge deep into the ground. Moving them back up with a mouse is clumsy as hell to begin with, but is all the worse as you are often too close to see what you're doing clearly enough.


I suppose the solution is to pick that one key foundation block and move it around by itself, then re-snap the rest of the foundation to it. Sound about right?

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Holding the "E" key for longer will select all self-built items that are connected so that you can move the whole kaboodle around. Once you've dropped everything, finetuning is again done for just a single piece.


Right. There's the rub, as I hoped the mod allowed for fine movement of larger grouped items, such as a foundation. As it stands, group selecting a bunch of items, such as a building or foundation, causes said items to plunge deep into the ground. Moving them back up with a mouse is clumsy as hell to begin with, but is all the worse as you are often too close to see what you're doing clearly enough.


I suppose the solution is to pick that one key foundation block and move it around by itself, then re-snap the rest of the foundation to it. Sound about right?


That the whole selection sinks into the ground or jumps back and forth (or up and down, if you like) has to do with "resistance" from other layers like sand and rocks. The game "senses" there's something already there and wants to prevent you from adding something as large and deep as a foundation block. That's where the F2 key comes in. That key (when in workshop mode) turns off surface snapping which allows you to aim better and deposit items at a height/depth of your own choice without the object jumping up and down or disappearing underground altogether. You'll have to play around with the F1, F2, F3 and F4 keys while in workshop mode to check the different behaviors of items under different F-key combinations .


But the way I do it is indeed adding a "key" foundation block and snap the rest to that when I'm happy with the orientation of that first block. If it turns out to be not rightly orientated, then I scrap everything and start anew.

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